Three Things the Lord Spoke to Me for His Remnant in 2025 - Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas - Jan 30, 2025

This is one of the most powerful words I have received in a long time, possibly ever. It came to me early in the morning while I was seeking the Lord. The Holy Spirit spoke it very deeply to my spirit; He was speaking to me about His remnant in 2025.

The word has three parts, and the first part is that God is wanting to speak to us, one on one. The second part is that we are going to understand the Word on a deeper level as the Lord reveals new revelation to us. The final part is that we have to follow the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives. In this season, our ministries, churches, and lives must be rooted and centered around the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

God Is about to Abundantly Bless Those Who Listen and Obey

First and foremost, God is the head of everything, and He always will be. Things are going to be hard for ministries and churches who do not see God as the head of everything.

In Luke 11:28 it says, "...God will bless all who listen to the word of God and carefully obey everything that they hear" (TPT). God is about to abundantly bless those who listen and obey His commands.

John 8:47 says, "If you really knew God, you would listen, receive, and respond in faith to His words..." (TPT). It's this simple; it is a mandate from Heaven to listen and respond to every word God says.  continue >>>

A Year to Pioneer Again - Craig Cooney, Portadown, Northern Ireland - Jan 28, 2025

Hi friend,

This word below will resonate deeply with some more than others. It's describing how you've increasingly been feeling.

You have sensed the stirring of the Spirit. You're longing for more. You know God is calling you to launch out into something new—to build, create, initiate, innovate.

Don't rush or push too hard. Wait before Him. Remain open and expectant, and be obedient to whatever He tells you. As the weeks and months progress in 2025, you will hear His voice clearly and doors will begin to open. You might not get much more than the first step, but as you move forward in faith, the Lord will make a way.

Begin to prepare quietly, hold onto things lightly, and avoid distractions. Choose your alignments carefully and declutter your life.

This is the year where everything begins to shift, when you come out of the holding pattern, when the fire begins to burn again.

A Year to Pioneer Again 

Lean Into the Rearranging - Lana Vawser, Adelaide, South Australia - Jan 25, 2025

"Remain and Abide Deeper in 2025"

Recently I heard the Lord say, "Lean into the rearranging, for in the simplification there is unprecedented fruitfulness."

The Lord has been speaking this theme to me for a significant amount of time, and as I heard Him speak it to me recently, it was amplified. As I leaned in to listen to the Lord's heart, I could feel the invitation so deeply from His heart for us to go into a deeper revelation and manifestation of ABIDING and REMAINING in Him. I could feel the heart of the Lord extending an invitation in this season to enter into a greater understanding and outworking of what it looks like to live connected and grafted into the vine.

As I have sat with the Lord, John 15 has been thundering loudly in my spirit, along with His call to "remain and abide deeper in 2025."

There is a greater securing and establishing that He is doing within His people as He deepens the revelation of John 15 in their lives.

As I continued to seek the Lord's heart, I heard Him say, "COME ALIVE IN 2025."

He then continued to speak: "I am rearranging. I am shifting and changing. I am moving and shaking. I am GREATLY rearranging.    continue >>>

Windows of Opportunity & a Sifting & Shaking of Government - Amanda Grace, Fishkill, New York - Jan 24, 2025

Prophetic word received on December 18, 2024:

Don't Build Your House Upon the Sand

Praise be to the Lord of hosts, Maker of Heaven and Earth! Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace and good will towards all men. Yours is the glory and power and honor forever and ever, O Lord, who is the Creator and Sustainer of all things! And to Your Kingdom there is no end.


And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, "The wise man built his house upon the rock and the foolish man built his house upon the sand. And the rains came and the storms came," says the Lord, "and destroyed what the foolish man had built upon the sand. What was built upon the rock endured the storm, however the storm did not overtake them (Matthew 7:24–27).

"DO NOT, in this hour, think," says the Lord, "you can build your house—your kingdom—upon the place where that house built upon sand was destroyed; for if you build such in that place, what you have built you will lose as well," says the Lord. "For your foundation will not be one set upon a firm place, a righteous place, a place of MY WORD.

I Am Searching Hearts and Weighing Matters   continue >>>

The Oil of Favor in 2025 - Anita Alexander, Gold Coast, Australia - Jan 23, 2025

Oil of Favor: The Past Is the Past

As each new day brings a reset for our lives in the wonder of the mercies of God, so can a new year. Since we have now entered 2025, no matter what 2024 held in the processes of God, we are always offered new mercies. Your times are in His hands and His mercies are new every morning.

"My times are in Your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me." (Psalm 31:15)

"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22–23)

The Hebrew definitions of the word "mercies" in the context of Lamentations 3:22 are "kindness," "goodness," "beauty," and "favor" (Strong's H2617).

