New Assignment Protect America's Waterways | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch | January 15, 2024

Amanda Grace, Robin Bullock + MORE have Night of Prayer for the Trump Family & the Nation 1.14.2024

 FlashPoint: Fasting for Justice! (January 11 2024)


FlashPoint: Epstein Revelations & More! (January 4th 2024)

Charlie Shamp: "A Season of Transformation & Rebirth Is Coming to America! - Charlie Shamp, Moravian Falls, NC - Jan 12, 2024

[Editor's note: Below are the notes that Charlie Shamp shared from during his recent interview on Elijah Streams. We encourage you to read through them and watch this episode right here.]

A Word for America 2024

Prophetic word released on December 31, 2023:

On December 30, 2023 at 4:51 AM, I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, "Fear not, for I am with you in this hour of uncertainty and turmoil. Though they speak of a red dawn and the day of the dragon, I declare to you that this is the day of the roar of the Lord. I am moving in power and authority to bring about justice and righteousness in your nation.

"Do not be swayed by the voices of fear and confusion. The enemy is busy at work sowing seeds of division and deception, but I am exposing the works of darkness. I am striking at the scales of justice, bringing to light the hidden agendas and schemes of the enemy.   continue reading >>>


by | Jan 10, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries | 99 comments

Donald Trump cannot save America. All the more reason to vote for him.

Christians who oppose Trump will say just the opposite. They will tell you not to vote for Trump because he cannot save America.

But then the believers who back Trump will say, ‘Vote for him because he can save the nation.’ It seems I disagree with everyone. But hold on.

Trump cannot save America because America’s crisis is supernatural.

America is perverted by demonic power.

Trump cannot save America because America’s crisis is supernatural. All of the players you see in power are just puppets belonging to the ruler of this world. Our national crises are just symptoms of a deeper condition. Satan and demonic rulers are behind it all.  continue reading >>>


Through all my years of prophetic dreaming, I’ve never received a dream that suggested anything about Jesus’ return or any specific event preceding it. What I HAVE been consistently shown is that the Church is going to go through some massive overhauls and major changes. I’ve never had clarity concerning how or where this would fit into any timeline. All I’ve known in my spirit is that the power and presence of the Lord is going to be experienced in unprecedented ways before His final return.

Then, last week I had a dream that was unlike any other. The Lord revealed His heart and His intention for the Body of Christ in these “last days” before the wedding of the Lamb…

In the dream It was clear that the Holy Spirit had been ministering to people throughout the entire congregation. I saw people gathered in groups and huddles around the room, praying together and in deep fellowship. ....   continue reading >>>


Sylvia Neusch: "Delight Once Again in the Richness from His Table!"

Recently, as I was spending time with the Lord, I saw God moving powerfully to release WAVES OF HUNGER for Him in many in the coming days. Hunger in the Kingdom is actually a good thing, and it is to be cultivated and desired. If we are not hungry, then we become unhealthy. This is true in the natural as well as in the spiritual.

A Loss of Spiritual Appetite

The enemy has sought to defeat the sons and daughters of God by drawing them away from true nourishment. I saw that many had lost their healthy hunger through disappointments, loss of vision, and hope deferred. When the mind is offended, the heart is soon to follow. When left unhealed, wounded hearts can result in a loss of spiritual appetite. Because of the lies believed, it can lead these hurting ones to a place where they no longer desire to take their seat at His table.  Continue reading >>>

What Does the Church Stand For?

January 3, 2024

What does the Church stand for? When placed in the context of the current events all around us, what does it (do we) stand for? If we have all the authority our Lord Jesus says that we do, then don't you think we should see much more positive impact on our society around us?

Shouldn't darkness be dispelled by His light in us? Do we have His authority or not? If yes, then why aren't we making an impact comparable to His authority and power?

It's wonderful to pray inside the walls of the Church or in the "safety" of our homes, "Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done..." But if we are not seeing His kingdom come or His will being done around us, then perhaps we as the Church are not standing up for His truth and righteousness as He deserves and expects. 


