Overcoming Past Failures with Fresh Faith - Sandie Freed, Hurst, TX - Feb 7, 2025
God Works with Faith
This message has been on my heart for some time. I want to share it, because in 2025 we will need to start off with our faith being high. I really sense that the Lord is going to break barriers for us all. But the one thing that the Lord really works with is our faith. Failure can be a giant that blocks our vision and steals our hope for the future. It can create fear and panic, hijack our faith, and keep us circling a mountain that feels too difficult to move. But failure doesn't have to be fatal!
Did you know, when you are struggling with failure, that most likely you are also in a battle with the enemy? Many people don't see failure as a battle, but it can be! This is because failure can lock us down, it can be devastating, and it can rob us of our destiny if we stay there. And if there is a fear of failure, it's even worse. Fear of failure will keep us from getting up and trying again. Failure does not have to be fatal, unless we allow it to be! continue >>>