Thomas a Kempis Book II CHAPTER VII

Of loving Jesus above all things

Blessed is he who understandeth what it is to love Jesus, and to despise himself for Jesus’ sake. He must give up all that he loveth for his Beloved, for Jesus will be loved alone above all things. The love of created things is deceiving and unstable, but the love of Jesus is faithful and lasting. He who cleaveth to created things will fall with their slipperiness; but he who embraceth Jesus will stand upright for ever. Love Him and hold Him for thy friend, for He will not forsake thee when all depart from thee, nor will he suffer thee to perish at the last. Thou must one day be separated from all, whether thou wilt or wilt not.

2. Cleave thou to Jesus in life and death, and commit thyself unto His faithfulness, who, when all men fail thee, is alone able to help thee. Thy Beloved is such, by nature, that He will suffer no rival, but alone will possess thy heart, and as a king will sit upon His own throne. If thou wouldst learn to put away from thee every created thing, Jesus would freely take up His abode with thee. Thou wilt find all trust little better than lost which thou hast placed in men, and not in Jesus. Trust not nor lean upon a reed shaken with the wind, because all flesh is grass, and the goodliness thereof falleth as the flower of the field.(1)

3. Thou wilt be quickly deceived if thou lookest only upon the outward appearance of men, for if thou seekest thy comfort and profit in others, thou shalt too often experience loss. If thou seekest Jesus in all things thou shalt verily find Jesus, but if thou seekest thyself thou shalt also find thyself, but to thine own hurt. For if a man seeketh not Jesus he is more hurtful to himself than all the world and all his adversaries.

(1) Isaiah xl. 6.


The Book of Revelation, Part 3 - Rick Joyner


      Some consider it dangerous to seek revelation from angels, since cults and sects have started that way. That is true, so we need to acknowledge and learn how this has happened to avoid the same mistakes. It is dangerous to receive revelations from angels, but probably not as dangerous as not receiving them.

      Almost everything we do is dangerous, but we don’t stop doing everything because of it. If we are wise, we learn how to do things safely. Driving a car can be one of the most dangerous things we do, but we don’t stop driving cars because of the danger. We learn to be as safe as possible when we do. God created angels to serve those who are heirs of salvation. Do we not receive counsel or understanding from other people? Surely it would be much safer to receive them from angels than other people!

      Only those who are led by fear more than by faith would think to stop doing anything that is dangerous, as that would be just about everything. Those who think this way are already deceived in many ways, and they are wide open to more deception. We must have more faith in the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth than we have in the devil to deceive us. As someone once said, “Fear is faith for the things you don’t want.”   continue >>>

Blueprints from Heaven to Broadcast the Word! - Deborah Perkins, Medway, MA - Oct 14, 2024


Blueprints for Broadcasts

As I sought the Lord about this fall season, the Father opened up a set of blueprints on a round table in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit spoke the words from Amos 3:7: "Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets."

As the Holy Spirit spoke, an old, wooden, cathedral-style radio appeared in the spirit above the blueprints. I heard the Father say the word "BROADCASTS"!

The Lord told me two years ago that He intends to broadcast Believers' voices into many homes around the world to bring direction and reassurance in uncertain times.   continue >>>

Writer's pictureRosangela Atte


October 3, 2024 Rosh Hashana 5875

I dreamt that I was walking along an ancient path; on my right there was what resembled a graveyard, full of fallen, gigantic, white marble statues. The ones that were still standing along the path, would crumble and fall as I walked by them.

This path felt familiar, in the sense that I knew it was a path that many generations before me, in my bloodline had walked and succumbed to the giants in the land.
As I continued to walk and wonder about what I was experiencing and why, I heard The Spirit of The Lord say: ”You are the bloodline breaker!”
“Because of your faithfulness and consecration, you are walking into what your ancestors were not able to. You are breaking the dysfunctional cycles and generational curses in your bloodline!
Those giants that have dominated the land that I had given you, those strong men that took what belonged to you have been defeated because you stood firm on My promises.   continue >>>

H/T Jeff Childers Coffee & Covid ?? Tucker stole my tagline! Yesterday, Tucker Carlson posted his latest, nearly two-hour interview with Elon Musk under the caption, “Elon Musk is all in.” I forgive him, of course. Or maybe it was just obvious.

CLIP: Tucker Carlson interviews Elon Musk (1:48:00).

  image 16.png.  


"Like a Horse with No Limits" - Darren Canning, Ontario, Canada - Oct 6, 2024


The Wild Horse

The wild horse is a powerful prophetic image for Christians. It is an image that has fascinated me in my art for many years. There is something about the magnificence of a horse that roams freely through God's creation without bonds or tethers. It inspires the imagination to believe for greater things in one's life.

The Holy Spirit inside of a person is a liberating force. He unites the Believer to Christ and places Him in their position in the Body of Christ. As we bend to the will of God, there is no bond that comes upon us that causes anguish or sorrow. In the bonds of Christ, we are freer than we ever were before Jesus. The Holy Spirit in my heart is like a wild wind that moves me from glory to glory. I am that wild horse running up a mountaintop, not bound by sin or religion; free to roam as a free man through time.

Symbol of True Freedom   continue >>>

"This Is Your Zaphenath-Paneah Season" - Rosangela Atte, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - Oct 4, 2024


As I inquired of the Lord about the new Hebrew year 5785, I heard Him say, "This is your season of restoration and elevation. Your Zaphenath-paneah season!" [See Genesis 41:45, when God moved Joseph from the prison to the palace. There he received a new name, Zaphenath-paneah, meaning "the man to whom mysteries are revealed" (Bible Study Tools).]


The Lord said, "All the pieces are coming together, and everything is aligning according to My perfect plan. Kairos is here and now!

"The convergence of events will bring about the greatest manifestation of My glory in your life. All the suffering, trials, betrayals, and accusations were preparation for this season of promotion. All the years of patiently waiting and wondering when those dreams would come true have produced a great harvest!

Elevation    continue >>>

Prophetic Warning For America | Jonathan Cahn (52 mins)

Israel's Prophetic Destiny: Rick Joyner’s Shocking Dream! (6 mins)


September 24, 2024 - Lana Vawser

Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘CONQUERED.’ As I began to lean in and listen to the Lord’s heart, I heard the Lord say: ‘CONQUERED! For there are many of you who have been in ongoing opposition against your assignment for many years. For some of you, you have walked through a 10-year cycle of assault that has been attempting to keep you under and hinder you from moving in your assignment that I have given you. But time and time again, I have continued to empower you and continue to carry you. But in the midst of all of the warfare over your assignment, there has been a despondency…

WND - Newest threat to Trump comes through smuggled heat-seeking missiles

International war correspondent claimed 9 surface-to-air missiles have been smuggled into the U.S. to target Trump Force One, with 'kill teams' assigned


[URGENT Warning] Barry Wunsch The Canadian Hammer joins Prophetic Wednesdays Update 9/23/2024


Karen Hardin: "God Is Raising Up Those Who Have Been Rejected"

Karen Hardin, Tulsa, OK
Sep 25, 2024

Nathan Shaw: "U.S. Election 2024: Coalition, Conflict, Crisis & Change"

Nathan Shaw, Dunedin, New Zealand
Sep 24, 2024

VA Senatorial Candidate Hung Cao on Communism