Dutch Sheets: "God's Secret Service Agents"

God's Secret Service Agents

"Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8 NASB) continue >>>

Andrew Whalen: "The Call of Calebs & Joshuas & the Fall of the Nephilim Agenda"

[Editor's note: Below are the notes that Andrew Whalen shared during his recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage you to read through them and watch the episode right here.]

"Daddy, Did You Hear God's Voice Last Night?"

In 2014, I was given a dream telling me to quit my job and go to Pasadena, California for a season of training and impartation with Lou Engle. So, I did the dream. I quit my job and spent three months doing an intensive, along with a prayer siege (at the Home of Peace of Oakland, California) leading up to The Call Berkley.

While in Pasadena, for about two months, the five of us (my family and I) had to stay in a house with one bedroom to share between us. Anyway, one night, after the rest of my family was in bed and asleep, I found a book in this house on the top of an old bookshelf, and I dusted it off. It was the book of Enoch.   continue >>>

 The Sign of the Fig Tree

On Jesus’ third day in Jerusalem (Tuesday), he provides an explanation of the events of the previous day. As they pass by in the morning, Peter notices that the cursed fig tree has withered from the roots (Mark 11:20–21). Jesus addresses his disciples’ wonderment with some rather enigmatic sayings. These should be read not as isolated teachings on prayer—no matter how useful they might be for future generations of Christians—but as an integral part of Mark’s narrative. Jesus speaks these words in the week before his death and as the kingdom of God is drawing closer by the hour).

The cursing of the fig tree is an acted-out parable. As in Micah’s day, because of the failure of Israel’s leadership, the nation is fruitless on the eve of the last days’ harvest. To help his disciples understand, Jesus exhorts his disciples to have faith in God (Mark 11:22). God has made promises; not only will he keep them but he can also be asked to do so.

Life in the New Covenant, Part 25 Rick Joyner

      Last week, I shared a personal experience of how the Lord is helping me grow in patience. This week, we will look at how just focusing on one thing it can help us have a breakthrough in may other areas, even things we are not focusing on.

      This is actually a military tactic that can help us greatly in our personal life. It’s called “concentration of forces.” This is the tactic of concentrating forces at one place along the enemy line to create a breakthrough. Once you have penetrated an enemy line, their whole force has to retreat to keep from being divided or surrounded. This is actually the most common and most successful military tactic. How can it help us personally?

      Most Christians still have hundreds of things wrong with them. It is the devil’s tactic to have us trying to fix every one of them at the same time, which will enable his overall strategy to “wear out the saints” to succeed. However, the Holy Spirit will just focus on one or at the most two things for us to work on, knowing that if we have a breakthrough in one thing, it will result in the enemy having to retreat on everything.


The first night in New York

How can I tell you about what happened last night in New York? Well, to do that I need a new word for ‘breakthrough’. I need a word that describes going from the lowest low to the highest high in just one night.

Why do I say the lowest low? Because it was. I thought Phoenix was our lowest low. In the heat of the warfare there I remember saying, “It can’t get any worse than this!”

Welcome to New York…

On every level New York was more brutal than Phoenix. The lead up to this tent crusade was a kick in the teeth. Every kind of attack that could happen did happen. Satan began to mock me!

Satan told me this crusade was going to fall apart. He reminded me that I said the Blue States—and the cities the American church has written off—will be epicenters of revival. He told me I would be shamed in New York. Then this happened!    continue >>>

Lana Vawser: "I Heard the Lord Say, 'Battlegrounds Are Turning to War Rooms'" - Jun 24, 2024

Battlegrounds Flipped on Their Heads

Recently, I heard the Lord say, "Battlegrounds are turning to war rooms." As He spoke, I saw battlegrounds being flipped on their heads, and they were turning to war rooms.

As I asked the Lord what He was saying, I heard: "Where many have been facing relentless battles, and have been feeling like they have been living 'under' so much, and have been feeling like victims to their circumstances—to opposition and to warfare coming against them—I am now flipping it on its head and leading My people into a place of overcoming. I am releasing the revelation of the VICTOR in this hour in greater ways. I am the VICTOR, and I am revealing Myself in greater ways as the Victorious One. I am the One who has OVERCOME."    continue >>>

Ella Onakoya: "A Season of Divine Justice – 'Hamans' Will Fall into Their Traps!"

