Alane Haynes: "The Landscape of Your Life Is Changing" - San Diego, CA - May 7, 2024

Some weeks ago, I had a very strange dream. After seeking the Lord about what it meant and sharing it with a few close friends, I know that it is a word from the Lord.

Prophetic Dream

In the dream, I was inside a house looking out one of two very large windows which overlooked the yard. In the dream, I knew it was my house, but it was not the house I currently live in. In the yard were three workers, construction equipment, and storage units. Our shed and back fence were gone, as well as everything we had planted. The workers were tagging three willow trees that bordered a neighbor's property. I was upset and went outside, telling them they had no right to do this, that this was our property. The man in charge said, "The owner has rights." I was confused because I thought my husband and I were the owners.

My husband and I walked to the back edge of our property where the fence had been. We now saw that it was a very high place overlooking a vast expanse of ocean. There was a ledge about six feet below, and my husband jumped onto it. I was gripped by fear and yelled, "What are you doing?" He then lifted his hand and I pulled him up. Then I woke up.  continue >>>