Life in the New Covenant, Part 19 Rick Joyner May 7

Any time believers in our congregation display weakness, we should try to strengthen them in the faith and not reject them. We should keep trying to help them as long as they continue to try. However, when they quit, it is not possible to prop them up. As harsh as it may seem, we cannot expend that which has been given to us in service of those who do not have the will to receive it.

Nowhere do we see the Lord trying to compel or beg people to follow Him if they did not have it in themselves to do it. Such will only hold back the rest from becoming and doing what they are called to do or be.

However, we must not confuse the lack of commitment to a doctrine or project as a lack of commitment to the Lord. We should not confuse their lack of commitment to our congregation with a lack of commitment to the Lord. They may be called to another congregation, even another movement or expression of the body of Christ. If we think we have the best, or the only one worthy of commitment, we are deluded and conceited, and it is good that they leave us. If they have been called, their devotion will come alive if they are allowed to find their right place in Him. continue >>>