Beware of Wrong Alliances - Karen Hardin
March 5, 2025
Alliances can be good or bad. Who we spend time with, is ultimately what we will become. Because of that, we need to be wise.
Over the last few years, Kevin and I have become increasingly involved in political issues in our city and state. Over that time we have watched some really good people make some really bad alliances. Every single time the good person aligned with someone lacking in discernment, integrity, etc, the good person would end up becoming like the bad person they aligned with. It never seemed to go the other way.
Pioneers, Can You Handle a Different Mantle? - Nate Johnston, Colorado Springs, Co - Mar 4, 2025
(The following word was released on January 30, 2025.)
Pioneers, "Begin Unusual"
Pioneers, I keep hearing the words "begin unusual." Over this last month, as I've been off social media, the Lord has been highlighting a profound yet simple instruction for 2025 and beyond. This is something He has spoken to me personally, but I know it applies to many others who have felt a deep reverence stepping into 2025. There has been a real fear of the Lord regarding what we are meant to do, what we are meant to be involved in, and how we are to advance His Kingdom.
It feels as though, especially over the last six months, the Lord has been shifting our appetites and affections down to our appetites and desires. He has been prompting us to redefine and even question what we have been doing in the past and what we are called to do moving forward. It feels like the Lord is making a very loud statement to us: "Begin to build unusual!"
A Blank Slate READ MORE
Daughters, Arise as Victors and Overcomers! - Lana Vawser, Adelaide, South Australia - Mar 2, 2025
Word of the Lord released on February 11, 2025:
Recently, I heard the Lord speak this over many daughters of God: "Arise, daughters! Break agreement with a victim mentality. I am causing you to arise as victors and overcomers."
As I leaned into the Lord and listened to His heart, I heard, "My daughters, ARISE, ARISE, ARISE! For there are many of you who are in a battle of tension. There are many of you who are finding yourselves in a season of intense pressure to come under a victim mentality. There are many of you in this season who are taking the bait of the enemy to become a victim to circumstances, pressures, pains, and oppositions... But there are deep and mighty things that I am teaching you within the pressure and opposition—how to arise and stand in ways you never have before.
"I Am Inviting You Into the Winds of My Momentum" READ MORE
The Book of Revelation, Part 19 - By Rick Joyner
Rick Joyner | God’s righteousness & Justice #MorningStarMinistries
Wait for the Wave! Restoration Is Coming - Deborah Perkins, Medway, MA - Feb 24, 2025
These Are "Now" Words
I often spend my Sabbath days praying through the many personal prophecies God has given me over the years.
We war with our prophecies, and apart from the Scripture there are no better words to decree than the ones God has spoken directly to us (1 Timothy 1:18)!
Recently the Lord asked me to go back to the very beginning, reviewing the words in chronological order while decreeing their fulfillment once again.
During this process, the Holy Spirit highlighted two words from March and July of 2020, saying, "These are 'now' words!"
Although the recent exposures, deception, and refinement in the Body of Christ have been difficult, there is a purpose. Truth exposes sin. Where sin embraces repentance, restoration begins.
Those who have submitted to the Lord's fiery refinement will be used as restorers. Yet as the prophetic words below indicate, knowing your "kairos" moment is essential.
Circumstances may not look like you thought they would as you begin to move forward in this season. But I hear the Lord saying to His purified ones, "Wait for the wave!"
Storms of Exposure Will Yield to Waves of Restoration
Prophetic word received March 21, 2020: continue >>>
Deeper Depths Await You - Lana Vawser, Adelaide, South Australia - Feb 21, 2025
Recently I heard the Lord say, "Deeper depths, deeper depths, deeper depths." And I sensed, as He spoke these words, an invitation to enter into the secret place—into the hidden place in Him—in a deeper way than we have ever experienced.
As I leaned into His heart and listened, I heard, "My people, the shaking is increasing. My people, the fire is about to increase in intensity in ways that you have not known before, and I am calling you, My people, deeper into the depths of My heart and My Word. I am calling you into deeper consecration to hear and perceive that which I am speaking and what My Spirit is doing.
