A lot of churchgoers yearn for soothing sermons. Meanwhile, a growing company seeks to understand authority, brokenness, and resurrection life. Who are these "others" who have their eyes wide open?

They are too loud for most. They pray longer and deeper than what is "acceptable" in respectable circles. Many Christians don't want to talk about spiritual warfare because they hate confrontation. These "others" know we are at war with principalities and powers of evil.

These "abnormals" are secret weapons—set apart for that perfect moment when God will unleash them on an unsuspecting world. Those who oppose this remnant call them abnormal, but they are not abnormal. They are very normal. We have been subnormal for so long that normal looks abnormal. Maybe you are one of those Jesus followers who loves just a little too much, and you talk about things—awesome things you believe God can still do in this dark and evil time.

To some Christians you are a fanatic. They tell you your agitation is abnormal. They tell you to relax, but that just stokes your inner fire. They tell you, "God is in control and you don't have to worry." But you remember the Word of God, and it tells you to do something. You know that God combs the earth for willing vessels who will take up the mighty weapons of God and thrust the sword of the Spirit into the heart of the powers of darkness.

God Will Not Give Up America Without a Fight! READ MORE AT ELIJAH LIST >>>

"Expect the Blessings of God to Overtake You!"

God Has an Inheritance for You

Darren Canning, Ontario, Canada

God is ultimately a God of blessing. He does not want to operate harshly upon His creation. He created you and I, and everyone in this earth, so that He could be a doting Father to us. He is a good God who provides beautifully for His children, giving us good gifts, and He wants to give us an inheritance. Psalm 47:4 says, "He will choose our inheritance for us..."

I live within the inheritance of the Lord. His abundance in my life is something that I now expect because He loves me, and I can feel it. I have seen Him increase me time and time again in many ways. When my enemies come against me, He subdues them. This has happened many times, and I am stronger as a result.

A Dream Along the River Nile  READ MORE AT ELIJAH LIST >>>

"The Joseph Company: A New Breed of Entrepreneurs"

Nathan Shaw, Dunedin, New Zealand

We are in a season of intense exposure. In fact, the exposure has only just begun. Corruption has its own complexity and exposing it requires uncovering levels and layers. It's time for the light to shine and penetrate through this web of darkness. Many of the layers of corruption yet to be exposed will be so shocking that many will find it hard to trust again. Into this environment God is positioning a new breed of men and women—a Joseph company who carry an entrepreneurial anointing specific for our time.

Joseph - God's Anointed Administrator & Entrepreneur


Exposing the Source of Evil in America Part 2 | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | July 23

Exposing the Source of Evil in America

I released a post a couple of weeks ago from Exodus 14 about God’s defense of Israel and His judgment of the gods of Egypt. The last god He exposed was Baal-zephon. Yahweh led Israel to the exact location where this god was worshipped and honored, a setting which also effectively trapped the Israelites. With a mountain, the Red Sea, and Pharoah’s army hemming them in, Israel was now unable to flee. Pharoah assumed that his god, considered the lord of the sea, wind, and other facets of nature, had confused and disoriented the Israelites, causing them to wander into this hopeless trap. He believed that although Israel’s God, Yahweh, had overcome all his other gods (through the 10 plagues), his god, Baal-zephon, had now outwitted and overpowered the God of Israel. Yahweh, however, would show who was truly Lord over the wind and seas. You can watch that entire post here or read it here.

Dependent on God’s Presence

Dependent on God’s Presence

By Oswald Chambers

Those who wait on the Lord…shall walk and not faint. —Isaiah 40:31

There is no thrill for us in walking, yet it is the test for all of our steady and enduring qualities. To “walk and not faint” is the highest stretch possible as a measure of strength. The word walk is used in the Bible to express the character of a person— “…John…looking at Jesus as He walked…said, ‘Behold the Lamb of God!’ ” (John 1:35-36). There is nothing abstract or obscure in the Bible; everything is vivid and real. God does not say, “Be spiritual,” but He says, “Walk before Me…” (Genesis 17:1).

When we are in an unhealthy condition either physically or emotionally, we always look for thrills in life. In our physical life this leads to our efforts to counterfeit the work of the Holy Spirit; in our emotional life it leads to obsessions and to the destruction of our morality; and in our spiritual life, if we insist on pursuing only thrills, on mounting up “with wings like eagles” (Isaiah 40:31), it will result in the destruction of our spirituality.

Having the reality of God’s presence is not dependent on our being in a particular circumstance or place, but is only dependent on our determination to keep the Lord before us continually. Our problems arise when we refuse to place our trust in the reality of His presence. The experience the psalmist speaks of— “We will not fear, even though…” (Psalm 46:2)— will be ours once we are grounded on the truth of the reality of God’s presence, not just a simple awareness of it, but an understanding of the reality of it. Then we will exclaim, “He has been here all the time!” At critical moments in our lives it is necessary to ask God for guidance, but it should be unnecessary to be constantly saying, “Oh, Lord, direct me in this, and in that.” Of course He will, and in fact, He is doing it already! If our everyday decisions are not according to His will, He will press through them, bringing restraint to our spirit. Then we must be quiet and wait for the direction of His presence.

"But now, this is what the Lord says – He created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel: 'Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze." (Isaiah 43:1-2)

"Fear is one of the greatest weapons the enemy uses to separate My children from Us," I heard Jesus say.

Looking into the spirit, I saw myself floating on the sea of love;


Week #51

Tell Them, "Keep Your Gifts! - Karen Hardin

Dear City Intercessor,

In biblical days, Daniel was confronted and tempted several times to take a bribe. He was also threatened to remain silent and bow to ungodliness. It is no different than what many of our governmental officials face today.

Those in leadership positions both city, state and federally who have boldly spoken out against criminality taking place in our nation and stood for truth have been targeted by those jealous and intent to remove them.

(If you haven’t read my book “Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity” click here to read chapter one. Jealousy is at the beginning stage of infection!)

How we respond to these threats and bribes determines both our outcome and in part, theirs.

In the days of King Belshazzar (who reigned after Nebuchadnezzar) a disembodied hand was seen writing 4 words on the wall. Daniel was offered a large gift to interpret the words.

Daniel didn’t hesitate in his response to the king as he said, “Keep your gifts!” before giving the interpretation.

Americans and others across the globe find ourselves in an era in which people are being either threatened or bribed to change their vote or their stance.

However, if we bow, we subject ourselves to the same judgement Belshazzar experienced when the hand of God wrote, “Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.” Which means, “God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it. You have been weighed on the scales and found deficient. Your kingdom has been divided…”

As we pray for our city, state and nation this week along with our officials, let us pray that they (and we) will be able to stand with courage and say, “Keep your gifts!”



Lion of Judah

“Unless a man has courage, he has no security for preserving any other virtue.” -- Samuel Johnson


Lion of Judah

Smoking Gun 34-35 or False Flag?

Project Veritas

DOD/DARPA SARS CoV-2 Documents

Your Wake Up Call



2021 08 10 154542 home frankspeech

What Say Ye?

rockefeller foundation

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development



We Need to Take a Moment to Understand What “Redistribution of Wealth” Actually Means - Dinesh D'Souza

Compilation of President Reagan's Humor from Selected Speeches, 1981-89

Famous Speeches: Aragorn at the Black Gate


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