2025 - Understanding the Times - Karen Hardin  - January 8, 2025

The date of this New Year on the Jewish calendar is 5785.

If you break it down based on numerical values:

  • 5 = grace
  • 7 = completion
  • 8 = new beginnings

On both sides of completion and new beginnings, it is bookmarked by grace. For those of us who see the election of Donald Trump as the grace of God rather than judgment AND that we are entering a time of new beginnings for America, this certainly seems fitting.  

Sometime in the spring (Trinity Sunday was May 22 that year, 1929) Lewis came to believe in God, though not yet in Christ:

You must picture me alone in that room in Magdalen, night after night, feeling, whenever my mind lifted even for a second from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of Him of whom I so earnestly desired not to meet. That which I greatly feared had at last come upon me. In the Trinity Term of 1929 I gave in, and admitted that God was God, and knelt and prayed: perhaps, that night, the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England. I did not then see what is now the most shining and obvious thing; the Divine humility which will accept a convert even on such terms. The Prodigal Son at least walked home on his own feet. But who can duly adore that Love which will open the high gates to a prodigal who is brought in kicking, struggling, resentful, and darting his eyes in every direction for a chance of escape? The words compelle intrare, compel them to come in, have been so abused by wicked men that we shudder at them; but, properly understood, they plumb the depth of the Divine mercy. The hardness of God is kinder than the softness of men, and His compulsion is our liberation. (Surprised by Joy, Chapter 14)

From The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume I
Compiled in Yours, Jack

A Prophetic Prayer for 2025: This Is Your Sunrise Season - Jamie Rohrbaugh, Chattanooga, TN - Jan 5, 2025


Beloved, are you excited about 2025? I am personally so excited about this year. I love every new season, but I particularly love it when we get to pray over a whole new year.

The Lord has been speaking to me so much about 2025. For example, I believe He is saying that 2025 is going to be your "sunrise season."

He has also been telling me that we need to pray for His ABUNDANT LIFE to be manifest in every area of our own lives. Yes, He came that we might have abundant life, but have we ever thought to pray specifically for it? Now is the time!   CONTINUE >>>

Build It - Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas - Jan 4, 2025


At the end of every year, the Lord gives me a "word" for the upcoming new year, and this year the word was "Build It." When the Lord first gave me this word, I was super excited because it was simple, powerful, and right up my alley.

As we have transitioned into 2025, I have never been in a better place for moving and advancing in everything that God has for me. Even my family is in the best place for us to move as one family unit, straight towards what the Lord wants in this upcoming year. Our church is in the best place it's ever been, our ministry is in the best place it's ever been, and this gets me so excited, because the Lord is saying that this is our year to "build."

This Is Your Year to Build   CONTINUE >>>

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Pray Regarding the Vote Today at Noon! - The Need for Unity - Karen Hardin

Today at noon the U.S. House of Representatives will begin the process to vote in who will be Speaker of the House. With the slim majority held by Republicans, current Speaker, Mike Johnson, must have a near-unanimous vote of approval to remain as Speaker.

 This vote has far-reaching consequences if unity cannot be reached and a speaker cannot be decided on.

 Without a speaker, the House’s newly elected members can’t be sworn into office, or conduct any other business. If the process were to drag out too long, the House wouldn’t be able to participate in a crucial joint session with the Senate, scheduled for Jan. 6, when Congress must ratify President-elect Donald Trump’s electoral college victory.

 You can see where this could actually be a strategy to block/stop the certification of the election and keep things from moving forward.

 Please pray against any determination to make sure a speaker ISN'T decided on and that whoever is elected will be the best man/woman for the job to actually work with President Trump and get our nation back on tract.  

In this process over today and the next few days is where the RINOS expose themselves. Let's pray and pay attention.

Prayer for the Peaceful Transition of Government -  Jamie Rohrbaugh, IFA Contributing Writer | January 2, 2025

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Do you feel a sense of victory after this last election? If so, for many, the temptation is to sit back, rest, and cease from our contending. But, I encourage you today not to rest from your prayers, but rather to redouble your efforts.

Connect with others in your state in prayer.

Although the American people won many victories for the cause of righteousness in this election, the enemy would love to stop our newly elected leaders from taking office.

