Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘In August ARISE! Move from your holding position.’ I saw a shuffling and a shaking taking place, things beginning to move and be removed by the hand of the Lord and I saw many in the ‘wings of waiting.’ As we moved into August, I saw an august rush of His fierce wind blow, and it began to shake and shift things: and suddenly those that were in the ‘wings of waiting’ were being called upon. I then heard the Lord say: ‘Do not be perturbed by what your eyes see in August. For great shall be the moving and the shaking. Great shall… continue >>>
Hezekiah: The Art of Thanksgiving
Nothing brings out gratefulness like a reprieve from imminent death.
When King Hezekiah of Judah, a good and godly king, heard from the prophet Isaiah that he was about to die, he immediately turned to the God he had faithfully served. He begged God for an extension of life—and the Lord granted him an additional 15 years. When Hezekiah learned that the Lord would lengthen his life, he did what any godly leader would do: He thanked and praised his God. Upon his recovery, he wrote to the Lord a poem of thanksgiving and praise for the good he had done.
As the godly king meditated on God’s goodness, he realized that the Lord had used even his sickness for his good. In verse 17 he wrote, “Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish”—the same sentiment expressed many years before by his revered ancestor, David: “It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees” (Ps 119:71).
Hezekiah’s hymn of gratitude not only thanked the Lord for sparing his life, it also expressed his commitment to “sing with stringed instruments all the days of our lives” (Isa 38:20). He realized that expressing gratitude to God ought to be more than a onetime event; it must be a lifestyle.
Taken from The NIV Maxwell Leadership Bible.
YES!! Jessica Tarlov STORMS OFF Set after Gutfeld Gives her BRUTAL REALITY CHECK About Kamala LIVE!
"A Breaker's Reward for Those Who Stay Standing" - Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA - Aug 10, 2024
This is a word for some of you who are weary of keeping up "the good fight." You've been in a constant survival mode and feeling depleted of any spiritual grit or passion. You're beginning to wonder what you're doing wrong.
Perhaps you've thought that you've needed to pray more, fast more, or discover some new strategy for combating the endless attacks against your health and well-being. You've probably entertained feelings of failure and even wondered if you've disappointed God because of your seeming inability to overcome the distractions and setbacks.
But, instead of beating yourself up for not being more spiritually mature or zealous in the fight, take another look. Consider another perspective. Consider the power you carry when you simply determine to not back down from what God has already said. It may not be about doing more, but actually less. Consider the possibility that instead of losing a battle, you are actually winning one. continue >>>
The War of Our Lifetime - Now - Jon Voight
"Fear is the Mind-Killer"
PsyWar and the Existential Fear of Death
I spoke at the Mises Institute on PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order through psychological warfare on August 1, 2024.
Economics is at the center of it all.
Now I find that economics is what is driving politics. Now I find that it is the markets that are defining the New World Order. It is defining what political reality is. It is defining what the acceptable range of politics is.
Essentially, it is the Overton window.
-Dr. Robert Malone
The video of that lecture is below:
An excerpt from the talk:
Read more: "Fear is the Mind-Killer" PsyWar and the Existential Fear of Death...
Sorry, Not Sorry: Olympics Organizers Have No Shame
A NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER: When the Olympic organizers and others on the Left use the term ‘inclusive,’ they mean prioritizing those who have contempt for Christianity.
Publisher's NoteThe key to “apologizing” without really apologizing is to use the word if, as in, “If I’ve offended you, I’m deeply sorry.”
Most of us have first-hand experience with this technique — on the giving and receiving ends. It has a 100% failure rate. What’s more, it generally makes the offended party feel even more aggrieved.
continue >>>The Mystery Behind The Trump Assassination Attempt | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic
"A Counter PSYOP: Things Are Not as They Appear" - Andrew Whalen, Peoria, Illinois - Aug 2, 2024
[Editor's note: Below are the notes that Andrew Whalen shared from during his recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage you to read through them and watch the episode right here.]
"The Counter PSYOP"
PSYOP DEFINITION: "...operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their motives and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and large foreign powers" (
The satanic use of PSYOPS began in the Garden of Eden, and has continued to be utilized to this day.
In the Garden of Eden, satan used suggestion to manipulate doubt in God's word. This doubt was reinforced when satan used lies that established a need for solution in the minds of Adam and Eve. His solution to their perceived problem was to do the very thing God said not to do! continue >>>
New footage from Trump assassination attempt shows figure moving on roof before gunfire
To love God is to have faith in Him and to obey Him. Obedience here is key.
During the period Jesus describes, false prophets will appear and direct people away from God. Those who allow themselves to be swayed will stop recognizing His authority, following His instructions, and conforming to Him. It’s this lack of obedience that will result in relationships with God to suffer and the love for Him to grow cold.
Why the Love of Many Will Grow Cold continue >>>
"Get Ready for a One-Day Shift!" - Andrew Towe, Chattanooga, TN - Aug 1, 2024
While I was praying for something very specific involving my ministry, I heard the Lord say, "You are about to see what I can do in one day! What you could not make happen in years or even decades, I will bring it to pass suddenly. Get ready for a swift leap forward in My plans for you. I am redeeming the time and restoring the years.
"You are presently experiencing labor pains of My words being birthed into the physical realm. The pain of transition is tangible. The enemy has attempted to convince you that it's too late, and has 'lured' you to give up. Don't quit! The pain is changing into power. The break is turning into breakthrough. Hold on! You're on the verge of seeing nations move and economies shift. Supernatural turnarounds are taking place, and they will occur rapidly. It won't be long now." continue >>>