
Lord, we thank you for the power of prayer. We pray that we would continue to lean on You in every situation. Pull us deeper into You, Lord. We need you more than anything this world has to offer us!

According to a recent interview from CNBC, Bill Gates stated, “We’ll have another pandemic. It will be a different pathogen next time.”

Righteous indignation arose in me.  I knew we didn’t have to accept his proclamation. We can change the narrative.

We are not yet on the other side of this last man-made variant as Gates attempts to prophesy the next.

The same holds true with what we see transpiring in Ukraine. Even as we hear of the tragic loss of life from Putin’s invasion, we see God at work as Ukrainian believers and Russian believers alike unite in prayer for God’s intervention.

The Ukraine Taskforce and Pastor Igor in Lviv shared, “Please tell your people, because of their prayers, God really fights our battles. The rockets disappear in the air, without reaching our homes and no one knows where they went. Enemy tanks run out of fuel. Russian troops have gotten lost and ask our locals for food and for directions. That is definitely God because we are dealing with the second strongest army in the world. Kyiv and other major cities are still free. Thank you for your prayers.”   Continue Reading >>>