Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Don’t stop at the gate,’ and immediately I knew He was speaking about a threshold. He began to show me so many that are facing increased warfare in this hour, and have been feeling quite discouraged over the battle.

As I leaned in and listened, I heard the Lord say:

‘Don’t stop at the gate. Keep moving. Push. Don’t stop at the gate — that’s the intent of the enemy to keep you from entering the gate. I am bringing you into a new land and you must continue to move. I am mobilising you and moving you forward in great momentum, and the enemy is coming after your momentum and your movement. For I say unto you that you will not miscarry that which I have promised you. You must continue to build your faith in this hour. You must encourage yourself in Me and feast upon our history. You must feast upon My faithfulness, for I am taking you into a wide open space of movement. There is a greater expanse of what I am bringing you into in this hour, where you will begin to move with Me in multiple streams in greater ways. For the pressing at the gate is because of the movement and the streams of My Spirit that I will have you move in: some new and unfamiliar and in others I am increasing the momentum, but you MUST NOT STOP.   continue >>>

August 21, 2024 Know Your Enemy - Karen & Kevin Hardin

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 ESV

This verse makes it clear that our enemy is a spiritual one from the kingdom of darkness. As the above verse points out, there are different levels or ranks of authority in that kingdom, just like in the Kingdom of God and in earthly armies.

Low-level ranked enemies easily control non-believers and even immature Christians. Spiritual maturity isn't based on the number of years you have been a Christian, but on your knowledge of the Word of God and your understanding of your identity in His kingdom. When we know who we are in Christ and our calling in His kingdom, we are a much greater threat to the enemy. There will be greater forces needed in an attack on such a believer compared to the forces needed to attack a young believer or a non-believer. 

Aug 21 Week 34 - Life in the New Covenant, Part 33 - Rick Joyner

      We have been reduced to a world that now has only one hope that can keep us from the worst tyranny in history: a revival and an awakening that surpasses all previous ones. We need for the Lord to move as He has not done on the earth before, and that is what He plans to do.

      We need the greatest revival because we have fallen to the ultimate depravity—“calling evil good and good evil” and “honoring the dishonorable and dishonoring the honorable” (see Isaiah 5). As the book of Isaiah continues, this will cause the anger of the Lord to burn, and our God, who is a “consuming fire,” will burn throughout the earth consuming the “wood, hay, and stubble,” but purifying the “gold, silver, and precious stones.”

      The biblical prophets called this “the great and terrible day of the Lord.” It will be great for those who love the Lord and seek to live lives that are pleasing to Him. It will be a day of unprecedented darkness and dread for those who love the darkness and serve evil.   continue >>>

Beyond Scandal - Christopher F. Rufo - Aug 20, 2024

The 2024 presidential campaign invites a sense of realism.

Every presidential campaign opens with a controversy and closes with a scandal. Faced with this prospect, some observers feel disgust, others stoically accept it as the way of the world, and still others approach it with a Machiavellian delight. They see mudslinging and coarseness as the substance that drives great political drama. 

The 2024 presidential election, between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, is no different. Vice President Harris began her political career through a high-profile affair with the powerful San Francisco politico Willie Brown. Her husband, Doug Emhoff, cheated on his first wife with their children’s nanny, whom he subsequently impregnated. Harris’s running mate, Minnesota governor Tim Walz, has embellished his military service to the point that some critics have accused him of “stolen valor.” And since becoming the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, Harris has changed her positions on multiple issues. 

These scandal archetypes were once enough to torpedo, or at least damage, presidential campaigns of men like Gary Hart and John Kerry. No longer.

Former president Trump, too, has survived a protracted sequence of personal scandals. His romantic life has splashed through the tabloids for decades, with multiple marriages, accusations of infidelity and womanizing, and an alleged tryst with a pornographic actress. His political scandals as president included impeachment; after leaving the White House, they have included indictment, arrest, and conviction—incidents with no historical precedent.     continue >>>

"The Infinity Signet Ring & Realm of Multiplication" - Rosangela Atte, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - Aug 20, 2024

A Series of Three Dreams

The Lord has been speaking to me about "the realm of infinity" and how to operate within it to bring about multiplication. Let me explain by relaying to you what He has been revealing to me through three dreams that He gave me over a seven-day period.

My First Dream:

In my first dream, I saw the word August in the sky. It was made of light, and it slowly started dissipating. Before it disappeared completely, the number eight (8) appeared. As I looked at it, it slowly started flipping to the left, making a 90-degree turn, forming the infinity symbol (∞). Then it began to glow in a bright blue fluorescent light. Then the dream ended.

My Second Dream:

In this dream, I was standing and wearing a crown and a regal mantle. An angel came to me and placed a gold signet ring on my ring finger. As I looked at the ring, I realized it had the infinity symbol engraved in it.

My Third Dream:

In my third dream, I saw an army of angels on my left, all neatly standing in rows. They were wearing armor and wielding different weapons, as if they were ready for battle. I asked the Lord who they were, and He said, "Army, army's basket, limitlessness."   continue >>>

Alane Haynes: "TZP: I Am Raising Up Revealers of Secret Things" - Alane Haynes, San Diego, CA - Aug 19, 2024

A few months ago I had a short, strange, but powerful dream, and have been seeking the Lord for His wisdom. In the dream, I was standing on the highest mountain peak in a range of other peaks. As far as I could see, in every direction, there were mountain peaks. All of them were gray and barren of any trees, indicating how high they were. I was wearing a white garment, and on the front was a banner made of royal blue with gold letters that stated, "On a mission to deliver TZP."

