Dear Reader:

Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the RNC, sent an urgent email to Republican members this week urging them to oppose AT&T DirecTV's censorship of Newsmax.

Ronna warns if we do not fight against this the left will not stop.

Pres. Trump is urging you to cancel DirecTV and AT&T, including your cellular and wireless services.

And Dr. Ben Carson says DirecTV's censorship of Newsmax is a direct threat to your Constitutional freedoms.

We must fight back.

Please see Ronna's email below, read it and make sure you forward this to friends and family.

And make sure you call 877-763-9762 to complain and cancel DirecTV and AT&T!


From: Ronna McDaniel - Chairman's Office
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 1:30 PM
To: Ronna McDaniel - Chairman's Office
Subject: DirecTV/Newsmax


I'm sure you've all seen the recent news that DirecTV has decided to drop Newsmax from its channel lineup.

DirecTV has claimed that their decision was the result of a dispute over carrier fees, but this is yet another example of powerful corporations silencing conservative viewpoints.

It's anti-free-speech and anti-American.

As DirecTV continues to pay full carrier fees for smaller left-wing networks while silencing the fourth-highest-rated news program on cable TV, it's our job to fight back.

The RNC has repeatedly stepped up to defend free speech and conservative values from left-wing censorship.

In October 2022, we sued Google for suppressing our fundraising and get-out-the-vote emails. That case continues to develop and we look forward to holding Google accountable for its chilling attacks on conservative speech.

When Twitter tried to silence the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story in October 2020, we immediately filed a complaint with the FEC; following the release of the Twitter files in winter 2022, we sent a demand letter asking the FEC to re-examine our complaint in light of Twitter's dishonesty. 

Our voters deserve to know that the RNC is standing with them and protecting their right to free expression as Big Tech oligarchs try to silence viewpoints they find politically inconvenient.

As long as I am Chairwoman of this committee, that work will never stop.

However, we are stronger when we fight together.

I am hoping that you, as Republican leaders in your states, can help mobilize the grassroots to push back on politically motivated censorship of our principles.

This effort needs to come from the grassroots up: if you can, please reach out to your local and county-level leaders to rally their communities.

Whether it's on Twitter, on Facebook, a letter to the editor, or calling DirecTV at 877-763-9762, we need to send a loud and clear signal that we will not accept this blatant bias. 

If Democrats and their media allies are so scared of our ideas, they should debate them in the open – not try to make them disappear.

Join me in holding the left accountable.

Thank you for all you do,



Newsmax: Actions to Take Now

  1. DirecTV customers: Call toll free at 877-763-9762 to cancel/complain.
  2. AT&T customers: Call toll free at 888-855-2338 to cancel/complain for U-verse, cellular and wireless services.
  3. Call your congressman or senator at 202-224-3121 and demand they stop AT&T/DirecTV's censorship of NEWSMAX – ask them to give you a date on the hearings!
  4. Go to our online petition and get more info:

Newsmax Tweet

Attention DIRECTV Customers


Note: This was brought to you by Newsmax Media.
Customer Service: 1-800-485-4350.


February 15, 2023
Intercessors for America Intercessors for America


The American Restoration Tour is coming to Michigan!


David Barton and Chad Connelly--two of  IFA's ministry friends are hitting the road to inspire and encourage believers to participate in the upcoming mid-term elections. Join the nearest rally to you and hear inspiring guest speakers, find out how you can participate in protecting our elections, and PRAY together for our nation. Click the button below to find out more and to register today!">


There is no doubt in our minds that God’s people in America are waking up and coming alive to what is happening in our nation. Like never before, Christian voices and votes NEED to be heard in our land. We hope you can plan to attend if you are nearby.

Be sure to join the IFA state prayer call for Michigan weekly on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM EST by calling (667) 930-8451 Access Code: 7232218.




NOTE: This alert is intended for citizens of the state listed. If you are not a resident of this state, you can pray for this issue (please do!), but you will not be able to send a message to the listed leaders.


Make an impact by covering America’s leaders with prayer


If you have benefited from IFA’s resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. As a 501(c)3 organization, it’s through your support that all this is possible.


© 2022 Intercessors for America. All Rights Reserved.

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A famous American actor, Sean Penn, was caught in Ukraine while working on a documentary about the current military attacks. Penn abandoned his car and fled on foot for miles while dragging his suitcase behind … just to escape through the border to Poland.

He was one of many Americans in Ukraine. However, to flee this war zone, the U.S. State Department website says, “U.S. citizens must present a valid U.S. passport and proof of COVID-19 vaccination.”

This is the most egregious situation of forced Vaccine Passports that I have ever seen toward Americans. It is not coming from Poland; it’s coming from our own State Department!

Already 1 million refugees have fled Ukraine. Many Americans are among them. And they are subjected to the State Dept.’s Vaccine Passport. This is insane!

I need you to send urgent faxes to the State Department and key leaders of Congress to IMMEDIATELY REVERSE OUR GOVERNMENT’S DEMANDS FOR THESE VACCINE PASSPORTS! — Mat

“It’s pretty amazing how a few weeks of honking in Ottawa combined with parents standing up to autocratic school boards appear to be doing more to move public opinion and change the everyday lives of Americans for the better than decades of funding CPAC social events and conservative think-tanking have done. Fascinating when you think about it,” mused Ned Ryun in a column yesterday.

What if we were actually to invest hundreds of millions of dollars every year into this sort of grassroots activism rather than wasting it on white papers, think tanks, and ‘hot air’ events?

Good question. Donald Trump would still be President, for one thing. Every politician supporting lockdowns, masking children, vaccine mandates, and Critical Racist Theory would be unemployed next year, for another.

But the billionaire megadonor financiers of “Conservative Inc.” – the coalition of mainstream conservatives, RINOs/neoconservatives, token conservatives, Establishment Republicans, organizations, PACs, etc., who try to claim leadership of the conservative movement – aren't interested.

The freedom revolution starts at the grassroots. It starts with you.

And you can help take back our liberty. You can pass and defeat legislation. You can hold politicians accountable – if you know how. And politicians and the media have spread a great deal of disinformation on how politics really works in America.

Tomorrow in Macomb County, the Rescue Michigan Coalition is hosting our first Grassroots Leadership School.

If you can attend, register here.

For those of you who cannot (and I know it's quite the distance for some of you), you may want to check out the Grassroots Leadership articles and videos we've posted over the past year. Those are all freely available at the links below.

In fact, it's 8 hours of free training you can get right now.  

Citing insufficient data, Pfizer today said it will delay applying for Emergency Use Authorization of its COVID vaccine for infants and children 6 months to 4 years old.




BBB hoax marxism build back better graft

Lord God, we pray that this bill would be blocked and that the terrible ideas that are enshrined in this bill would be wholly rejected by the American people and our elected officials.


Despite the heroic efforts of the 2022 Speaker, Bill HR 5376 was pushed through the House like a lump of clay through a Play-Doh Factory.  It doesn’t matter which mold is used, the output from this chamber is precisely as lifeless as the input.  We can only pray that the Senate erects a wall against this repulsively un-American set of propositions.

While I don’t pretend to be a microbiologist nor a counselor of governmental law, there are some basic things to consider.  Like, your privacy.

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