Recently I had an encounter with the Lord regarding this new season we stand in. The Lord was anointing His beloved with fresh oil, and I heard the Lord say, "The oil of favor."

In the context of Lamentations 3, here and now, there is a new mercy for a new season.

Yesterday Ends Today    continue >>>

It's Time to Take the Climb and Endure All the Way Upward - Rachel Miranda Emerson, Bardstown, KY - Jan 22, 2025

You Are Responsible for Your Own Climb

While in prayer, I was taken into a vision. I saw myself going up this very steep mountain. I had a tool in my hand that the Lord later revealed was a "grappling hook."

As I was going up this steep mountain, it was snowing. It was very cold, and the way up felt treacherous, yet I knew the climb could be accomplished. I had on very heavy protective winter gear, and even goggles to protect my eyes from the torrent of the wind on this climb. Then the Lord reminded me of a Scripture:

"Who may ascend onto the mountain of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to what is false, nor has sworn [oaths] deceitfully. He shall receive a blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation (description) of those who diligently seek Him and require Him as their greatest need, who seek Your face, even [as did] Jacob. Selah." (Psalm 24:3–6)

Then underneath me I saw a long line of people holding onto a rope that I clearly had in my hand, along with the tool. Then all of a sudden I saw the line snap, and I said, "Lord, what does this mean?" And the Lord began to impress a message upon me:   continue >>>

 January 22, 2025 - Restored Destiny - Karen Hardin

On Christmas Eve, our five-year-old grandson had finished dinner and wanted to play as the rest of us finished the meal. Presents had already been opened and he wanted to get back to playing! A few minutes later he came back to the table and grabbed my hand, “Gigi, you need to come here.”

I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn’t asking me to come play, but to see something…

His little hand in mine, he led me over to the window where we had a Christmas decoration that had caught his attention. And no wonder. It was large red metal truck. In the bed of the truck were two Christmas trees and a large present. The headlights and other parts of the truck lit up. Normally it had been on a counter where he could see it, but not play with it. But it had been moved to the floor—within his reach—as we moved food to the counter in the place where it had been displayed.

The Book of Revelation, Part 14 - By Rick Joyner

      Why is so much in the book of Revelation about the antichrist, the beasts, the false prophet, the great harlot, and all the primary enemies of the Son of God? Because we see in this vision how these enemies of God are overcome by the revelation of Jesus Christ, and by the power and authority of those who follow Him.
      The spiritual enemies of God are defined in Scripture as various levels of demons, assigned to buffet individuals. Above them are principalities, which are assigned to fight God and His Christ on regional levels. Next are world rulers, which are given power throughout the entire world. These are general evils such as racism and counterfeit spiritual authority, which the Bible calls witchcraft or sorcery.
      Finally, we have the devil himself, who usually appears to be sophisticated and brilliant. The devil’s primary domains are religion and politics, through which he seeks to have people build on human alliances for what is earthly, rather than the will of God. ...

Danger Ahead - John G Elliott

Would God Ever Ask Us to Do Wrong?

No. But he might push to the limit our ability to trust him. The first words of this chapter—“Some time later God tested Abraham”—suggest that God never really intended the sacrifice of Isaac to take place. The point was the test: Did Abraham really trust God?

We are shocked by this situation today because we know the Bible’s strong commands against child sacrifice That’s what pagan gods demanded, not the holy God of Israel.

Because the Biblical laws against child sacrifice came later, we can’t be sure what Abraham understood about the practice. Even so, God had shaped Abraham’s values. This request would not have been consistent with God’s character as Abraham had come to know him to this point, so perhaps Abraham was confused by the nature of God’s command. But even though God commanded Abraham to sacrifice the son promised to him, the writer of Hebrews states that “Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead” (Heb 11:19). The laughter of disbelief when Abraham had been promised a son with his aged wife had become a firm confidence in the God who had made—and kept—that promise.

God’s command was harsh (even for the ancients). But Abraham believed God would fulfill his promise through Isaac. It makes us ask ourselves, will we entrust our futures unreservedly to the God Abraham trusted?

Taken from the NIV Starting Place Study Bible.

This Is Your Catch-up Year! - Andrew Towe, Chattanooga, TN - Jan 17, 2025

The "Underdogs" Are Going to Gain Ground

I heard the Lord say, "2025 is a catch-up year. This will be the year when those labeled 'underdogs' will gain ground and shoot ahead. The enemy has told many of them that it is too late, but I am a restorer of years. Where there has been fruitlessness, barrenness, and drought, [it] will now become an oasis, overflowing with the blessings of God."

