October 23, 2024
To Vote or Not to Vote?
Many believers seem to think that they have a choice on who to vote for president on November 5. In the past, that would have been true. But today it is clear that one party stands for evil and one stands for the good and freedom of the citizens of our nation. (See Intercessors for America's party comparison chart). Most of those believers will probably make their choice based on the candidate's personality, or on a single hot-topic issue like a woman's right. Unfortunately, regarding this one, they are deceived to think it is OK to murder children in the name of a woman's right. Where does God stand on such an issue? IS GOD'S KINGDOM A DEMOCRACY? As Christians, do we have "rights" in God's kingdom? The key word here is "kingdom." In a monarchy, the citizens do the bidding of the king. No citizen has a right over the kng's wishes or instructions. We live in the Kingdom of God. Any decisions we make should be to please our King and Lord. All important decisions should be made with our Lord's will in mind, not our own. When we surrender all to Him, we no longer have "rights." We have been given the opportunity to live in His wonderful, loving, family, surrendering all of our "rights", in order to further His kingdom. When one of the presidential candidates mocks a Christian's declaration that "Jesus is Lord", (Kamala Mocks Christian) she clearly identifies where she stands. At that moment, she is denying that God or His people have a place in her administration, and that women have the right to murder their unborn children. SHOULD CHRISTIANS REFRAIN FROM VOTING? ABSOLUTELY NOT. A decision not to vote, gives the enemies of light more power. As we have shared in recent emails, God requires us to stand for justice & righteousness. As Bonhoeffer stated:
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak, is to speak. Not to act, is to act.
Unfortunately, a recent poll reveals that as many as 104 million people of faith will likely NOT VOTE in the upcoming election. Christians are the largest voting bloc in our nation. If we, Christians, were educated about the issues and candidates based on biblical principles, AND willing to speak up and act (through voting and action), we would not have such darkness reigning in our government, schools, and on the streets as we do today. Part of the blame is our own. We are all busy. And obviously we do not see that the road we are on is about to lead off a cliff with no ability to turn back. The future for our children and grand-children is very bleak because believers have not stood together where and when it mattered. Another part of the blame for Christian apathy falls squarely on our church leaders, from our denominational stand to the individual pastors not leading their flocks in standing up for justice and righteousness in our culture. As a result, the Church has beome irrelevant to much of society as it refuses to have a voice against the wicked agenda that is destroying the world around us. Can we not see what kind of world we have left for our children and grandchildren? Many pastors say they only focus on spiritual ministry. In my opinion, labeling "serving in political and influential civic realms as unspiritual" is an affront to the Kingdom of God. All we do for God IS SPIRITUAL and glorifies Him. To ignore injustice and unrighteousness in our school and government leadership positions is hellish and ungodly. (Evangelist Mario Murillo has a little to say about the role of pastors in this area.) For Christians not to vote and be more involved in civic affairs is selfish and ungodly. We must vote and stand up against unrighteousness, because we love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Matt. 22:39) SOURCES OF DECEPTION One reason so many feel all is hopeless and lost, is because they only listen to the mainstream media as their source of information. All of these sources are paid off by those that control the wicked agenda of the Left. They are the ones that feed your opinion of President Trump and the conservative Right. You cannot feed on those sources and see TRUTH. SOURCES OF TRUTH & HOPE Many ministries tend to ignore real issues in society and only focus on "spiritual ministry." Makes me want to gag when I hear such responses. Some ministries may mention some societal problems in sermons, but do little to inform us how to pray and especially how to bring about change in practical ways. If the Church does not offer practical solutions, then it has made itself irrelevant to most outside the walls of the Church. Here are Sources of Truth & Hope that we recommend:
- City-by-City.org National Prayer Initiative weekly email (part of Destiny Builders MInistries)
- GiveHim15.com (very encouraging, daily video post by Dutch Sheets Monday through Friday)
- Flashpoint (A Christian news show with biblical & prophetic commentary. https://flashpoint.govictory.com)
- Pastor Jack Hibbs sermons & podcasts on YouTube.com
- Eric Metaxas interviews on YouTube.com
- Charlie Kirk, Turning Point USA, speeches/interviews on YouTube.com
- Pastor Jonathan Cahn books and sermons/interviews on YouTube.com
- Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer sermons on YouTube.com
Remember the saying, you are what you eat. If we are feedimg on the right sources of information, we can have hope, even in this dark world. But our hope should not only be that we will be raptured soon, but in that we have a purpose on this earth now. Almighty God has placed us on this earth, at this time in history, for such a time as this. To be that light set on a hill, as a believer, as the Church, and as a nation. We will not be afraid, we are bold as a lion for the glory of God! Keep Standing for Revival & Awakening,
Kevin & Karen P.S. Pray with us for an increase in monthly support of $4,000 each month. If you feel to become an IMPACT partner by giving and praying for us monthly. Give by check to Destiny Builders Inc, PO Box 700515, Tulsa OK 74170 or online at: www.DestinyBuilders.world. Thank you.