May 15, 2024

They Crossed Our Southern Border
Some who have crossed our southern border have come seeking a better life. I truly believe this. But others have taken advantage of the open border for nefarious reasons. One of our featured articles today mentions that the earlier groups of Chinese who crossed our southern border were primarily young males aged 25-35. Hmmm. That sounds like military aged males. Later families with kids started coming. We may not know the true motives of many of these illegal immigrants until some future event reveals those who came with the intention of bringing harm to the American people. We do need to ask God how to prepare for such an event when our enemies hiding among us decide it is time to act. 

In our second article, activists from Iran and China who have found sanctuary in the U.S. are facing threats in the U.S. from agents of their home countries who are harrassing, intimidating or plotting violence against them for their activism in the U.S. 

Standing for Justice & Righteousness,

Kevin & Karen
P.S. We can use your help. We continue to work diligently in Cambodia with local area pastors to bring the Gospel to the people and ongoing training and materials for the pastors. We continue to work with underground pastors in China who continue to share the Gospel at great peril to their safety.

And we continue to fight for our freedom and justice in the U.S. where the depth of depravity and corruption in both parties is becoming clearer by the day. We have been threatened that we must shut up. We have been attacked and lied about, but we refuse to give up. We continue to pray for America, Donald Trump and Truth. Please donate so we can stay in the fight. THANK YOU!

Kevin & Karen, I Will Partner With You Today!
Today's Articles
A Black Hole or a House of Gold?
May 7, 2024 (

In the post COVID-19 era, economic and social upheaval has led to a significant increase in migration. A surprising influx of refugees at the southern US border include a group of Chinese individuals who have passed through 10 to 20 countries to reach the US. They’ve been named “走线客” (translated as “smuggling route travelers” or “route runners”) in the Chinese-speaking world.

CLICK HERE to read more.

Image credit: Courtesy of the author.
As China & Iran hunt for dissidents in the US, the FBI is racing to counter the threat.
May 6, 2024 (

American officials say foreign countries like China intimidate, harass and sometimes plot violence against political opponents and activists in the U.S. They show the frightening consequences that geopolitical tensions can have on ordinary citizens.

CLICK HERE to read more.

Image Credit: Bob Fu via AP
Karen's New Book!


The most important thing we can do is pray. Fervently. What we do now determines America's future, which means our children's future. It is urgent we pray the Word and refuse to give up. 

"Prayers for America and Donald Trump" highlights 25 different areas in which we desperately need to pray and see breakthroughs. 

I felt compelled to write this book, because we MUST pray to stop the onslaught.

These prayers are scriptures, put into prayer form, because we know when we pray the Word of God, He watches over His Word to perform it.

Some of the prayers include: 
  1. Election integrity
  2. Righteous judges
  3. Reducing the national debt
  4. Protection for Donald Trump & his family
  5. Deliverance from unjust accusations & unjust indictments
  6. Restoration of our legal system
  7. Restoration of law and order
  8. Truth & justice regarding the 2020 election
  9. Courage to stand
  10. America to be restored, and more.
This is a spiritual battle and we need to address it there first. Please join me in praying for Donald Trump and America to see restoration, reformation and revival.

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  • 1 - $7.99
  • 5 - $37.50
  • 10 - $70.00
  • 100 - $650

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     If you would like a free copy of scriptural prayers to pray over you and your family, go to our website at:

     As we pray the Word, we come into alignment with His Word and He said He watches over His Word to perform it!

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