Life in the New Covenant, Part 30 - Rick Joyner
God made every snowflake, every leaf on every tree, and even every person unique. So, where does the human pressure to conform come from? One thing we can be sure of is that this pressure does not come from the Spirit of the Lord, so we must reject it.
Our present education system feeds the pressure to conform by rewarding it and its compliance while punishing individuality, innovation, and creativity. The result is that those who conform to the system are the most conditioned to be overly fearful of and threatened by any who do not comply with the conformist mentality.
As far back as thirty years ago, some corporate leaders were saying they would no longer hire college graduates because they could not think “outside of the box,” which is required in a fast-changing world. This should have been a loud wake-up call that our education system was already obsolete. This has only gotten worse. There is a saying that, “If you don’t change your direction, you will end up where you’re headed.” This is leading us as a nation to a place where we will not be able to survive long amidst the challenges of this fast-moving world. continue >>>
FULL SPEECH: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu makes address to Congress
"You Are Gripped Because I Am Doing a New Thing" - Alane Haynes, San Diego, CA - Jul 29, 2024
What It Is to Be Gripped
About a month ago, I dreamt I was walking in a parking lot with a few others. There was a loud noise, and a dog nearby got spooked and started to run. I grabbed it and held it tightly. Then I heard, "You are gripped because I am doing a new thing."
I woke up, and my first thought was how odd that was! I started thinking about what it is to be "gripped." I remembered an occasion at my daughter's house where one of their dogs was frantic, pawing and scratching furiously at the couch. My oldest granddaughter went over and picked up the dog and gripped her tightly until she calmed.
We need that at times, when we are emotionally gripped by fear or worry. If we turn to the Lord and hold tight to Him, we receive His peace and assurance. But there is another type of "gripping" that must take place when the Lord is bringing us into a new season. There is a gripping where we feel held captive. continue >>>
You Reap What You Sow
You reap what you sow, more than you sow and later than you sow.
Today is the parent of tomorrow. What we are today is the result of what we have been thinking and the way we have lived in the past. Those who act wisely today will have wisdom in the future to make wise decisions. The same is true when we come to the subject of finances. Those who save wisely today will have plenty tomorrow. Those who spend everything they have today will have little or nothing in the future. It is a shortsighted person who thinks only of the now, doing as little as possible, for on payday he will have no way to avoid the poor quality and small quantity of his rewards. The nation of Israel had to learn this in a very personal way. Their waywardness and failure to do what God instructed them to do often placed them in a position where they would not have his blessings.
"A Prayer for President Trump & America" - Charlie Shamp, Moravian Falls, NC - Jul 23, 2024
We retrieved a video from May 17, 2017 in which I discussed the assassination attempt on President Trump. The Lord revealed to me a two-tier attack that was to come – first an attack on his reputation, character, and integrity, followed by an attempt on his life. [You can click here to read the full word.]
How You Can Pray
I called for a prayer shield to be placed over President Trump, and we have been praying for him ever since. The events we witnessed in Pennsylvania on Saturday, July 13, 2024, were nothing short of a miracle, with God's hand clearly at work in the life of this man. It is imperative that we continue to pray for President Trump and for the United States of America, as the Lord has promised that America will be saved. Join us with these prayer points below. continue >>>
Life in the New Covenant, Part 29 - Rick Joyner
Leo Tolstoy described prophecy as “a spark that is lit in a dry wood.” He said, “It will burn and burn until the wood, hay, and stubble is consumed.” He used slavery as an example of this in history. Slavery was found in virtually every nation and tribe on earth until it was clearly articulated in human language that it was evil. He said that spark was lit by the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which so powerfully described the evils of slavery that it became intolerable in civilized nations until it was eradicated by every available means, including civil war.
The most prominent of America’s Founding Fathers was George Washington. He wrote, "There is not a man living that wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted for the abolition of slavery." We may ask, then, why he didn't propose such a plan. Why did he not use the full weight of his national stature to eradicate it? That is one of the enigmas of and reproaches on the founders of our republic. continue >>>
Hearing God’s Voice Is Easier Than You Think - Bill Johnson | Bethel Church
"Offering Praise" - Kim Potter, Dayton, Tennessee - Jul 21, 2024
Using the Praise Cure
One day, while listening to a sermon, I heard a statement that caught my attention. The man of God used the expression "an offering of praise."
Just this past weekend, one of our partners sent me a prayer request. She had many things going on in her life that were causing her distress. Therefore, she needed agreement in prayer. However, before I could even answer, she sent another email and said she had decided to use the "praise cure." Instead of complaining and becoming distraught, she chose to praise God. The weight lifted as she did this, and she felt peace again. continue >>>
"A Plot Against Trump & a Backfire on the Enemy's Plans" - Amanda Grace, Fishkill, New York
[Editor's note: The following are excerpts from prophetic words received by Amanda Grace concerning President Trump, our nation, exposing the enemy's plans, and the vindication that's coming.]
A Sinister Plot Against President Trump Thwarted
Prophetic word of the Lord received on November 22, 2018:
"There is a sinister plot against the president of the United States of America, President Trump. He has been kicking against the Illuminati machine on a mission to rescue those being taken into sex trafficking rings for their sick pleasure. Donald Trump has thrown a wrench in their plans, and what they have tried against the president has failed. However, an attempt to endanger his life will be attempted. I the Lord thy God am not only going to thwart it but expose it, where the corrupt will scratch their heads at how the plot was found out. But I will ensure the perpetrators are publicly brought to justice and, in private, sing like canaries," says the Lord...
