FlashPoint: The Last Days & The Woke Battle (November 16th 2023) - Bailey - Wallnau - Cooper - D'Souza

Nate Johnston: "Your Promotion in the Midst of Warfare"

Earlier in the week, as I was praying, I kept seeing this vision of people with targets that were painted on their backs, and they were unaware; and they had these huge sickle-type instruments in their hands, and they were creating paths and slashing through the scrub and bush of untouched terrain.  Continue >>>

The Imitation of Christ

by Thomas à Kempis


Of seeking peace of mind and of spiritual progress

Mandy Woodhouse: "The Master and the Exchange"

I had a prophetic dream in early October that I have been pondering for weeks now. It deeply impacted the way that I see the Father, but it has also altered the way that I interact with Him daily. I felt to share the dream here, along with a few brief thoughts, and I pray that it will impact your heart to the depths that it pierced mine.  Continue reading >>> 

Discerning or Deceived? - Karen Hardin

November 15, 2023

A friend called and gave me very disturbing news. A leader in our city was at a meeting and spent the entire time badmouthing another top leader. She spent over an hour stirring up strife, trying to spark people to take action against the leader. What was worse, according to my friend, everything the individual shared was false!

The Imitation of Christ

by Thomas à Kempis


Of the danger of superfluity of words

Nathan Shaw: "The Middle East: Speak God's Destiny Over These Nations!"

God has a profound love for the nations of the Middle East. Recently He spoke to me: "Something profound and unexpected will happen in the Middle East. I am shaking the grip of blinding mindsets off nations given to terror. I have not destined these nations for terror—that is the work of the enemy. Governments and organizations will be shaken. Nations will be transformed by My glory."   Continue >>>

Dutch Sheets & Jane Hamon: "Ekklesia, Hold the Line! - Advance in the Midst of Darkness!"

Intro from Dutch Sheets: Our friend and seasoned prophet, Jane Hamon, released the following word in February of 2021. I realize it was for then, but I am confident the word is also for now. It will encourage you during this time as the unrest here in America and elsewhere increases.  Continue reading >>>

The Imitation of Christ

by Thomas à Kempis


Of Obedience and Subjection

Kim Robinson: "An Encounter in the Conference Room of Heaven"

[Editor's Note: Below are the notes that Kim Robinson shared from on her recent interview on Elijah Streams. We encourage you to read through them and watch her episode right here.]

Intro from Kim: Here are a few ways through which the Holy Spirit speaks to me: nature, encounters in Heaven, dreams, and the Word. Don't limit the ways He wants to speak to you.  continue >>>

Urgent Prophetic Insight: Israel at War Part 3 and a Persecuting Spirit Nov 7, 2023 • Amanda Grace, Prophetic Insight, Israel at War

 The Imitation of Christ

by Thomas à Kempis


Of a low estimation of self in the sight of God



I had an encounter with the Lord recently as several of us from our church spent some time praying in our sanctuary.

As we began to wait on the Lord, His presence became heavy. I sensed the angelic host circling and ministering in the room. I watched them lift their hands in worship and could sense their pure joy in giving adoration to the One on the throne. As I watched, I heard someone praying in the spirit. It was a heavenly language pouring out from a yearning heart, as if trying to pull something down from above. I was drawn deeper into worship and began to feel this hunger to behold the beauty of the One who alone is worthy. As I embraced this call to worship in the beauty of His holiness, I was overwhelmed by it. I was then taken to Psalm 27:4. continue >>>

"Hear the Sound of the Prevailing Roar" Alane Haynes, San Diego, CA

As I was interceding this last week, Holy Spirit reminded me of a word He gave me five years ago. Much of it is relevant to the current warfare in Israel, the nations, and in our personal lives.

I distinctly heard, "No more side rails or derails. You will not be curtailed, for I have prevailed!" I also heard, "The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty..." (Zeph. 3:17, KJV). Then, at a prophetic event, I had two visions during worship that confirmed what I sensed in my spirit.  Continue >>>