Be Grounded in My Word
"For in this hour as the shaking increases, if you are not grounded and founded in My Word and in My rhema, truly living by every word that is flowing from My mouth (Matthew 4:4), in the days ahead you will find yourself shaken and unprepared.
"I say unto you that in the level of shaking and intensity of the fire that is coming, I am calling you deeper into the place of remaining in Me. Where many have found strength in the opinion of man and the opinion of others, and have been drawing from wells other than from the river of My Spirit and My living water in the secret place, they will find themselves shaken and unstable in the days ahead. I say unto you that as the shaking and the fire increase, I am doing a deeper work in the hearts and lives of My people. I am bringing you into a deeper fortified place of intimacy. continue >>>
Glenn Beck - Why the US-Canada Hockey BEATDOWN was More than Just a Game
Urgent Prayer Needed - Dutch Sheets, Batesburg-Leesville, SC - Feb 18, 2025
Two Critical Issues
Recently, Intercessors For America passed on the following urgent prayer requests:
"Two urgent requests have come into IFA for immediate intercession. While we cannot share more details than listed here, please know these have come in from reliable, high-placed sources.
"CRITICAL ISSUE #1: Vetted national security experts with the highest security clearance in the communication field are asking for a prayer shield for our nation in regard to risk to our communication grid. Pray for those making decisions about our grid, engineers responsible for security, and those on the front lines.
"CRITICAL ISSUE #2: A request for prayer over personnel involved in U.S./Israeli relations. Pray for all those making decisions, for those both in Israel and in the U.S. who are working together on current issues in the region, and for God's purposes to be fulfilled.
"We appreciate your faithful and urgent prayer for these two issues, even without many details. God knows all the specifics to each of these urgent requests, and He calls us to partner with Him as we intercede."
America's Cyber Systems and the Globalist Agenda
It is no secret that all of America's cyber systems are vulnerable. That would obviously include the power grid, communications grid, water systems, and others. Our government has been asleep at the wheel, seemingly refusing to take seriously enough the warnings. Hopefully that is incorrect, and things are being/have been done that, for security reasons, we are not being told about. Regardless, we must absolutely take warnings such as this very seriously. continue >>>
The Book of Revelation, Part 18 - Rick Joyner
To make some overall points about the seven churches Jesus addressed in Revelation, I began last week to address one of the most important factors in a successful life or church: the ability to listen to, and truly hear, what others are saying to us—especially the Lord. One of the most common statements the Lord made to His followers was, “He who has ears, let him hear.”
He said to His disciples concerning the multitudes, “While seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand” (see Matthew 13:13). Are we like this, hearing the sound of His voice but not really understanding what He’s saying? If we don’t understand, we are very unlikely to be doing what He said, which is disobedience to the King.
Learning to hear and then heed the instructions we are given may be the most critical ability we can develop to navigate through these times. Years ago, I was shown in a dream a warhorse. It was so attuned to its rider that, in all the clamor and chaos of battle, it could sense a gentle nudge from the rider’s knees directing it to turn to the right or left. In the dream, I was told that in the days to come it will be life or death for us to be as sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s impressions as that horse was to its rider, especially in the great chaos of these times. CONTINUE >>>
The Book of Revelation, Part 17 - Rick Joyner (Feb 11 - Week 6)
After the Lord explained to John that what he was about to see was a revelation of Jesus, He gave John a message for each of the seven churches in Asia Minor. Why those churches?
Together, the Lord’s messages to these churches were a message to the whole church, throughout the church age. These were messages given in advance for each period of church history. We will cover this in some detail. First, we need to look at how He delivered His message to these churches, as this is also a reflection of His nature.
