COVID-19 Vaccine Causes AIDS Warns Dr. Zelenko



 "Prepare the Way for Greater Depths of Revelation"  -  Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA

Look for the voices of revelation in this hour. At a time when the minds of men have been darkened by deception and blinded by a spirit of unbelief, look to those voices who speak by revelation from the unseen realm. This is the hour for prophets of revelation that are preparing the way for HIM to come – the SPIRIT of God, coming across the earth with a FULLNESS of presence and power through revelation and truth. 


FlashPoint: Don’t Quit, Have Faith! Mario Murillo, Lucas Miles, John Graves, Lou Uridel
(December 16, 2021)


"I Saw 70 Million Unborn Children Standing as Witnesses Before Supreme Court Judges" - Christa Elisha, Oxford, OH

Choose Life and Not Death

I saw 70 million unborn children standing as witnesses before the Supreme Court judges—their voices crying out for justice, day and night, in ears of the judges. I saw the judges (two men specifically) tossing and turning in their beds while they tried to sleep. They could hear the voices of the children: "Let me live. Choose life and not death."

I saw a witch screaming in an attempt to intimidate the Church, and then saw a warrior Bride rise up with a sledge hammer and shattered the witch's teeth. She ran into a house to hide, but then I saw a glorious, white Church House fall on the house she had run into, crushing her (much like what happened to the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz).  CONTINUE READING >>>

 ifa fbi americas kgb

Lord, as atheistic Marxists infiltrate the agencies we’ve trusted, we pray protection on those who defend our liberties. We pray for the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other agencies to protect, not attack, our citizens.

Tina Peters was sleeping when combat-outfitted FBI agents pounded on her door at 6 a.m. on November 16. In an interview with CBS Denver reporter Rick Sallinger, Peters said, “I’m a 60-year-old woman living by myself. I was terrified.” The Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team carried a battering ram, though they did not use it, as they would three and a half hours later on the door of Sherronna Bishop.



"A Time of Detail, Decision & Direction" - Katie Barker, Tweed Coast, Australia

This is a critical time where the Lord is releasing detailed direction for the coming months. It is a time to be intentional about spending time in His presence to receive revelation on the path ahead, and the new doors the Lord is opening and will open in 2022. Strategic decisions will be made by the people of God this month based on the revelation they receive, which will correctly position and align them for the year ahead. The enemy will try to bring great distraction and weariness to the people of God to attempt to prevent them from seeking the Lord at this strategic time. So it will be important to use discernment and stand in faith on all the Lord has spoken. 

A Time of Detail and Direction


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Dear City Intercessor,

I received news of something happening today that is flying under the radar. This is a call to prayer that I felt was important to share separate from our Monday emails.

I just learned that the director of the National Institute of Health (NIH), Dr. Francis Collins’ last day as the director is this week. That is public knowledge. What I'm about to share isn't.

His final act as director happens today. He has arranged a virtual lecture for Bill Gates to speak to the NIH staff. An individual who shared this information with me referred to this as “today’s evil agenda” taking place. It is certainly a call to prayer.

FlashPoint: It’s Unraveling! Mike Lindell, Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman & Mario Murillo (December 14, 2021)



ifIpray FBI AmericasMom

Lord, we pray for Sherronna Bishop, America’s Mom, and her family as they recover from the shock of an FBI raid that terrorized their family while homeschooling! Protect concerned parents from a weaponized FBI.

On November 16 a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team broke down the door of Sherronna Bishop’s house while she was homeschooling her children.  At 9:30 a.m. they heard banging on their door. Bishop saw figures at her door, and she thought, “They’re here.”

She barely had time to get her children to their rooms before the SWAT team was assaulting her — unlocked — front door with a battering ram.  Bishop remembered, “They didn’t give me any time to get to the door. They didn’t give me a couple of minutes to pull things together…. My husband began to say, ‘Hey, calm down. We’re here. It’s fine.’ And they’re yelling, and they’re shouting.”   CONTINUE READING >>>

Robin Bullock - ElijahList - Dec 13, 2021 - Intelligence Briefing Episode 30

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 Week #72 - Don't Lay Down Your Sword - Karen Hardin

Dear City Intercessor,

Kim and I have been processing a word the last several days which she received from the Lord recently. We have both continued to pray into it and felt it was a word that we should share with you.

As we come to a close for 2021, as usual, there are many prophetic words being shared of what the new year will look like along with the finish of this year. I’ve heard more than once this will be a “December to remember.” Kim and I both agree with this word, but possibly not exactly in the same way it was given.

In the days of Hitler, when he realized that he would be defeated, the insanity that had taken over his heart and mind stepped to a new level. What happened in the final 30 days and more specifically the last five days of his life are telling of what happens when insanity reigns and loss is inevitable. He had nothing to lose, because he knew all was lost. So he made one last attempt to attack, rule and control, before he was defeated.   

"Don't Let Go Now" - Kim Potter, Dayton, TN

Here we are in December... the end of another year. It seems impossible, yet here we are. This is the time of year when many look back over the previous months and the prayers they have been praying. It's the time of year when many decide (if their prayers haven't been answered yet), "It won't happen this year; maybe next year."

If that's you, I want to encourage you today. It's not over yet. I want to remind you of the times God changed things in a day.

In One Day

One day Joseph was in prison; the next day he was second in command. Consequently, he and his family were restored. This man not only saved his family from hunger but saved an entire nation during famine.

One day David was running for his life, eating whatever he could find. His enemy was hot on his trail. The next day he was a king living in a palace, just as God promised. His enemies were all gone.

One day Abraham and Sarah were childless, the next day she was pregnant with a baby of promise.

One day the disciples were filled with fear, hiding behind closed doors. The following day they were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and went about preaching, teaching and performing miracles.


 Prayer Mobilization for Dobbs - Matt Lockett & Lou Engle -The Briefing

FlashPoint: Are You Kidding Me!? David Harris Jr., Sam Sorbo, Lance Wallnau (December 9th, 2021)