That is why we must continue to pray. Only God—the One who brought us the victories we are standing on today—can preserve those victories and bring people into office. In order to see that happen, we must pray.   continue >>>

Running with Horses in 2025! - Faith Marie Baczko, Oakville, Ontario, Canada - Jan 1, 2025

Will You Run With the Horses?

God recently spoke to me from a prophetic word I wrote in my devotional book, Word to the Warrior: Devotional & Journal for the Army of God. The title of the chapter is "Will You Ride?"

"Will you run with the horses? Will you embrace the wind of the Spirit and run with My troops? Will you ride on the heights with Me over the heads of principalities and powers? Come away, and ride with Me over mountains and into valleys where you will bring My light!

"Throw fear and caution to the wind and follow My voice. I will never fail or abandon you! You have been created and chosen for this! You will feel My arms around you as We ride together releasing light and freedom to captive souls. They're waiting and groaning for your coming. Hear the sound of their cries."

Faith, Grit, Strength, and Fierce Determination   continue >>>

2025 and Beyond - Rick Joyner - Word for the Week

       2024 saw the beginning of a profound change in the political landscape of America. Some nations are ahead of America in this, and some are behind. However, it is obviously a worldwide movement. In 2025, both the changes and the battles over them will surely spread and deepen.

      It is going to be exciting and challenging to ride this extraordinary wave of change. Even so, it will leave us stronger and more stable. To prepare, we need to seek to understand what we learned through the turmoil of the last few years and apply those lessons. This will help us face the future from a more stable foundation so we can use these changes to build, not tear down.

      First, we should consider that human governments can only do some things well. Governments can actually be counterproductive when they engage in things for which they have no divine mandate. When governments get out of their lane, this inevitably results in discord and division. Take education, for example. When our federal Department of Education was formed in 1979, our education system was ranked near the top of the world. It then began a long slide toward the bottom. Why has this been allowed?   continue >>>

IFA - Intercessors For America - 2024: A Year in Revival
Lord, thank You for the many ways You’re reviving our nation! May we continue toward awakening!
Reading Time: 5 minutes

This year opened with 100,000 young people gathering at various events to worship the Lord, revival sparked on a dozen university campuses (all but one secular), and many events across the country and around the world give hope there’s more to come.

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.

Even secular political commentator Tucker Carlson believes we’re seeing revival.

I asked Dr. Vernon M. Whaley, Associate Provost of the School of Music and Worship Arts at Trevecca Nazarene University, if he believes we’re seeing another Great Awakening. He quoted the secular, liberal, and cultural political writer for the Atlantic Monthly, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times Lauren Sandler from her book Righteous: Dispatches from the Evangelical Youth Movement: “We are poised before the next Great Awakening in American History.”  continue >>>

Politics and Faith - Rick Joyner

      Since President-Elect Donald Trump first announced his intent to run for U.S. President in 2015, he has been one of the most hated people of our time, even by many who for decades had claimed to be his friends. Still, he shocked the world and won the office. Then, he became perhaps the most embattled president of all time.

      When he was removed from office in 2020, the battles against him did not stop. Prosecutors on all levels filed charges that would not likely have been considered legal if they were not against him. His enemies were intent on either putting him in prison or the grave, and one or the other seemed likely. They used the resources of the U.S. government in every way that could be devised to persecute him.

      Now, it seems that he has prevailed. Let’s hope so, but we must not quit praying for him. Keeping him alive until the inauguration will likely keep a legion of angels busy. He’s taken on the job of trying to bring order and peace to a world falling apart. He’s facing crises on many fronts that are beyond human remedy, or human wisdom, to fix.   continue >>>


by  | Dec 24, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries 

They were invited.

Something strange, wonderful and unexplainable is happening to people around the world. Birth pangs of anticipation grip them.

They are in an upheaval. A centrifugal force spins away all clutter, lesser purposes and pursuits. They are being pulled toward some great event.

Hollywood tries to imitate this. In the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind from the 1970s we see the counterfeit version.

The military has connected with aliens. The mother ship will meet them at Devil’s Tower in Wyoming. But the public cannot know about this. So the Army fakes a pandemic to keep people away from the site.

