In the month of July, God is restoring lost things, dreams, and promises to people. He is showcasing His love in little ways, through seemingly insignificant details. He is releasing unexpected upgrades in multiple areas—including areas of authority and influence. And He is redeeming family lines and healing generational trauma. Lean into His presence and allow His goodness to lead you. Bless His name no matter what you're facing, and trust that He is working everything out for your good.

The Lost Has Been Found

"Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn't she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.' In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." (Luke 15:8-10)  Continue

The Season of a Great Fall

Intro: Read this powerful prophecy by Pastor Hank Kunneman, given on May 11, 2023, where the Spirit of the Lord is reminding His people that we are in His season of a "great fall." This is not a season based on the natural calendar...but this is a divine window of time according to the living God, marked by the fall of kings, kingdoms and leaders as His righteousness and justice overthrow corruption!

Pay attention to extreme weather as a sign of the Lord judging the judges of the earth. As the shakings of events become more intense, temperatures will reach well into the 100s. Watch as media networks continue to feel the heat and the raising up of a cord of three strands, as a man, woman and another man bring reform to restore governmental law and order again.  Continue 

I experienced one of those heart-stopping moments that are every parent's nightmare... My daughter and I were shopping at a local mall; one minute my two-year-old grandson was happily seated in the kid's area watching a movie, the next moment he was nowhere to be seen. Frantic, I told my daughter to search the store while I ran out to the mall entrance.

With just a few steps, I was at the store entrance, where I was abruptly stopped in my tracks. A woman was blocking my exit. She was a very large woman who seemed to occupy the entire store entrance. She was so tall that I had to bend my head all the way back to see her face and meet her gaze. I looked into her fiery eyes as she extended her left arm down the mall. My eyes followed her long arm and finger in the direction she was pointing, as I heard her fiercely proclaim, "I told him to get back in there!"   Continue

What our presidents have said about God - Karen Hardin

Although We Celebrate Independence, We Cannot Be Independent from Almighty God!

As we celebrate America's Independence Day, may we remember what we became independent of and why. We have never been closer to losing our freedom--actually giving it away or allowing it to be stolen-- for the promise of "protection and safety." We have been told that America is not a Christian nation. But let's reflect back on history which tells the true story. 

“It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” George Washington

“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which heaven itself has ordained.” George Washington

“We recognize no sovereign but God, and no king but Jesus!” John Adams


As we face the uncertainties of this world, it’s important that we learn to expect an answer from our Savior. When we pray, we should do so optimistically.

Something quite amazing happened to me the very night I began writing this article. I was out for a walk and heard an owl hooting in a nearby tree. I halted, mesmerized by the distinctive call. I decided to “interact” with this owl by making my own hooting sounds. Within seconds, a large, beautiful owl swooped down from the tree and flew right toward my head. I ducked down quickly as the owl turned and soared up to a nearby electrical pole.  Continue

President Trump Reacts to Durham's testimony yesterday!

Earlier this year, in one night, the Lord gave me two separate dreams that I feel are of importance to the Body of Christ. I shared them on Facebook earlier in the year, but now feel led to share them with the wider Body of Christ, with more detailed directives given.

My First Dream: A Time of Deliverance    Continue

 "Three Assignments for Overcomers!" - Sylvia Neusch, Round Rock, Texas

I heard the Lord say, "I'm taking My people from overtaken to overcoming." Then, I saw a picture of the children of Israel after they had followed Moses out of Egypt and were camped by the sea at a place called Pi Hahiroth. Pharaoh had finally relented and agreed to let them leave Egypt. The Israelites were on their way to freedom. It was while they were in this vulnerable place, camped by the sea, that Pharaoh and his officials changed their minds, deciding to come after the Israelites to once again take them into captivity.  Continue

What has happened in Russia, when even the Soviet Union seems lenient in comparison? - Karen Hardin

I recently read an article regarding how Russia is locking up those with different opinions than the current leadership. They are known as political prisoners. This was very common during the 60s and 70s Cold War. Back in Stalin's day in the 30s, they might just shoot you for such a "crime." 

Today, we provide the article mentioned above, plus another one about a two year old toddler being sentenced to life in prison with his parents because they had a Bible. Talk about insanity!  

FlashPoint: Evil Exposed! w/ Sean Feucht (June 20th 2023)



The Future Revealed During a Visit in Heaven

On May 15, 2023, while I was sitting alone with the Lord in my time of prayer, Holy Spirit took me up in the spirit realm to Heaven. I looked about and saw that I was sitting on the garden swing, between Father and Jesus, in the Garden of Glory.

Suddenly, the magnificent butterfly of change came before us. I looked at the butterfly closely and saw that its wings were the color of a brilliant rainbow, and the edges of its wings were lined with silver and gold. Jesus invited me to go with Him on a ride to see the changes that were already happening and will be coming to our nation and others.  Continue

Fr. Chad Ripperger: Satan Told Me That They Are Running Out Of Time – The World Is Changing Rapidly

The other morning, I heard the Lord say, "It may feel like you're standing in the midst of an earthquake of warfare, but rejoice! I am birthing mountain-moving movements."

In the spirit, I could see many who have been experiencing intense opposition hitting them on every side. They have been feeling like this warfare has really been shaking them this time, like the level of warfare and witchcraft coming against them is causing the very foundations of what God has spoken to them to shake. I saw many who have been feeling weary of the warfare and the battle. I saw many looking at the foundations and feeling like this level of warfare has been bringing cracks to the foundations of what God has spoken, bringing weariness, doubt, exhaustion—even despair for some.

I Saw Hammers in Their Hands  Continue

You have Authority | Bill Johnson | Bethel Church - 6 minutes