Recognizing the Voice of the Lord & The Looming Threat of Judicial Tyranny - Rick Joyner
Can you love an AI chatbot? - Karen Hardin - March 26, 2025
Today's three articles all deal with Chinese young people's idea of love and relationships. Many focus more on self-gratification over others. Still others use technology to find love and support. Not through dating apps necessarily, but actually becoming emotionally connected to the technology itself in the form of AI chatbots. Its very sad to see how the young people struggle with understanding healthy relationships in China and here in the USA. Again, very informative on how to pray.
In Christ,
Kevin & Karen
PS - This week our team in Cambodia will provide food relief and the gospel message to some poor villagers. Their conditions are very poor. Pray for hearts to be receptive to the love of God through this outreach and that they clearly see our God as the one, true, almighty God and understand that the demons of Buddhism will never love and care for them.
If this ministry is a blessing to you and you are not already supporting us in prayer and giving, please consider planting a gift as the Lord leads. All gifts are tax-deductible. Thank you!
NOTE: We can now accept donations of cryptocurrency and stocks at
No More Doom! It Will Be Fuel for the Fire - Sara Whitten, Kerrville, TX - Mar 25, 2025
God Is Carefully Molding and Setting Us
Have you been in distress? If you have, out of the ninth chapter of Isaiah emerges a word of hope for those who have been in distress:
"Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress..." (Isaiah 9:1 NIV).
Interestingly, Strong's Concordance notes the following about the Hebrew word for "distress" (mutsaq) in this verse: "The term 'mutsaq' refers to something that has been cast or poured out, typically in the context of metalwork. It is used to describe objects made by pouring molten metal into a mold, resulting in a solid, formed object..." (Strong's H4164 definition, Usage).
I think we can all recall a time when we've felt "melted" by a season or totally poured out. It's a beautiful thought, however, to imagine those same blistering seasons as the times when God is carefully molding and setting us. God wants to remind us that it's in these times that he "molds" us and "sets" us up for something good—something so good it could only be his design. READ MORE
How to Overcome Evil 1 of 10 - Evil is Someone - Derek Prince
Pray for the President - Lou Engle and Cheryl Amabile - Mar 21, 2025
(Article originally published on March 20, 2025.)
Intro from Cheryl Amabile:
Our forty-day Luke 4:14 Fast is well underway. If you haven't already joined in, consider engaging in a Daniel fast for the remaining twenty-one days from March 20 to April 9. We are believing for a mass breakthrough of healings, signs, and wonders as God pours out his Spirit in the nations. We are also being spurred on by prophetic dreams as we continue to contend for Israel and for God's purposes in our government. Today's briefing contains the latest intel for urgent prayer for President Trump. Your prayers and fasting are shifting history!
Cheryl Amabile
Editor The Briefing via TheCall
Pray for the President READ MORE
Kim Potter: From Shaking to Blooming - Kim Potter, Dayton, Tennessee - Mar 19, 2025
We Dwell in an Unshakable Kingdom
Scandals and exposures are happening all over the place, even in the Church.
There is most definitely a shaking going on. It has many feeling like there is no hope, as if things are spiraling out of control. However, it is the perfect time to remember, we dwell in an unshakable Kingdom.
"See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, 'Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.' Now this, 'Yet once more,' indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.
"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire." (Hebrews 12:25–29 NKJV)
The book of Hebrews tells us that God will shake everything that can be shaken. From this Scripture, many perceive that it is God doing the shaking. If so, what hope do we have? I found the answer to this question in a story I was privileged to hear a couple years ago.
A Violent Shaking
A man moved to the state of Florida. He had his garden professionally landscaped with gorgeous azalea bushes. What a beautiful sight they were!
Each had beautiful blooms that captured the attention of all that passed by.
They were stunning bushes—all except one. There was one bush that stubbornly refused to bloom. No matter what they tried, it would not bloom; it produced no flowers. Then, a massive hurricane came through his area.
Within two weeks after the storm, the stubborn azalea bush produced the most beautiful blooms he had ever seen. It was magnificent. He went to speak to the gardener, wondering what had happened. The gardener said he was about to dig that azalea bush up and shake it violently. The owner asked why he would do such a thing. The gardener explained that is what they sometimes do when a bush refuses to flower. He explained that sometimes the violent shaking causes it to awaken and bloom. The hurricane did that for them. It shook the azalea bush so hard, so violently, that it woke up and began to bloom.
Awakened to Bloom READ MORE
Kindness That Makes a Difference - Karen Hardin
March 12, 2025
In a world with lots of bad news, it is refreshing to hear stories of kindness, especially from strangers. We found two stories from China that tell about such kindness.
The first story is a short video of a restaurant owner who because he was shown kindness during his hard times, now freely gives away meals to any who are in need.
Our second story is an article about a young man who has an incurable disease and due to his condition has no ability to earn a living or take care of himself, but thanks to many kind souls, his life is dramatically turned around.
Its a great story of encouragement out of dispair.
We pray these inspire you to reach out to bless others that God may place within your reach. Also, even though China is far away and potentially a political enemy of our nation, remember that God loves the Chinese and all peoples. Keep standing with us for revival here and in the nations.
In Christ,
Kevin & Karen
PS - If this ministry is a blessing to you and you are not already supporting us in prayer and giving, please consider planting a gift as the Lord leads. All gifts are tax-deductible. Thank you!
NOTE: We can now accept donations of cryptocurrency and stocks at
The Book of Revelation, Part 21 - Rick Joyner
“John, to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne” (Revelation 1:4 NKJV).
