City-by-City - Week #61 Separating Sheep & Goats - Karen Hardin

Dear City Intercessor,

What appears to be a delay of justice is the ongoing separation of the sheep and the goats. God is giving everyone the opportunity to choose and no one can remain neutral.



Wokeness: An Evil of Our Age- Victor Davis Hanson

American Greatness

History is replete with examples of nations, successful and not-so-successful alike, that abruptly committed suicide. 

The ancient polis of Corcyra devoured itself in a bloody conflict as a collective madness took hold of the island city-state during the Peloponnesian War. 

"You Are Now a Wartime Pastor"

Mario Murillo, Reno, Nevada

Pastor, you believe you have a choice, but reality and circumstances have made the choice. You can try to stay out of the war, but you will be labeled a traitor. I'm not calling you a traitor – but the situation will. Things are deteriorating fast; the battle lines are drawn so clearly. Your silence will label you a turncoat.

There is a powerful pull to remain a 'peacetime' pastor. Nostalgia and the yearning for simpler times are strong temptations, but there is no going back. Like it or not, reject it or not, you are now a wartime pastor.

What Should a Wartime Pastor Be Doing?

So, what should a wartime pastor be doing right now?

One: A wartime pastor will face the fact that our nation is being led by evildoers. The same villains who led the disastrous exit from Afghanistan are in control of the pandemic. They do not care about people's lives. They do not care that they are despised by most of America. They are dedicated to their Marxist agenda and are bent on destroying this nation. They are reckless and depraved. (Photo via Orlir)

When a pastor realizes that those who are in power now are totally evil, it is then that they will make the right choices for the good of their own people. READ MORE AT ELIJAH LIST >>>


Prophetic word received on September 19, 2021:

Over the last 48 hours, I have heard the Lord speaking about His ways and a new path that is before many people right now. The Lord said, "There's a new path before you; don't deviate from it, for this pathway leads to houses of My glory."

In a vision, I began to see a commissioning of the Lord, as He revealed a new path set before many people—but it was a path that required a greater focus and diligence than ever before.

On the sidelines of this pathway, many things were attempting to distract people from walking down it. I could see the expectations of man and the 'crowd' going in a different direction. I could see doubt, fear and insecurity. I could see grief, pain, weariness and trauma that many people had walked through from previous seasons. I could see the fear of man and the fear of change. I could see the past season and the lure to hold onto it. All of these things were attempting to take away their focus.

I understood that for those who wanted to walk down this new path, it would require ferocious focus and obedience to the Lord. It would require silencing all other voices and a determination to look to Jesus alone—to follow Him wherever He might lead—even if others were going a different direction, and despite what they might think or say. READ MORE AT ELIJAH LIST >>>

Prophetic word received on September 11, 2021 at 4:30 AM:

America, This Is Your Hour!

The Lord says: "America! America! How great are the days ahead! Can you not yet see it? Can you not yet discern? Have not the veils been removed for you to see? I am revealing to you what has been hidden in plain sight!

"America, America, the home of the brave! The eyes of the nations are upon you! This is your hour! This is your time! America, things are coming to a boiling point!

"Some shall harden, some shall soften, but rest assured, all will be tested!

"Do not, do not, walk in the flesh in this hour, for it will only play into the enemy's hand. It will bring no good fruit! As you rest in Me and are led by My Spirit, watch Me pull out the lynch pins that the enemy has put in place. They are being extracted. MORE AT ELIJAH LIST>>>

"Lift Up Your Eyes! Your 'Dragonflies' Are On the Way!"

Mandy Woodhouse, Brisbane, Australia

Prophetic word released on September 5, 2021:

Yesterday in my prayer room, I was allowing the Father to just love on me. Feeling overwhelmed, pressed, and slightly anxious, I knew what I needed was His love alone to wash over me and give me new perspective.

While in this place of encountering His steadfast love, I went into a vision. I saw all around me green vines and leaves, and as odd as it sounds, I knew that I was a fruit of some sort, attached to the vine. I could feel life flowing from the vine into me, yet I still felt a little like I was tender and drooping – perhaps a bit wilted after a long, scorching season. I was definitely attached to the vine (John 15) and the colors of my fruit were still quite vivid, but I had a feeling of being tired and emotionally depleted.  MORE >>

The Ministries of Francis Frangipane

Freedom to Prisoners

Even in the day of His wrath, the hand of God is ever guided by His redemptive mercy. What I mean is that many who have failed the Lord during these past years are, even now, discovering Christ has come to free them from the burden of defeat and condemnation.

Indeed, when Jesus began His ministry, He opened the book of the prophet Isaiah to where the nature of His mission was described:

"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord . . ." (Isa. 61:1-2).

He then closed the book and said, "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing" (Luke 4:21).

What is striking here to me is that Jesus ended this prophecy about Himself in the middle of a sentence. The second half of Isaiah's promise continues. Listen as it describes the complete purpose of God in Christ. It reads, ". . . and the day of vengeance of our God" (Isa. 61:2).

I love the balance of God: the Lord has a "YEAR" of favor for us, but only a "DAY" of vengeance. Even so, when we think of vengeance, our imaginations often rush ahead to fearsome events, terror and calamities. We hope to be nowhere near when God's judgments fall.

"A Turnaround Is Coming"

Charlie Shamp, Nashville, TN

Prophetic word released on August 12, 2021:

Last night, I had a very vivid dream where I met President Trump. I was standing beside a set of steps leading to a stage in a large, indoor stadium. I was accompanied by a man that I have never met in the natural.

President Trump walked over to me and reached out his hand to greet me as if he already knew who I was. I asked if I could pray for him and he agreed. I then began to prophesy some very personal things to him concerning his future. (Photo via Flickr)

Then I opened my eyes, pointed at him and said, "Don't lose hope! The Lord is bringing a great turnaround for America." He thanked me and turned to take the stage.

I awoke and heard the Lord say, "Watch as they look to bring another lockdown to finish the reset, but I will bring a shutdown of this current government. It will be a sign that I am reordering this nation for a great turnaround." Posted on Elijah List

Prophetic Word: It’s Time for the Showdown | Tim Sheets

Man on Fire by Mario Murillo Full Session


What the Church Needs to know about CoVid-19 - Jeff Childers


A New Day | Prophetic Bulletin from Rick Joyner and Chris Reed