Life in the New Covenant, Part 30 - Rick Joyner

      God made every snowflake, every leaf on every tree, and even every person unique. So, where does the human pressure to conform come from? One thing we can be sure of is that this pressure does not come from the Spirit of the Lord, so we must reject it.

      Our present education system feeds the pressure to conform by rewarding it and its compliance while punishing individuality, innovation, and creativity. The result is that those who conform to the system are the most conditioned to be overly fearful of and threatened by any who do not comply with the conformist mentality.

      As far back as thirty years ago, some corporate leaders were saying they would no longer hire college graduates because they could not think “outside of the box,” which is required in a fast-changing world. This should have been a loud wake-up call that our education system was already obsolete. This has only gotten worse. There is a saying that, “If you don’t change your direction, you will end up where you’re headed.” This is leading us as a nation to a place where we will not be able to survive long amidst the challenges of this fast-moving world.   continue >>>