I woke up and pondered this very strange dream, seeking the Lord for revelation. The biggest mystery was the meaning of "TZP."   continue >>>

Rick Joyner - 8/4/2024

Lebanon’s Earthquake: A Divine Protection?

On the evening of Monday, August 12, 2024, which was also Tisha B’Av or the ninth of Av, intercessors joined Liberty Counsel and IFA to pray for Israel in light of the threats against the nation. Many historical atrocities have been committed against Israel on the ninth of Av. During the prayer call, intercessors prayed that God would deliver Israel in a miraculous way so that they would know that He did it and not their own strength. That night, a 5.4 magnitude earthquake hit Syria and Lebanon, thwarting a planned attack on Israel. This is a direct answer to prayer! Read more . . .


I see a maze of the enemy’s making, designed to keep many locked in indecision and confusion as to their future. Feeling lost and without clear direction, many are wondering how to find their way out of this unseen labyrinth they have found themselves in. For many have faced unexpected twists and turns in their journey that have caused them to lose clear direction for their future. Unable to see a clear exit from the unpleasant paths they have walked, many are desperate to find the way out of the endless dead ends they have tried.

And yet, I see the Father overlooking this maze and those who are caught in it, letting them know He will lead them out – if they but LISTEN:

Do not look for a booming call or supernatural sign to bring you out of the web of twists and turns you have faced. It is My still small voice that must be the primary voice to bring you out of this maze. It is only by carefully listening to My subtle but distinct promptings that you will be led out of the labyrinth of distractions and disappointments the enemy has designed for you.  You don’t need to see the exit door at the end. Merely trust Me to get you there. I will not give you the blueprint, but will take you step by step – if you listen and follow.   continue >>>

LAST DAYS Compromise? - Karen Hardin

August 14, 2024

LAST DAYS Compromise?

I was out walking the neighborhood with a friend last night when she stated, “What do you think about…She then named a well-known minister recently removed from his position over alleged compromise.

We are and will see these exposures even more. But we need to realize that we are all just as subject to these failures and I’m not just talking moral/sexual failures. Compromise is happening on many levels. Sexual compromise immediately comes to mind, but also compromise by those who compromise their integrity for profit, position—and relationships.

Relational Compromise

Life in the New Covenant, Part 32 - Rick Joyner

      Martin Luther once said, “A spiritual man does not need a contract, and an unspiritual man cannot keep one.” So, what do we do?

      As we live in a time when true religion, true faith, and true love for God are increasingly rare in the world, we need stronger contracts for almost every agreement. We also need more restraints and consequences for violating them to be enforced. However, the restraints and enforcement are being weakened instead. Lawlessness is increasing and is now threatening to overrun every barrier.

In Scripture, the judgment of God upon the nations that have known and followed Him, then turned away from Him, is worse than the judgment upon the nations that never knew Him. The United States may be the nation that has followed Him and sought to live by His light longer than any other in this age. But now our country has turned from Him, basically demanding that He ceases to even be mentioned in schools and in the public square. ... READ MORE

Screenshot 2024 08 13 at 12 05 38 God Gets the Last Word at the Olympics Intercessors for America

Hezekiah: The Art of Thanksgiving

Nothing brings out gratefulness like a reprieve from imminent death.

When King Hezekiah of Judah, a good and godly king, heard from the prophet Isaiah that he was about to die, he immediately turned to the God he had faithfully served. He begged God for an extension of life—and the Lord granted him an additional 15 years. When Hezekiah learned that the Lord would lengthen his life, he did what any godly leader would do: He thanked and praised his God. Upon his recovery, he wrote to the Lord a poem of thanksgiving and praise for the good he had done.

As the godly king meditated on God’s goodness, he realized that the Lord had used even his sickness for his good. In verse 17 he wrote, “Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish”—the same sentiment expressed many years before by his revered ancestor, David: “It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees” (Ps 119:71).

Hezekiah’s hymn of gratitude not only thanked the Lord for sparing his life, it also expressed his commitment to “sing with stringed instruments all the days of our lives” (Isa 38:20). He realized that expressing gratitude to God ought to be more than a onetime event; it must be a lifestyle.

Taken from The NIV Maxwell Leadership Bible.

YES!! Jessica Tarlov STORMS OFF Set after Gutfeld Gives her BRUTAL REALITY CHECK About Kamala LIVE!

"A Breaker's Reward for Those Who Stay Standing" - Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA - Aug 10, 2024

This is a word for some of you who are weary of keeping up "the good fight." You've been in a constant survival mode and feeling depleted of any spiritual grit or passion. You're beginning to wonder what you're doing wrong.

Perhaps you've thought that you've needed to pray more, fast more, or discover some new strategy for combating the endless attacks against your health and well-being. You've probably entertained feelings of failure and even wondered if you've disappointed God because of your seeming inability to overcome the distractions and setbacks.

But, instead of beating yourself up for not being more spiritually mature or zealous in the fight, take another look. Consider another perspective. Consider the power you carry when you simply determine to not back down from what God has already said. It may not be about doing more, but actually less. Consider the possibility that instead of losing a battle, you are actually winning one.   continue >>>


Lion of Judah

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; 2Cor 10-4


Lion of Judah

Smoking Gun 34-35 or False Flag?

Project Veritas

DOD/DARPA SARS CoV-2 Documents

Your Wake Up Call



2021 08 10 154542 home frankspeech

What Say Ye?

rockefeller foundation

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development



We Need to Take a Moment to Understand What “Redistribution of Wealth” Actually Means - Dinesh D'Souza

Compilation of President Reagan's Humor from Selected Speeches, 1981-89

Famous Speeches: Aragorn at the Black Gate


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