NEW SERMON - October 3rd, 2021 | How to WIN your BATTLES | Bill Johnson


Lord, we pray that you would uncover any lies that are being hidden in regards to COVID-19 and that the truth shall prevail. We pray for protection from harm from Covid and the vaccine. Posted by IFA - Intercessors for America

As most of my followers on social media and Substack must know by now, I have spent a considerable amount of time the last two years trying to discover the actual ingredients of the new COVID vaccines. The reason is simple: Big Pharma has gone to considerable trouble to hide them.

Do the Big Pharma companies want to submit the vaccines to independent analysis? They do not! Do the Big Pharma companies want to disclose all the ingredients? They do not! Do the Big Pharma companies have any liability for lying to the public about the proprietary ingredients in their vaccines? They do not.

We have a leaked copy of the legal agreement that Big Pharma companies (allegedly) have forced nation-states to sign in order to get the new COVID vaccines. These contracts include indemnification clauses that no sane human being would ever sign. . . .

One thing is certain: Big Pharma is not standing behind these products. They’re totally experimental and untested and so forth — so why are the world’s governments so hellbent on injecting their citizens with this stuff? CONTINUE READING >>>


Yuri Bezmenov’s Marxist Crisis Is Near
by  (American Spectator)  November 9, 2021
Demoralization. Destabilization. Crisis. Normalization.

Long-time readers of this column will remember those four words from an entry in this space exactly 17 months ago. That entry, a column entitled “Four Stages of Marxist Takeover: The Accuracy of Yuri Bezmenov,” was the most heavily trafficked item of mine last year, and either the busiest or one of the busiest on The American Spectator‘s entire site in 2020.

That happened for a reason. Namely, that it described exactly what was happening in America, and why there was a method to the apparent madness. CONTINUE READING >>>


Flashpoint - Michelle Bachman - Hank Kunneman - Dutch Sheets

Flashpoint November 25th, 2021


Father God, thank You for the innumerable blessings You have bestowed on America.

Innumerable blessings have been bestowed upon the United States of America. Concerning these blessings President Lincoln wrote: “No human counsel hath devised, nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God.” President Lincoln went on to set apart the last Thursday of November as “a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens.”

While President Lincoln established America’s official Thanksgiving holiday in 1863, it was the Pilgrims who first celebrated a day of Thanksgiving in this land in 1621 and who set an example that many followed in the succeeding years.2

As the Pilgrims gathered their harvest in the autumn of 1621 and looked back over the preceding year, they had so much for which to be thankful that they decided to set aside a day of Thanksgiving unto God, Whom they acknowledged as the Giver of all blessings and the only reason for their survival. It was indeed a miracle that they did survive their first year in the wilderness of New England and had a good harvest. Desire for a home where they could freely worship God, and the desire to “propagate… the Gospel of the kingdom of Christ” and be stepping stones for others to do the same, motivated a band of Christians (later called Pilgrims) to set out on a hazardous voyage to plant a colony in the new world of America. CONTINUE READING >>>

"Men Will Fail You, but 'I AM' Will Not!" -- Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA

The Lord says: "Expectations will go unmet, and predictions will fall short, but what I have spoken remains true. Don't be dismayed at the times of distress or the seeming delay of My words fulfilled. It is not My pleasure to prolong your breakthrough or postpone My promise. I do not try men's souls for needless cause. Rather, I am drawing you – not just to My WORDS, but to My HEART.

A Revelation of God's Goodness

"Where you have clung to My words and promises as a lifeline of hope, I long to bring you past your desperation into a revelation of My GOODNESS – not because I have said it, but because I AM. This storm is trying your faith and testing your soul, but it's your confidence in My goodness that I desire most. It is this absolute surety in your own heart that will overcome the darkness and defeat your greatest foes.

"I can perform My words without hesitation. I can fulfill My promises without fail. These demonstrations of My sovereignty and right to reign are easy. But I am not out to prove My authority or defend My throne. What I am doing is coming after YOU. 



Holy Spirit gave my brother, Tim Sheets, a strong word with a unique phrase: "Fire Word Decrees." In the Word, these are decrees made by the Church, which Holy Spirit releases as fiery arrows. It seems clear, from this word, that Holy Spirit is shifting us into a season of great victory over His enemies.

"Fire Word Decrees" by Tim Sheets

Tim says: Recently, as I was praying over our nation, I received a vision from the Holy Spirit. I believe this revelation and prophetic insight will give us discernment of our times and strategies to implement.

I saw a vast army of angel warriors. Each angel was carrying a bronze bow, and the lines of angels stretched in all directions. They were moving away from a huge warehouse, and I knew they had been inside the building. The sign on the warehouse read: "Arsenal: Fire Word Decrees." 

I then saw the angels raise their bronze bows in unison and release flaming arrows. Each arrow tip was ablaze, and the angels were firing them as quickly as possible. The sky was filled with these arrows; they were targeted at enemy positions that the Lord allowed me to see. When the arrows hit the target, they exploded into greater flames, like fireballs. CONTINUE READING >>>

"A Throne Room Encounter That Changed Everything!"-- Kathi Pelton, Portland, Oregon

Not long ago, I had one of the most unexpected and transformative encounters of my life. I am praying that the Holy Spirit will help me to share it with you so that you can truly experience this transformation as well.

