Nate Johnston: "Return of the Hospital Church" May 9, 2024

We Are Crossing Over

Ever since we crossed over into 2024, I have noticed a massive shift in my dreams from the Lord. One of the common themes I keep dreaming about is healing and deliverance. In every dream, this is not just happening to individuals, but en masse. It's become quite common for me to dream of people encountering freedom and deliverance on such a scale and level of power and glory that I wake up and still feel it lingering. It's captured my heart—the longing and desire of Jesus to see His people truly free. I feel it in my bones: we are crossing over.

We have bound the Church for too long. The pews have been places where sickness has thrived, and we have normalized issues that Jesus healed people from in the Bible. We have celebrated dysfunctions, mental illness, and given the enemy 'high places,' instead of casting out the snake, defying Jezebel, and calling out strongmen for what they are. They have sat at our tables for too long, poisoning pulpits, compromising the Bride, killing marriages, and raising prodigals. We have 'band-aided' what has plagued us instead of driving it out with the power of the Spirit. We have been sick with nowhere to go, and no doctors, nurses, or healers to lead us to wholeness.

But, yes, those days are over... We are crossing over.

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