February 5, 2025

(NOTE: The purpose of Destiny Builders News & Prayer emails is to help provide our readers with knowledge about China and other nations we serve in order to better know how to pray for the people of these nations.)

Have you ever bought any products from Temu, Shein or other deep discount sellers? Check out today's first article about those who are working the long hours so that these sellers can get those products to you at great prices.

Also for those who are watching Chinese politics, check out this article about the groups that may challenge Xi Jinping's total control over China.

 Kevin & Karen
PS - If this ministry is a blessing to you and you are not already supporting us in prayer and giving, please consider planting a gift as the Lord leads. All gifts are tax-deductible. Thank you!

NOTE: We can now accept donations of cryptocurrency and stocks at www.DestinyBuilders.world.

Click Here to Donate Today!
Today's Articles


The truth behind your $12 dress: Inside the Chinese factories fueling Shein's success

The hum of sewing machines is a constant in parts of Guangzhou, a thriving port on the Pearl River in southern China.

It rattles through the open windows of factories from morning until late at night, as they finish the t-shirts, shorts, blouses, pants and swimwear that will be shipped to fill wardrobes in more than 150 countries.

This is the sound of Panyu, the neighbourhood known as the "Shein village", a warren of factories that power the world's largest fast fashion retailer.

CLICK HERE to read more!

The Four Main Groups Challenging Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping is in political trouble. The supreme leader of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) faces challenges from multiple groups, including from retired politburo standing committee members, fellow princelings, some of the military top brass, and even from some in the country’s middle class. As a result, his ability to shape policy in the financial, foreign affairs, and other arenas has been truncated. It might be far-fetched to speculate that Xi, the so-called “eternal core of the Party (永远党的核心),” might be driven out of office this year, but it is crucial to understand who his enemies are and how they challenge the commander-in-chief.

CLICK HERE to read more!
Water Filtration SALE

MyPatriotSupply has their AlexaPure Pro water filtration system on sale now for 40% off.   $167.95 (Reg. $279.95  -40%  $112.00 DISCOUNT)

Kevin & Karen use this system every day. To keep our 30+ day stash of drinking water fresh, we cycle through our whole stash every 30-40 days and as each container gets empty, we refill it using our Alexapure Pro Water Filtration System to keep our jugs supplied with clean, filtered water. 

Reduces 206 contaminants** commonly found in drinking water including: 

  • Bacteria (> 99.9999%)
  • Chlorine &  Vinylchloride (>99.9%)
  • Fluoride (> 97%)
  • Pesticides (> 95%)
  • Pharmaceuticals (> 95%)
  • Viruses (>99.99%)
  • Heavy metals
  • Lead



(Note: They will tithe part of your purchase back to our ministry.)

God's Unstoppable Prayer Army

1) Please join with thousands across our nation as we pray each day at noon the “Noon Time prayer for America and Donald Trump.” To download that prayer go to: https://bit.ly/FreePrayerLink.

2) Sign up for our City-by-City.org weekly prayer email where together we pray over our cities and our nation.

3) For those in the Tulsa area, join us every 2nd and 4th Monday evening for our AwakeOklahoma.com prayer for revival and our government leaders. Email Karen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be added to this email list to know when and where to meet and what we will be praying over. 


     If you would like a free copy of scriptural prayers to pray over you and your family, go to our website at: www.destinybuilders.world/download-prayer/

     As we pray the Word, we come into alignment with His Word and He said He watches over His Word to perform it!

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