From the Earth to the Throne Room

It happened during our Sunday service here in downtown Portland, Oregon. As always, worship was powerful and beautiful from the moment we began. Then, I found myself being drawn into a place in the spirit that I had never been before—at least not like this. I was no longer in Portland but moving toward a heavenly place. As I was moving from one realm (the earthly realm) into another (the heavenly realm), I began to experience every grief, burden and 'battle outcome' being swallowed up by the sound of Heaven.

I suddenly found myself bowed down in the throne room where I was absolutely overwhelmed and overtaken by the kindness of God, the mercy of God, the holiness of God and the absolute victory of God. I began weeping uncontrollably—not because I was sad but because it caused everything in me to cry out, "Holy, holy, holy!" I could see other people coming from Earth to Heaven, and as they did, all defeat and death were swallowed up in the victory of JesusCONTINUE READING >>>

The Only Way Out Of This...(Mass Non-Compliance) - Dave Cullen


Divine Retribution and Protection

On Tuesday, October 26, 2021, while sitting alone with the Lord, I heard Him say: "The forces of darkness have arrayed against the world to take it down; BUT I am a mighty God who knows all things! I have preempted his strikes by My forces, who are working hand-in-hand with My hosts. Many of his schemes have been thwarted, and some have even backfired already.

"In the days ahead, you will see many fall into the pits they dug for My children. Angelic hosts are busy at work on behalf of My children. They are shining lights in dark places and exposing wicked schemes – some even before they are launched. Not only are you protected, but I am releasing showers of blessings to pour forth on you and yours!" 

He continued the following day (October 27, 2021): "I will help you surmount every difficulty and scale every wall of opposition. As I protected Rahab and her family from certain destruction, I will protect you and those like you who hold fast to Me and My ways. Though there is destruction all around you, it won't touch you or yours! Trust Me to fulfill My promises to you." (See Joshua 6 for the story of Rahab.)

On October 30, 2021, the Lord gave me a very encouraging word: "The time you are in is an exciting time. Something new is being birthed – a great move of God and an awakening like never before. During this birthing, it will be painful at times; it will be messy, so cling close to Me. This time of birthing will not last long. The child of revival will arrive, heralded by My angels and accompanied by My glory. Just like a birth in the natural, there is a time of labor, which you are in now (in the spirit); there is a time of birthing when the labor intensifies. This is the time you have entered into.


"Prophets, the Lion of Judah Is Roaring: This Is Where It Ends!" - Lana Vawser, Adelaide, South Australia


 Recently, I had an encounter with the Lord where I saw the Lion of Judah roaring over many prophets. I heard His voice thunder: "THIS IS WHERE IT ENDS." 

The authority and the power in His voice caused everything to shake. The Lord then began to show me that MANY prophets have been experiencing levels of warfare and attacks of witchcraft unlike anything they've experienced before. I saw that SO many prophets are tired from the level of push-back they have been experiencing in this season. It felt like their constant stance has been one of 'push-through,' as things have been coming at them from every side.

The Whirlwind

Again, the Lord spoke: "I am going to show you what the attack looks like." Then I saw a HUGE whirlwind come into the prophets' lives, battering them from so many directions. The Lord's voice spoke again: "The constant battering is causing them to question the vision."



From IFA - Intercessors for America

Growing up, my mother kept a thick, weathered dictionary in the end table next to the couch in our living room.  She would often say; a day was not complete unless we opened that drawer to look up a word.  Hardly a day went by when those pages weren’t worn a little bit thinner as we learned the meaning of some new word we heard on TV.

Today, I fear Webster’s book is no longer in anyone’s side drawer and Merriam has long since gone rogue.  Who needs the ruffling of pages when the meaning of words can be digitally changed faster than you can finish this sentence?

Take the word woke.  To look in my mother’s well-handled volume, we find woke defined as:

Verb; to cause to stop sleeping.

~Merriam Webster, circa 1970 Edition

Then notice that today’s digitally displayed definition is a skosh different:

To be aware and actively attentive to important facts and issues, especially issues of racial and social justice.

~Merriam Webster, iPhone App 

What does this have to do with sleep?

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Week #68

May the Fear of the Lord Fill our Land

Dear City Intercessor,

 This week’s prayer is from City-by-City cofounder, Kim Potter, with a timely and important word.

 The Bible teaches us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. 

 It is no mystery that our nation’s leaders and our city and state leaders need wisdom today more than ever before in history. Therefore, we must go back one step and not only pray for them, but pray for the fear of the Lord to come upon those who occupy these offices.

It has become quite obvious that the fear of the Lord is not prevalent in most government offices. This is true in our school boards to our local levels of city, county and state leaders as well as national levels of leadership. However, as we pray and agree, God can release the fear of the Lord upon our cities, each of these specific areas for His glory to be revealed upon our nation.