The God of Justice Revealed

One of the names of God that expresses His divine nature in the Bible is found in Isaiah 30:18 as the God of Justice. In the Hebrew text, the Lord is known as Elohei Mishpat, the God of justice (Strong's H4941).

I believe we are in a season, more than ever before, where the divine justice of the Lord is being released and manifested throughout the earth. The justice of the Lord is being released for the forgotten. He is coming with vindication. He is coming at the right time and will not be late..   continue >>>

June 19, 2024

Most downloaded news app in US

The most downloaded news app in the US is from China and gives fake news.

Did you hear about the shooting in Bridgeton, New Jersey last Christmas? It never happened. But if you get your news from Newsbreak app, you are possibly getting fictional news. 

Check out the article below to learn more.  For Truth & Righteousness, Kevin & Karen

Life in the New Covenant, Part 24 - Rick Joyner

I have learned that if I do not write down my goals and check regularly on my progress to achieve them, it’s unlikely I will achieve them. This seems to be why the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 13:5, “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves!”

Abiding in the Lord or growing in the fruit or gifts of the Spirit requires spiritual discipline and a means of measuring progress. There are biblical teachings or exhortations about most of these, and for the others we should ask our Teacher, the Lord, for wisdom about how to proceed. Let’s look at a couple examples.    continue >>>

Veronika West: "The Joker, the Queen, and the King's Stolen Crown

A note from Veronica West: This prophetic word, originally released in 2021, is once again coming to the forefront, and Holy Spirit is bringing it to our attention. Please keep in mind friends, there is no reward in being mere spectators of the Word, but we must be partakers. We must war with the Word. Dreams and visions are portals to divine possibilities. They are an invitation to partner with Heaven to see the Word fulfilled. WATCH AND PRAY! The pictures are from Fox News, June 12, 2024. Thank you Robin Johnson for sharing.

"Joker Biden's Balancing Act with the Queen of Hearts, Kamala Harris, and the Stolen Crown of the King!"

Yes, the title is a mouthful, but it encapsulates the essence of the dream. Bare with me!   continue >>>

Don’t Let the Fear of Man Keep You From Your Calling - Bill Johnson Sermon | Bethel Church


Now that Donald Trump has been found guilty on felony charges, this opens the door to the next phase to prevent him from being president.

What may surprise you is the work behind the scenes within the Republican Party by the Republican National Committee to pass a resolution in lockstep with these court cases to block Trump.

Ivan Raiklin, a former Green Beret Commander and constitutional attorney, shared of this new behind-the-scenes attempt. In a private conversation in Tulsa last week, he met with several Oklahoma GOP leaders and shared details of this plan.

SEE ALSO: J6 – The Real Attack Against Democracy

Behind the plan is a man working to weaponize the Republican National Committee to pass a resolution which would prevent convicted felons from holding office. And worse, we would have no say on whether it is passed or not. 

The Ezekiel Prophecy & The Ancient Entity | Jonathan Cahn

Life in the New Covenant, Part 23 - By Rick Joyner

The prayer that Jesus gave His disciples to pray, which has been prayed by His disciples for nearly two thousand years, is for His kingdom to come, and His will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven. We can be sure this prayer is going to be answered, and it is being answered in our time.       This we can be sure about God’s kingdom—it will never shrink, and never stop growing. We are assured this in Isaiah 9:7: “There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from then on and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this. ”The government of the Lord is His kingdom, but it is more than a government. His kingdom is His domain, where His authority is recognized and obeyed—where His will is done. If we are His disciples, His kingdom is growing in us as we learn of Him and behold His glory to become like Him. Wherever we go, we should be revealing His kingdom and extending His domain. Of this we can be sure: man’s governments will all shake and ultimately descend back into the dust from which they came, but God’s kingdom will never stop growing. ...


Howard Pittman's Near Death Experience