This Is Your Catch-up Year!

My son Gabriel and I were at a theme park, walking through the long stretch of the queue that led to a certain ride, when he suddenly shouted, "Daddy, let's race!" Without a moment's hesitation, he bolted ahead. I quickly joined in, running past him at full speed.

I was flying, glancing back to see him giving it his all. However, I didn't notice that the path took a sharp right turn. In that instant, Gabriel seized the opportunity. He found himself on the inside of the curve while I was stuck on the outside.

To my surprise, my little seven year old beat me, the eight-mile-a-day runner!

He said, "Daddy, I catched up to you."

At that very moment, I heard the Lord say, "2025 is a catch-up year!"

Did you get that? It is not too late for you. If God spoke it, then He will bring it to pass. This is YOUR catch-up year!  continue >>>

A Golden Age of Awakening & a Renaissance of Righteousness - Jane Hamon, Santa Rosa Beach, FL - Jan 16, 2025


Breaking through Barriers and Setting the Stage for a Golden Age

As we continue into 2025, I want to share a prophetic word the Lord has given me—a word that I believe will stir your faith and position you for the days ahead.

As we closed out 2024, I recognized that the prophetic word I gave at the beginning of the year ("A Time of Victory Over Chaos") and the word I gave at Rosh Hashanah ("A Time of Navigating Contrary Winds") were still in the process of being fulfilled into the first quarter of 2025. These first months of the new year will be important for prayer and positioning, as the enemy will continue to stir the pot of chaos, crisis, and calamity not only in the USA but in the nations of the earth.

While there have been certain breakthroughs in the US election cycle, we should remember that the definition of the word "breakthrough" means "a military movement or advance all the way through and beyond the enemy's frontline defense." It means to overcome obstacles, barriers, and hindrances to progress. In other words, breakthrough is not the end of a matter but a new beginning.   continue >>>

January 15, 2025 -  What Does God Say About Rewarding Evil? - Karen Hardin

(NOTE: As this is such an important week, as the Biden Administration continues to use their last few days to bring more destruction on America before Trump takes over, and with the importance of our prayers for protection over the upcoming inuagaration and the future of Trump's work, we have chosen to share the same message and prayer from Monday's email message. Can't pray over it too much, can we?)

Medals are typically given in recognition of heroic actions and service. They are to bestow honor. But in typical fashion, days before he will leave office, Biden has forever cemented his administration's honor of and commitment to evil.

Last week, Biden gave America’s highest award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom to two of the most corrupt and evil traitors to America. “Joe Biden awarded twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Saturday, bestowing the nation’s highest civilian honor upon perhaps its least popular politician. White House ceremony attendees gave her a standing ovation,” stated Tucker Carlson. The award was also given to George Soros, the man who has single-handedly funded more soft-on-crime/communist party candidates inserting them in as governors, district attorney’s, etc, all over America.  (Link:

Jan 14 - The Book of Revelation, Part 13 - Rick Joyner

       “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must soon take place; and He sent and communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant John, who testified to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near” (Revelation 1:1-3).

      This vision is first a revelation of Jesus. This should always be foremost in our minds as we study it. It is also a road map through the church age to the beginning of the age to come in which Christ will reign over the earth.

      At the time this vision was given to John, it was almost entirely a look into the future. As stated in the verse above, it began to unfold soon after John received it. It continued through the centuries of the church age until now. As we look back, most of it has now been fulfilled. However, what comes at the end is a spectacular consummation of God’s plan for the earth. Some of the most important events predicted in this vision come at the very end of this age, which is, conclusively, the time in which we’re now living.   continue >>>

25 Life Lessons for 2025 - Craig Cooney, Portadown, Northern Ireland - Jan 13, 2025

Today, I'm re-sharing a word about this being a "finishing season" and 25 lessons God taught me that may help you in this new year.

1. Lean Into Discomfort

Growth happens when we move outside places that are familiar, predictable, and comfortable. If you're not regularly doing something that scares you or makes you feel like a total imposter, you're probably living too small.

It's never too late to reinvent yourself or try something new. You don't have to keep doing something just because it's been a certain way for a long time.

If the way you're doing life isn't working, make a Spirit-empowered shift.

2. Know That He Is Involved in Every Detail

God is intimately and intricately involved in the details of your life. There is nothing He does not see. There is nothing He can't do. He is at work in people, situations, places, and hearts, working all things together for your good and His glory.

3. Don't Limit Yourself

Often we think of decisions as being "either/or." In many cases, God would say, "It's both/and."

Don't limit yourself or God to a very narrow range of possibilities. You are empowered and equipped to do so much more than you realize.  Continue >>>