As we quickly approach the threshold of a new year, some are stepping into 2024 with a feeling of hope deferred. This year I’ve encountered person after person who is experiencing health problems seemingly out of nowhere. I’m experiencing it too.

I recently read a blog post by Wanda Alger that was quite enlightening. Her story is my story. She describes what the year 2023 has been for her. I read on in stunned silence. Later, as I read through some of the comments people had left her, I saw that many, many Christians have been facing these very same challenges.

It appears there has been an onslaught concerning health and wholeness against many in the Body of Christ. For most, it has not been just one thing, but rather one thing after another — with no apparent breakthrough in sight. Why is this happening?  read more >>>

Karen Hardin: "Uncharted Waters and Unexpected Transitions in This Kairos Season"

We are in a kairos moment. The question is what will we do with it? By definition, "kairos" is when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action. We are there.

Within this kairos season, there is much transition taking place—and there is a reason. God is moving people into positions we would never have sought or imagined but are necessary for this critical juncture in history. Is it because others, perhaps more qualified, were unwilling to fill these positions? Perhaps. I don't know. But here we are.   read more >>>

Four Horses, Four Anointings, Four Creatures (Part 1) - Chris Reed

      I want to share with you a recent dream I had about four horses. I was standing outside a corral, and there were three horses of different colors in the corral. They were huge. They were standing at the starting gate, pawing at the ground and snorting with smoke coming from their nostrils.

      A man in a large, black Druid robe corralled the three horses. They were difficult to control. The horses were excited because they knew it was time for them to be released. The man in the black robe looked angrily at me. Then I saw a fourth horse outside the corral.

      It was a red horse, riding in the world, like lightning through the earth. It left rubble and destruction wherever it roamed. The man in the black robe said to the three horses in the corral, “It’s almost time for one of your last rides. This time you’ll run wild together with no restraint.” Then the man said, “I must turn these followers of Him against one another.” He could not say the name of the Lord, just “Him.” So, I spoke up and said, “Jesus!” As soon as I said “Jesus,” I woke up.   continue reading >>>

Having a Rough Day? Here's More Hope - Karen Hardin

Merry Christmas!
With Christmas just 5 days away, where is our focus? Last minute Christmas shopping? Grocery shopping? Preparing food for upcoming guests? Parties? 

It's so easy to be propelled by our calendars, rather than by our hearts and the spirit. We encourage you to take a moment to breathe. Take a piece of paper and spend a few minutes reflecting on the blessings you have experienced this year. 

Not feeling very blessed at the moment? 

Yvon Attia: "A 'Grand Finale' December!"

As I was seeking God for the month of December, I found myself having two dreams. The first dream was on November 23, the day of Thanksgiving.

Dream of a Giant and a Forest

In my first dream, I found myself walking among many trees in what seemed to be a forest. I saw trees of all different sizes. Some trees were huge, while others were quite small. I also noticed that the big trees covered the small trees, and the small trees had no room to grow; they were choked by the big trees.  continue reading >>>

Francis Frangipane: "Where the Spirit of the Lord Is"

The Good News: He Has Come to Set You Free!

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)   continue reading >>>

Hearing God’s Voice Is Easier Than You Think - Bill Johnson | Bethel Church (10 minutes)

It Is Time for the Prodigals to Come Home!

Do you have children and loved ones who have strayed from the Lord or are not as strong in the Lord as they should be? Most do. Recently, we have felt the need to become more intent on praying over our children and other family members. First and foremost, regarding their relationship with God. But also for our family to grow in greater unity and love for each other.

When we have adult children leading their own lives, our role as parents changes. We give advice when asked and can no longer control who their friends are or where they go. Our greatest role is in prayer. For those who are concerned with the direction their children are going spiritually, remember as their parents we still have spiritual authority to influence what is influencing them.