October 16, 2024

Do They Want to Kill Us?

Do you remember in the days of David, how King Saul was utterly determined to kill him? David was the young man who had played the harp to calm Saul, rescued Israel by killing Goliath, married one of Saul’s daughters and was best friends with Saul’s son, Jonathan. But none of that mattered in Saul’s demonically controlled mind. He was intent on killing David.

Consider the days of Esther when Haman was determined to slaughter the Jews. It didn’t matter that there was no reason except his pride. He was determined to destroy them all.

Consider how the extreme followers of Islam are indoctrinated that it is honorable to kill Jews and anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their belief.

Let’s consider America. Are we willing to look at what is right in front of us?

Some might read what I share below and call it a “conspiracy theory.” It’s a hard read that is for sure. But please note, this is not a message of fear, but to have hope.

In the wake of Hurricane Helene, reports are pouring in of FEMA and government-organized teams obstructing rescue & relief efforts. One widely broadcast report from a helicopter pilot decribed how he was threatened with arrest if he continued rescue efforts in the NC mountains (https://bit.ly/PilotThreatened). Note FEMA couldn’t reach the area with their vehicles and people were stranded. Even so, NC officials continue to stand by their actions (https://bit.ly/FEMADoubleDown).

Reports from boots-on-the-ground workers in Asheville, one of the hard hit locations in NC, confirm how FEMA has been thwarting their efforts to help those in need. Some of the trucks, bringing water and food, have had their tires slashed in truck stops. And the most insidious reports come from the Chimney Rock area. One reporter revealed a townhall meeting 2-3 weeks before the hurricane in which residents were encouraged to sell their land. (It is the location of priceless lithium and quartz mines.) Now after the hurricane, there has been another meeting where residents have been told they aren’t allowed to rebuild and the land is no longer theirs in the wake of this disaster (https://bit.ly/NCThreat).

These are verified reports by people who are there, despite the media’s attempt to “debunk” them. (Some even now may have just googled SNOPES to see if this is real. Wake up! If you haven’t yet learned how the govt-controlled media works in chorus to “debunk” truth over the last several years, then please wake up.)

This disaster has the same odd makings as the 2023 Maui fires which devasted the city of Lahaina. If you remember reports emerged then from residents that there were no sirens or warnings. Some roads were blocked that would have allowed escape. And then the unnatural result of what burned and what didn’t. Things simply didn’t add up—just like now (https://bit.ly/MauiLie).

According to Department of Homeland Secretary Mayorkas, the tax-payer funded FEMA account has been depleted. However, on FEMA’s website it notes they gave almost $641 million to settle illegals. Now they say they have almost nothing for American citizens. Yet, this last week, Biden/Harris proudly announced giving $157 million to Lebanon while they offered a paltry $750 to Hurricane Helene victims---IF they qualify (https://bit.ly/FEMAmoneytoIllegals).

We should be asking why would any government entity try to prevent any community effort from helping save people? It makes no sense if the goal is to really rescue and help.

Now ponder the pandemic. An untested vaccine recipe was pushed on the world. Several different ones, in fact, made available and then rushed to the people. One should ask why is there a patent on the Corona virus? You cannot patent something natural, only manmade things. All evidence points to a government created bio-weapon. And it begins to make sense when we go back to the quote from Bill Gates. It was in 2010, in which he said: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps 10 or 15 percent. (https://bit.ly/GatesVaccines about 4:40 into video)” Note he is talking about reducing the population in that part of the talk. I remember it because it was so shocking. Vaccines aren’t supposed to reduce the population right? Any vaccine killing that many people should be pulled from the market immediately! But not according to this Bill Gates’ talk.

Consider abortion. It is ongoing depopulation-specifically of the black community as per Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, whose goal with abortion was targeting to remove blacks. This isn’t conspiracy theory but fact. Here are 21 quotes from Sanger and her evil plan (https://bit.ly/21SangerQuotes).

John 10:10 tells us Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. These demonically controlled actions are his fingerprint. People literally insane with the determination to kill.

But remember in Esther’s day, David’s day, the Seven Day war of Israel--God unquestionably intervened when people called out to Him.

This is the word to you right now, DO NOT FEAR. In Saul’s determination to kill David, he was the one who died and was removed. The same with Haman. His plan to eliminate the Jews resulted in his own demise.