Jesus spoke to each of the seven churches in what is called a “critique sandwich.” This may have been the first example of this type of communication in history. A “critique sandwich” is first saying something positive, then addressing any correction needed, and ending with a vision of hope for those who heed the message and overcome their shortcomings. In this way, anything that is challenging and hard is sandwiched between positives. Even though they have been corrected, it leaves them inspired instead of feeling like failures. continue >>>
In the First Year of King Cyrus - Faith Marie Baczko, Oakville, Ontario, Canada - Feb 12, 2025
A Warrior Priesthood Now Rising
Worship that is married to obedience, coming from God's servants and ascending from the house of God, will cause the Lord to pour out abundant blessings and revival fire to draw the harvest to Himself. The union of God with such servants allows Him to rule and reign through them. They come and go in His presence, ruling over His courts, as promised by Him to Joshua the high priest in Zechariah 3:7–9.
In a recent word I published, I shared that as the filthy garments are taken off this priesthood, they will be dressed in royal robes. They are the warrior priesthood now rising as kings on the earth in the order of Melchizedek, king of Salem.
"For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all, first being translated 'king of righteousness,' and then also king of Salem, meaning 'king of peace,' without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, remains a priest continually." (Hebrews 7:1–3 NKJV)
These servants of God are being prepared as plenipotentiaries, invested with authority and possessing full power to transact business and execute judgments on behalf of the Kingdom of God. They will access the "Agency of Spiritual Intelligence" and have authority to rule as kings in the midst of their enemies in a dynamic language, backed by the power of Heaven. These leaders in God's Kingdom are now taking their place, finding the heart of God, and beginning to implement His "end game" strategies for nations.
The First Year of King Cyrus and Donald Trump continue >>>
These 3 Verses Will DESTROY Witchcraft Attacking You | C.S. Lewis Sermons 2025
Peace Is a Key to Victory - Helen Calder, Melbourne, Australia - Feb 10, 2025
Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27). His peace brings order to our hearts and lives, even when storms rage around us. Yet at times it can feel so elusive.
If this resonates with you, be encouraged. God's peace is a powerful and personal gift that belongs to you.
The Boat, the Storm, and the Savior
"[A]nd the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7 NKJV)
One day, Jesus told His disciples to take the boat across the lake. Along the way, a terrible storm blew in, and the disciples feared for their lives. Meanwhile, Jesus was asleep, resting His head on a cushion. While they were panicking, He was at peace (see Mark 4:35–41)!
The Old Sea Captain
This story brings to mind an extraordinary encounter with the Lord that I had in 2018. continue >>>
Kim Potter: Refuse to Settle - Kim Potter, Dayton, Tennessee - Feb 8, 2025
If You Settle for This, This Is All You Will Have
Recently, I was studying and reflecting on some insights that God was showing me. During this time, an event from over twenty-five years ago suddenly came to my mind.
I remembered when I had just moved to Cleveland, Tennessee to work for Norvel Hayes Ministries. Since I had relocated from another city, I brought very little furniture with me—just my bed and a bookshelf to hold my books and Bibles. I found a lovely little house to rent from a wonderful couple, but it was quite empty.
I began to pray about furnishing my home. In my prayers, God prompted me to create a very specific list of what I wanted. I made my list and prayed over it daily.
After a couple of weeks, someone called to let me know they had furniture available for me to look at. I went to see it, and as I stood there, I thought, "Well, it's not what I wanted or what was on my list, but at least it would be something." In that moment, God spoke to me and said, "If you settle for this, this is all you will have—nothing more than what you settle for."
I thanked them for their time and told them it wasn't what I was looking for. I drove back home to my empty house and waited for the provision I had prayed for. I waited and waited. For about two months, I waited in my empty house.
Not Just Everything You Wish For, but Everything You Desire continue >>>
Prepare Yourselves for the Glory - Donna Rigney, Bunnell, FL - Feb 8, 2025
[Editor's note: Below are the prophetic words that Donna Rigney shared during her recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage you to pray as you read through them and watch the episode right here.]
God's Word Accomplished Through Donald Trump
God is using Donald Trump to confirm many of the words that He has spoken to me.
On January 5, 2025, Father told me that at lightning speed great changes are coming about in our nation. After lightning struck four buildings on New Year's Eve in Washington D.C. and New York City, I heard the Lord say, "Lightning speed." He was showing me that in the days ahead, He was going to bring transformation to all these areas, and that these four buildings represented "with lightning speed."
