"The Dream of the Three Coins" - Nate Johnston, Colorado Springs, CO - May 30, 2024

A Spiritual and Natural Recession

Recently, I had the same dream for three nights in a row. I believe this dream is the Lord speaking about what He is getting ready to pour out upon the Body of Christ in this next season. Before I share the dream, I need to speak about the season that we have been in. It's what I have called a "spiritual and natural recession."   continue >>>

Life in the New Covenant, Part 21 Rick Joyner

      Last week we began to look into what the life would look like for those who stay on the path of life until the end. This is important because the Lord said it was those who “endured to the end” that would be saved (see Matthew 10:22, 24:13, Mark 13:13). I think one can have a major fall or falls, be restored, and end their walk in faithfulness, and perhaps be even stronger if they found humility.   continue >>>


What Is Christian Nationalism? | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | May 29, 2024

Amanda Grace: "A Fiery Word from the Lord" - Fishkill, New York - May 29, 2024

[Editor's note: Below are the notes that Amanda Grace shared from during her recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage you to read through them and watch the episode right here.]

Prophetic word received May 6, 2024, 7:45 am:

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During a recent powerful worship and prayer time, a burden of the Lord came upon me and I prophesied a strong word from the Lord that spoke to the hearts of all that were present. I feel the Lord wants me to share it openly. It was not recorded, so I am writing it from memory and additional insight as I sought the Lord.  continue >>>

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are downtrodden, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord” (Luke 4:18-19).   continue >>


FBI Prepared to use Deadly Force at Mar a Lago Raid -  H/T Jeff Childers Coffee & Covid

?? Yesterday, Newsweek — bless them — was the only corporate media platform to cover a shocking story broken by stalwart independent journalist and legal analyst Julie Kelly, with this dramatic and infuriating headline:

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Eight Things That Happen in a Spiritual Attack - Know How to Recognize Them

"Pentecost Reset | Tim Sheets

The Power of the Presence of Jesus - David Wilkerson

Military Coup Simulation Reveals Potentially Dangerous 2024 Outcome for Donald Trump - TCN - Tucker Carlson

Lana Vawser: "Come into the Upper Room! Fire Is Falling for the New Frontiers"-Adelaide, South Australia-May 19, 2024

Recently I heard the Lord say, "Come into the upper room! My fire is falling for the new frontiers."

There is a weighty invitation from the Lord to come into the upper room, the place of prayer and of waiting on Him like never before, for His fire is falling for the new frontiers.

There is a deep place of encounter awaiting God's people right now, a FRESH COMMISSIONING in the UPPER ROOM for the new frontiers that are before us. There is an invitation to leave behind the noise and distractions and come into the upper room, for the fire of God is falling, and the Spirit of God is about to fall in such POWER, it will cause everything that can be shaken to be shaken.

The Lord showed me MIGHTY deliverances that are taking place in the upper room, where the Spirit of God is falling in such power. SUDDEN deliverances are taking place. SUDDEN healings are taking place. SUDDEN alignments are taking place. The fog is SUDDENLY breaking. Time is SUDDENLY being restored. Vision is SUDDENLY increasing.   continue >>>

The De Facto Manifesto for Citizens of the United States - Rick Joyner


      In an era marked by global instability and great domestic challenges, the principles on which the founders based the U.S. Constitution are more vital than ever for us to understand and re-establish as our national foundation.

      As the United States approaches another election cycle amidst growing political polarization and international uncertainties, it is crucial for citizens to reassert the foundational norms that have guided our nation to higher levels of success and prosperity than any nation in history.

      Many believe the Constitution of the United States is divinely inspired, but it is not on the level of Scripture, nor is it without flaws. However, it has been by far the most successful government charter or document ever written, outlasting any other attempt at democratic governance. It was also brilliantly designed to be amended, slowly and carefully as times might require, lest the nation be weakened by attempts to bend to every new doctrine or briefly popular whim.   continue >>>

Resisting the Globalist Beast System - Chris Reed

      Last week, I discussed nationalism and the importance of United States maintaining its national boundaries. Nationalism is often treated like a curse word in circles where people favor globalism. However, it was God’s intent for each nation to operate independently. As we read in Acts 17:26, God “has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.”          

      Globalism, historically known as imperialism, was the effort to bring peace and prosperity to the world by uniting mankind under a single political regime. This started all the way back at the tower of Babel. Men tried to build a city with a tower as high as the heavens so they could “make a name for” themselves, and God spread mankind to different parts of the globe (see Genesis 11:1-9). Since then, the spirit of antichrist has been at work. In the last days, the spirit of antichrist—the beast—is going to hijack the globalist worldview to bring about one central world government and currency (see Revelation 13).   continue >>>

What Is the ‘Abomination of Desolation’? September 8, 2014 | DAN DORIANI

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If a group of Christians sat down to list perplexing passages, it wouldn’t take long for someone to mention Matthew 24:15-16: “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” The reasons for uncertainty are easy to list. What is an abomination? What abomination does Jesus have in mind? One that belongs to his generation, or one from the last days? What is the connection between the prophecies of Daniel and Jesus? Who is “the reader,” and what should he or she understand? In what sense should readers “flee to the mountains”? Should they obey literally or metaphorically? 

As always, the first step is to read the text in literary, cultural, historical, and canonical contexts. Then we analyze the structure of the passage and do the necessary lexical and grammatical work. We begin with the key phrase, “abomination of desolation.”

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