
Lord, we pray for you to give us eyes to see and ears to hear. When the crowd demands we follow their path, help us always move in your direction, even if it’s the opposite way of what’s declared by the majority.

“You see, the point is that the strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.” This quote, from an 1882 play titled An Enemy of the People, carries much weight when measured on a scale in 2022. After all, at this point in history haven’t so many of us stood alone when it comes to trumpeting the truth? Whether it’s defending the unborn, medical freedom, election integrity or the sovereignty of our borders, we are living in a time where we are labeled as “enemies of the people” for simply refusing to bow down to agendas that are often fraught with lies and corruption.

Henrik Ibsen published An Enemy of the People 140 years ago, but the pages of this dramatic tale speak a message for the here and now. The play tells the story of an altruistic doctor who exposes a terrible truth that nobody wants to hear about, or take responsibility for. Ibsen, who has been called the father of modern drama, uses this play to shed light on what happens when politics and money overtake honesty, integrity, and moral courage.

As I read the play, I couldn’t help but see the similarities to what’s going on around the world today as it pertains to the Covid pandemic, and the public response to it. As I describe the plot of this gripping tale, see how many parallels you can identify.   Continue Reading >>>