After Donald Trump's inauguration on January 20, one change after another was quickly initiated by all his numerous executive orders. He changed the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America.
While on a ministry cruise in the Gulf of Mexico on November 5, 2025, during a prayer meeting, the Holy Spirit moved on those attending to shout loudly. Afterward, He showed me that a Jericho shout went forth and took down the wall of unrighteousness that was built around the United States of America. Just like Joshua was outside the city of Jericho when they shouted and the wall came down, the Lord showed me that we had to be outside the United States of America to shout so that the wall would come down. That night, Trump won the election.
Watching Donald Trump change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America was a wonderful confirmation of what the Lord had led us to do on election day. As Joshua and his army took possession of the Promised Land, watching Donald Trump rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America has felt like a powerful confirmation that Jesus is taking this land back. continue >>>
Is the US government really spending $400 million on Cybertrucks?
Blaze Media Mar 7, 2025 | 02:00 amRumors are swirling that the feds are buying $400 million worth of Tesla Cybertrucks. That would be a huge conflict of interest, considering that Tesla chief Elon Musk is heading up the Department of Government Efficiency in its campaign to[…]
Zelensky Learns the Art of the Deal
PJ Media Mar 7, 2025 | 01:55 am -
When Dems refused to clap for THIS issue, they proved to the country they are NOT the party of the people
Blaze Media Mar 7, 2025 | 01:30 amDemocrats love to wave their “party of the people” banner, but their behavior during President Trump’s speech on Tuesday night proved to the nation that they are actually against the American people. When President Trump broached the subject of lowering[…]
The New York Times Compares Trump’s Presidency To The Chinese Cultural Revolution, But Survivors Disagree
The Federalist Mar 7, 2025 | 01:01 am'There are lots of Chinese Cultural Revolution survivors in this country, but The New York Times has no courage and no objectivity to talk to us.'
The Democrats in Disarray
PJ Media Mar 7, 2025 | 00:59 am -
“Catch and Revoke”: Rubio State Dept Deploys AI to Hunt Down and Revoke Visas of Foreign Students Who Support Hamas Terror
Geller Report Mar 7, 2025 | 00:20 amIt's happening. Finally. Secretary Marco Rubio has begun revoking visas for those participating in criminal pro-Hamas riots
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Trump Executive Order: Those Who Challenge Administration Policies in Court Are FINANCIALLY LIABLE When They Lose
Geller Report Mar 6, 2025 | 23:00 pmThe lawfare war being waged against the Trump administration (or more like we, the people) will now have a serious financial consequences when they lose in court. The Oversight Project recently obtained a secret agreement between fourteen blue states, left[…]
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CNN Forced To Fact-Check Itself After Claiming Trump Lied About Transgender Mice
The Federalist Mar 6, 2025 | 22:39 pmIn his joint address to Congress on Tuesday, President Donald Trump highlighted the “appalling waste” in government spending, including $8 million being allocated to making mice “transgender.” Trump’s point was crystal clear: Taxpayers are spending millions on research trying to[…]
Wildlife Refuge Renamed to Honor Late Victim of Illegal Immigrants
Turning Point USA Mar 6, 2025 | 21:00 pm -
President Trump Honors Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungaray in State of the Union Address
Turning Point USA Mar 6, 2025 | 19:00 pm -
Rachel Maddow’s Very, Very, Very Special Friend
Ann Coulter Feb 27, 2025 | 11:31 amI gotta admit, Joy Reid was indeed blindsided when she was fired from MSNBC this week. How could she possibly have seen this cancellation coming? Sure, by the end, she was down to 11 actual viewers nationwide, eight of them[…]
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Musk’s Attack on Waste, Fraud and Abuse Threatens Status Quo
Ann Coulter Feb 20, 2025 | 14:06 pmDesperate to protect government employees who are paid upward of $100,000 a year to surf porn all day (or do something even more disgusting, like funnel money to USAID), Democrats are beside themselves about Elon Musk. His Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE)[…]