A Backfire on the Enemy's Plans continue >>>
Strange July - Trey Smith on Kim Clement/Trump Prophecies
Its Dark, but the Light is Getting Brighter - Karen & Kevin Hardin
Praying for the RNC
Fifteen months ago Karen received an assignment to "protect the delegates." God spoke to her that one of the ways that they would try to steal the election this year was through the national delegates. She is in Milwaukee this week at the RNC. Monday night she shared that Trump showed up even though he was not originally on the schedule to be there yet. Something has shifted in him. You could see it on his face. The emotion right on the surface. He didn't even come to the platform to speak. Just was there (a highly non-Trump thing). Here is the very best explanation I've heard of what it felt like...revival has begun.
The battle here is fierce though. RINOS have taken over the RNC. The platform was changed horribly. But we are battling here and not giving up. The Oklahoma delegates were threatened by OK Senator Dahm who is the OK GOP State Chair if they didn't vote as he told them to or if they share that they were threatened. For Karen, threats like that just make her more determined to stand up for righteousness. Things are very tense there, just keep praying.
Read more: Its Dark, but the Light is Getting Brighter - Karen and Kevin Hardin
Andrew Whalen: "Are You Postured for the Position?" - Peoria, Illinois - Jul 18, 2024
Posture for the Position
One night, while sitting down in prayer before bed, I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Position and posture." I pondered this phrase and heard the Lord say, "There are people in position without the heart posture for it. I'm coming now to pour out anointing on those with the posture for the position." continue >>>
We hope a few of these activations will be useful to you in your walk with the Lord:
1. Close your eyes and pray in tongues for a few minutes, then be still and see what you discern. You might see, hear, taste, smell, or feel something. Write it down. You can gradually increase the time you spend on this activation.
Christa Elisha: "Protecting the Gates of Our Eyes and Hearts"
Prophetic word released on July 9, 2024:
I heard the Lord say, over the next four weeks, "Watch what you watch." Meaning, we need to be careful about what we are watching and taking into the gates of our eyes.
The Assignment of the Enemy continue >>>
3-year-old mauled to death by father's dogs while he slept in next room, police say
Blaze Media Jan 2, 2025 | 23:30 pmA distraught father woke up to find his 3-year-old daughter had been mauled to death by his three dogs as he slept in the next room, according to Ohio police. The father of Kingsley Wright called 911 at about 7:50[…]
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Meet the lesbian radical group behind 'the future is female'
Blaze Media Jan 2, 2025 | 23:00 pmFeminism has fundamentally changed the roles of men and women in the culture, and Lisa Bevere, New York Times best-selling author and co-founder of Messenger International, isn’t afraid to talk about it. “You are one of the few Christian, female[…]
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Woke DA Seeks Final Revenge on Voters Who Kicked Him Out of Office
PJ Media Jan 2, 2025 | 22:51 pm -
More Rockets Is Better Rockets
PJ Media Jan 2, 2025 | 22:26 pm -
Colorado School Administrator Fired Amid Child Pornography Allegations Found Dead
The Federalist Jan 2, 2025 | 22:16 pmDavid Weiss, the fired Colorado school administrator at the center of a criminal investigation kept secret by authorities, was found dead, and the county sheriff’s office finally clarified that he was under investigation for allegedly possessing child pornography materials. Weiss,[…]
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Supreme Court to Hear Case on Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Providers
Turning Point USA Jan 2, 2025 | 22:00 pm -
New Orleans Islamic Mass Murderer Made Videos Referencing the Qur’an
Geller Report Jan 2, 2025 | 20:53 pmHe was waging jihad in the Islamic “war between believers and the disbelievers."
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Imam of New Orleans Terrorist’s Mosque: ‘Jews Seek to Control the Economy… That’s Why Hitler Killed Them.’
Geller Report Jan 2, 2025 | 20:29 pmHave we learned nothing from 9/11? Why is this incitement togenocide still allowed? Monitor the mosques.“Jews seek to control the economy wherever they go, which is why Hitler with a nice mustache killed them."
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GOP Senators Who Hinder Confirmation Of Trump’s National Security Picks Put American Lives At Risk
The Federalist Jan 2, 2025 | 19:26 pmConfirming Trump's national security picks is vital to preventing possible future attacks on America and its people.
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Indiana University Offers Course Categorizing People as ‘Oppressors’ Due to Their Race, Sex, Religious Affiliation
Turning Point USA Jan 2, 2025 | 17:00 pm -
Ann Coulter Dec 11, 2024 | 21:54 pmInasmuch as the most popular reaction to the cold-blooded murder of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson has been to hail the shooter as a hero, I gather that Americans really hate health insurance companies. Apparently, Obamacare isn’t all it was cracked up[…]
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Elder Rape Is a Strength!
Ann Coulter Dec 4, 2024 | 19:34 pmAs part of the Biden administration’s push to make everything worse and more expensive, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) — not to be confused with Congress, which writes the laws because we live in a democracy ha[…]