Matt 10:28 tells us, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”

What is the takeaway? We are to fear God, not man. The fear of God is to reverence and recognize that He is God, the Creator, the One who is ultimately in control.

We are also told not to love our lives unto death. So what do we have to fear? These times may be dark and chaotic, but God is our help and our source.

Just as in the days of Esther and David so it is now. Do not fear for God’s plans and purposes WILL prevail. Buckle up and keep your eyes on Him.

Standing for Revival & Awakening,

Kevin & Karen
P.S. If this ministry is a blessing to you in any way, please consider sending a love gift of any size. Or better yet, become an IMPACT partner by giving and praying for us monthly. Give by check to Destiny Builders Inc, PO Box 700515, Tulsa OK 74170 or online at: www.DestinyBuilders.world. Thank you.

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November 5 Election Voter Guides
Our November 5 Oklahoma voter guide is now available! Scan the QR code or go to www.AwakeOklahoma.com!
NOTE: This voter guide provides our recommendations in Oklahoma elections in which we are familiar. There are some races that we may miss or don't have the information needed to make a suggestion. We cover Tulsa County/Wagoner County areas more extensively, but do our best to cover the major elections in other counties and across the state.
A nation-wide voter guide is available at: MyFaithVotes.org/myvoterhub.
My Pillow Close Sale

MyPillow.com's Classic Standard Pillow!

They are closing out the original “My Pillow” which is your opportunity! Here’s your chance for some great Christmas presents as well. 

This week get for it for just $14.98 (add $5 for king pillows), normally $50. 

To get this special price, use PROMO CODE: Karen

(Note: They will tithe part of your purchase back to our ministry.)



God's Unstoppable Prayer Army

1) Please join with thousands across our nation as we pray each day at noon the “Noon Time prayer for America and Donald Trump.” To download that prayer go to: https://bit.ly/FreePrayerLink.

2) Sign up for our City-by-City.org weekly prayer email where together we pray over our cities and our nation.

3) For those in the Tulsa area, join us every 2nd and 4th Monday evening for our AwakeOklahoma.com prayer for revival and our government leaders. Email Karen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be added to this email list to know when and where to meet and what we will be praying over. 

Scriptural Prayers for America

UPDATE on Donald Trump & the Upcoming Election

Who is Donald Trump? Who is Melania? She did an interview on Fox News recently in advance of a new book coming out about her. You know the American media has been mostly cruel to her. This short interview gives some insights into who she is and about their marriage. Her stand on abortion is disappointing. Continue to pray for the Trumps. Click here to listen.

Scriptural Prayers for America and Donald Trump

If you haven’t ordered “Scriptural Prayers for America and Donald Trump”

I encourage you to get a copy and some for friends and prayer team as we intercede for a miracle. Not because I wrote it, but because it is scripture in prayer form—which is one of the most powerful ways we can pray.

"Prayers for America and Donald Trump" highlights 25 different areas in which we desperately need to pray and see breakthroughs. 
HOW TO PRAY: This week we focus on the following prayers:
Restoration of Law and Order—p. 52
For Righteous Judges—p. 83
Vindication for Donald Trump—p. 31

Don't forget to pray daily for Donald Trump in our Noon Time prayer --p. 17
I felt compelled to write this book, because we MUST pray to stop the onslaught.

These prayers are scriptures, put into prayer form, because we know when we pray the Word of God, He watches over His Word to perform it.

Some of the prayers include: 
  1. Election integrity
  2. Righteous judges
  3. Reducing the national debt
  4. Protection for Donald Trump & his family
  5. Deliverance from unjust accusations & unjust indictments
  6. Restoration of our legal system
  7. Restoration of law and order
  8. Truth & justice regarding the 2020 election
  9. Courage to stand
  10. America to be restored, and more.
This is a spiritual battle and we need to address it there first. Please join me in praying for Donald Trump and America to see restoration, reformation and revival.

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  • 1 - $7.99
  • 5 - $37.50
  • 10 - $70.00
  • 100 - $650

(plus shipping)


     If you would like a free copy of scriptural prayers to pray over you and your family, go to our website at: www.destinybuilders.world/download-prayer/

     As we pray the Word, we come into alignment with His Word and He said He watches over His Word to perform it!

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