The World Seer Series (Part 2) - Dutch Sheets - GH15

The Opened Sight


The Opened Sight

By Oswald Chambers

I now send you, to open their eyes…that they may receive forgiveness of sins… —Acts 26:17-18

The World Seer Series (Part 1) - Dutch Sheets - GH15

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Week #76 - What About Trump?

Dear City Intercessor,

What about Donald Trump? 

Are you still praying for him? This is an important prayer topic as this month is all about MOVEMENT.

I felt it was important that we pray this week for him and his family. Sometimes it’s easy to be “out of sight, out of mind.” But I felt an urgency that we pray for him this week and those who have been connected with him who are still under relentless attack.

Amanda Grace & Glory with Robin D. Bullock [ SPECIAL ] Current Events Prophetic Vision & Discussion


FlashPoint: The Truth About January 6th (January 6th, 2022)


J6 – The Real Attack Against Democracy


FlashPoint: ​Awaken To The Truth! Be Ready! (January 4, 2022)


Are we headed into “dark days” and “troubling times?” Are we going to see an Antichrist arise that takes us into a Great Tribulation? Or are we headed into days of Holy Spirit manifestations with the Church rising up in power and authority? Our beliefs about the “last days” greatly affect how we interpret current events. It’s time we dig a little deeper to examine the popular End Times narratives to see which way we’re headed. 



by Lana Vawser Ministries

Recently I heard the Lord speaking over many in the body of Christ and He spoke “It may look like the end, but it’s new birth”

I began to see people all across the body of Christ in a place of feeling like they had “lost themselves” in 2021 because of all the hardship and battles they had endured. They came to the beginning of 2022 and were feeling ‘lost’. Feeling like they were but a shadow of themselves and who they were and beginning to flourish into, in the years before.

The Lord began to show me that their hearts were crying out to Him in deep pain. There was a place of brokenness they were experiencing because of all they had endured, there were so many questions, there was trauma, pain, grief, and a feeling of emptiness. I saw these ones looking back on the past few years and feeling like they were not the same person anymore. Hopelessness, disappointment, pain, trauma had taken root and they were feeling like the very life had been stolen from them, and breath and passion they once carried had waned.

"Following Our Spiritual Compass" - Marsha Burns, Kremmling, CO

I define our compass as the spiritual instrument of God—the Holy Spirit pointing to our destination and showing us the way to go.

The Lord says, "I will shine a light on your heart so that you can see clearly your spiritual condition. I will show you where you need to make adjustments and how you must proceed. Do not bemoan your errors and short-comings. Rather, allow the corrections to be the platform to reset your spiritual compass."

In a vision, I saw a spotlight shining from Heaven into our hearts to reveal those things that need to be considered, because God is drawing us close to Himself by causing us to be one with Him, through His righteousness in us.

"And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God." (Romans 6:13)

The Apple of His Eye


In this day of increasing lawlessness, the world will witness the difference between those who walk in the light and those who walk in darkness. For this reason, it is crucial that we have God’s law within our hearts. When His law is in our hearts, we do what is right even when no one is looking. Even if we could get away with what is wrong, we won’t do it because we serve the higher law of love—loving our God and His ways above anything this world could offer us.

One of the most common elements of the apostolic gospel preached in the first century was: there will be a day of accountability when we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ to answer for the deeds we did in the body.

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad (IICorinthians 5:10).


I love to read the red letters of Jesus in the Bible as often as I can. Jesus is the Word, and the Word is Jesus (John 1:1, 14). I love how the anointing and understanding rubs off on us. Reading and meditating on Jesus' own words blows religion, tradition and formulas out of the water!

Jesus' own red-letter words are found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts and Revelation. Of course, the entire Word of God is vital; but it will change your life, shift your ministry, and blow up 'sacred cows' when you do a Bible study just on Jesus' own words. This time, while reading and meditating on His words, the Holy Spirit had me think about what Jesus did not do, and how that compares with what happens in ministry today.

Prophetically speaking, the Lord revealed to me that following how Jesus operated in ministry will be exactly what will bring in the coming great move of God in these last days. We need to ask ourselves: "How did Jesus minister?" But before we see how Jesus fulfilled His ministry, let us look at ways Jesus did not minister, which is important as well.

How Jesus Did NOT Minister