How would you like to get a letter from the apostle John, the seven Spirits who are before the throne of God, and Jesus Christ? We did! That’s the book of Revelation. It was a letter to the seven churches in Asia (Minor) that are specifically addressed in it, but it is also a letter to all who would believe in Him and follow Him in the age to come. Seven is the number of completion, and these letters to the seven churches are letters to the complete church—all the churches that exist now and all that have existed throughout the age.
In these letters, we see an outline of church history written in advance. Now, as we stand near the end of the church age, we can look back over the centuries and see how what was prophesied through John has unfolded. God still saves His best wine for last. At the end of this age, as we see how His word was fulfilled, we can have the greatest understanding of the prophecies that were “seen through a glass darkly” and are now clear to us because they have been fulfilled. READ MORE
Stop Ignoring This: God’s Urgent Final Warning to You – A Message You Cannot Ignore | C.S. Lewis
Beware of Wrong Alliances - Karen Hardin
March 5, 2025
Alliances can be good or bad. Who we spend time with, is ultimately what we will become. Because of that, we need to be wise.
Over the last few years, Kevin and I have become increasingly involved in political issues in our city and state. Over that time we have watched some really good people make some really bad alliances. Every single time the good person aligned with someone lacking in discernment, integrity, etc, the good person would end up becoming like the bad person they aligned with. It never seemed to go the other way.
Pioneers, Can You Handle a Different Mantle? - Nate Johnston, Colorado Springs, Co - Mar 4, 2025
(The following word was released on January 30, 2025.)
Pioneers, "Begin Unusual"
Pioneers, I keep hearing the words "begin unusual." Over this last month, as I've been off social media, the Lord has been highlighting a profound yet simple instruction for 2025 and beyond. This is something He has spoken to me personally, but I know it applies to many others who have felt a deep reverence stepping into 2025. There has been a real fear of the Lord regarding what we are meant to do, what we are meant to be involved in, and how we are to advance His Kingdom.
It feels as though, especially over the last six months, the Lord has been shifting our appetites and affections down to our appetites and desires. He has been prompting us to redefine and even question what we have been doing in the past and what we are called to do moving forward. It feels like the Lord is making a very loud statement to us: "Begin to build unusual!"
A Blank Slate READ MORE
Daughters, Arise as Victors and Overcomers! - Lana Vawser, Adelaide, South Australia - Mar 2, 2025
Word of the Lord released on February 11, 2025:
Recently, I heard the Lord speak this over many daughters of God: "Arise, daughters! Break agreement with a victim mentality. I am causing you to arise as victors and overcomers."
As I leaned into the Lord and listened to His heart, I heard, "My daughters, ARISE, ARISE, ARISE! For there are many of you who are in a battle of tension. There are many of you who are finding yourselves in a season of intense pressure to come under a victim mentality. There are many of you in this season who are taking the bait of the enemy to become a victim to circumstances, pressures, pains, and oppositions... But there are deep and mighty things that I am teaching you within the pressure and opposition—how to arise and stand in ways you never have before.
"I Am Inviting You Into the Winds of My Momentum" READ MORE
The Book of Revelation, Part 19 - By Rick Joyner
Rick Joyner | God’s righteousness & Justice #MorningStarMinistries
Big weddings, bigger regrets: Gen Z says ‘I don’t’ to wedding debt
Blaze Media Mar 31, 2025 | 00:00 am“What do you mean you don’t want any furniture underneath the pergola?” ’Tis wedding season, the time of year when nuptial excitement contends with a seemingly endless stream of design choices with a hefty price tag. As a bride-to-be myself,[…]
Judicial impeachment is a remedy — not a rebellion
Blaze Media Mar 30, 2025 | 23:00 pmChief Justice John Roberts issued a statement last week declaring that “for more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision.” His remarks come amid renewed debate over[…]
New York Times: We’re Not Orwellian, YOU’RE Orwellian!
PJ Media Mar 30, 2025 | 22:41 pm -
More Gruesome October 7 Details: The Oldest and Youngest Victims of Hamas
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President Trump Signs Order to Reinstate Removed Statues, Eliminate ‘Anti-American’ Ideology from Museums
Turning Point USA Mar 30, 2025 | 19:00 pm -
TikTok Removes Hashtag Used by Cartels to Recruit Human Smugglers
Turning Point USA Mar 30, 2025 | 17:00 pm -
Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Announces Largest Grant to a Muslim Organization
Geller Report Mar 30, 2025 | 16:00 pmDhimmi Governor pays the jiyza.
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The State Department is Fully Shutting Down USAID Today
Geller Report Mar 30, 2025 | 15:07 pmHallelujah! USAID is a national security threat. The shutdown of USAID is a necessary step to stop wasting taxpayer dollars on foreign aid boondoggles. For too long, bureaucrats funneled billions overseas while American cities crumbled—$601M in refugee grants alone could’ve[…]
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At The Kennedy Center, Twyla Tharp Puts Art Above Politics
The Federalist Mar 29, 2025 | 16:14 pmTwyla Tharp puts art above politics and keeps faith with her fans and her audience. We need more artists and performers to do the same.
Democrats’ Last-Resort Attack On WI Supreme Court Candidate Brad Schimel Is ‘Eff You!’
The Federalist Mar 29, 2025 | 08:18 amWhen Susan Crawford’s allies failed to get away with outright lies, they resorted to obnoxious obscenity.
Ann Coulter Mar 20, 2025 | 13:10 pmOf all of President Trump’s zany ideas — making boring, self-righteous Canada the 51st state, we take Gaza, Perkins Coie lawyers banned from federal buildings — his claim that Joe Biden’s pardons are invalid because they were signed with an[…]
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Ann Coulter Mar 13, 2025 | 14:14 pmA snippy article in The New York Times this past weekend — sorry, an unusually snippy article in The New York Times this past weekend — suggested that Trump is using his pardon power to reward those loyal to him[…]