Their elaborate scheme does not keep a special group from coming. The military decides to gas them and to put them to sleep so they can be removed.  continue >>>

The Spirit Is Blowing a Fresh Wind on the Gift of Prophecy- Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA - Dec 21, 2024


Do Not Quench the Spirit of Prophecy

I had a powerful dream about prophecy. And for those who follow prophetic ministry, and prophetic ministers, you will understand why it is probably no coincidence that this dream comes now. The Lord is inserting a strong admonition into this conversation. We must not allow either the failures of others or the fear of man to quench the Spirit of prophecy and rob us of the much-needed and life-changing words of the Lord.

In the dream, my husband (a pastor) and I were in a church service, and I was watching a visiting minister pray for a man who had come forward. People were prayerfully watching to see how this man would receive ministry. The prayers being offered were heart-felt and sincere, though there was no visible evidence of them impacting the man being ministered to.

After the minister was done praying, the man who came forward looked at the minister and cried out, "But, what do YOU SEE?" It was a desperate plea from his heart for the minister to dig deeper and speak from the depths of the Spirit.  continue >>>

December 18, 2024 How Can You Leave 2024...and Make 2025 Better? - Karen Hardin

 How do you want to leave 2024—and enter 2025? What will you leave behind and what will you take with you? How we enter/leave a job, position and even a year is important. We have an opportunity as we enter 2025 both corporately (as a nation) and individually, but it requires an action on our part. Are you ready to break off the yoke that has been on you? Yokes aren’t always a bad thing. A young ox is yoked to a more mature and experienced ox to train them how to pull together and walk. Also, we are yoked to Christ when we receive him as our Lord. Matthew 11:28-30 says, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (NIV 1995). But what about yokes that have been placed on us by others or because of events? Many are carrying yokes of oppression, depression, disappointment, lack, rage, etc. from what has been done to you or happened to you. The longer it has been there, the more it has seemed like it would always be there. But it doesn’t have to be. To be free requires an action on our part.


by  | Nov 27, 2024 | Democrat Party | 129 comments


Did you hear about the woman in Seattle who bit, stabbed and then hacked her father to death with an ice ax because Trump won? Here’s what the New York Post reported:

“A space rocket program manager butchered her father with an ice ax on election night after a breakdown following President-elect Donald Trump’s victory — and was found smiling and clapping, covered in her loved one’s blood, cops said.

“Corey Burke considered the bloody rampage — in which she allegedly strangled, bit and hacked her 67-year-old father in the $800,000 Seattle home they shared — an “act of liberation,” charging documents allege.

Well, did you hear about this? Probably not. We both know that if it had been a Trump supporter, it would have been plastered on all the news shows.

“Burke, 33, is a training program manager at Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos’ spacecraft company, according to her LinkedIn, and is married to prominent transgender writer Samantha Leigh Allen, public records show.

“Burke sat down next to her father and watched him die, then smashed all the windows in the house in what she described as “an act of liberation,” officers reported.

“When cops arrived, they found Burke “clapping … because she was so happy.”

Well, did you hear about this? Probably not. We both know that if it had been a Trump supporter, it would have been plastered on all the news shows.

Another reason for the news blackout is that she is married to a famous transgender writer.

Did Biden, Harris, and Walz feed the violence?  You decide. Every chance they got, they said “Trump is Hitler”, and repeatedly screamed that Trump would destroy democracy.

Even some of their own warned them to stop inciting violence. They did not care. And the silence over this grisly murder proves they still do not care. But it gets worse.   continue >>>

Hope for the Hopeless - Karen Hardin

Hopelessness is like a slow death. Without something to put hope in and to look forward to, where does the world turn? Without God, the world turns to things that will distract them from the intense pain in their souls. For some it is alcohol or drugs. For others it involves cutting oneself or some other self harm practice. While others fill their emptiness through emotional or physical relationships with someone they hope will love or affirm them. These people are in every nation on earth. They are all around us. 

We know that God is the only one who can fill all those dying from hopelessness. Our team members in China and Cambodia are working hard to do just that. Your prayers and support make it possible for these teams to do their work. Thank you.