July 31, 2024
The Power of Purpose & Imagination
Karen and I have focused on serving the Chinese people since 1989. We can tell you that when the Chinese set their mind to something, they are usually able to achieve their goal. They have amazing tenacity and grit it seems as a people group to overcome great adversity and to find success. Unfortunately, China's younger generation seems to have lost heart and the will to fight. More and more they have lost hope that they can be successful and therefore don't see their purpose in life. Today's articles focus on two different stories in China. Even though they faced amazing loss and challenges, they are accomplishing things for themself and others, well worth sharing. In Christ, Kevin & Karen P.S. Thank you to all who are standing with us through prayer and giving. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne... Psalm 89:14 ESV This applies to all we seek to do in Asia and the USA. Your partnership makes all we do possible. If you are not already a partner in prayer or giving, we ask you to pray about joining the Destiny Builders support team. Thank you. Each gift is tax-deductible AND each prayer is powerful!!!
Into the Sandstorm: The 75 Year-Old Grieving Mother Creating a Green Miracle in the Desert June 21, 2024 (www.sixthtone.com)
For the last 20 years, Shanghai native Yi Jiefang has been helping to plant trees in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Her efforts are in aid of reforestation, as well as to keep the memory of her dead son alive — in 2000, he was killed in a traffic accident in Japan, where they lived at the time. Two years later, Yi returned to China to fulfill her son’s last wish.
Since 2002, Yi has accompanied over 50,000 volunteers from around the world to plant over 10 million cottonwood trees, pine trees, saxaul trees, and Russian olive trees across regions bordering the Gobi Desert. The total area that has been reforested measures 40,000 mu, or the equivalent of 63,495 standard basketball courts. CLICK HERE to watch the story!
 Photo credit: www.sixthtone.com |
Sky Farmers: The Rise of China's Agricultural Drone Pilots June 27, 2024 (www.sixthtone.com)
The drone before us unfolds its wings, revealing a wingspan of over two meters. As it rises into the air, its target is not the sky above but the land below.
Wang Jiansen, a 33-year-old agricultural drone pilot from Taizhou in the eastern Jiangsu province, bridges two worlds. With his feet on the ground and his eyes on the sky, he links new technologies with traditional agriculture through the device in his hands: Wang and his fellow pilots make their living by flying agricultural drones, following the seasons to farms across the country. CLICK HERE to read more!
 Photo credit: www.sixthtone.com |
1) Please join with thousands across our nation as we pray each day at noon the “Noon Time prayer for America and Donald Trump.” To download that prayer go to: https://bit.ly/FreePrayerLink. 2) Sign up for our City-by-City.org weekly prayer email where together we pray over our cities and our nation. 3) For those in the Tulsa area, join us every 2nd and 4th Monday evening for our AwakeOklahoma.com prayer for revival and our government leaders. Email Karen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be added to this email list to know when and where to meet and to be informed of important issues that we focus prayer and action towards.
Scriptural Prayers for America |
Scriptural Prayers for America and Donald Trump If you haven’t ordered “Scriptural Prayers for America and Donald Trump” I encourage you to get a copy and some for friends and prayer team as we intercede for a miracle. Not because I wrote it, but because it is scripture in prayer form—which is one of the most powerful ways we can pray. "Prayers for America and Donald Trump" highlights 25 different areas in which we desperately need to pray and see breakthroughs. HOW TO PRAY: This week we focus on the following prayers: Restoration of Law and Order—p. 52 For Righteous Judges—p. 83 Vindication for Donald Trump—p. 31 |
Don't forget to pray daily for Donald Trump in our Noon Time prayer --p. 17 I felt compelled to write this book, because we MUST pray to stop the onslaught. These prayers are scriptures, put into prayer form, because we know when we pray the Word of God, He watches over His Word to perform it. Some of the prayers include:
- Election integrity
- Righteous judges
- Reducing the national debt
- Protection for Donald Trump & his family
- Deliverance from unjust accusations & unjust indictments
- Restoration of our legal system
- Restoration of law and order
- Truth & justice regarding the 2020 election
- Courage to stand
- America to be restored, and more.
This is a spiritual battle and we need to address it there first. Please join me in praying for Donald Trump and America to see restoration, reformation and revival. |
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FREE SCRIPTURE PRAYERS If you would like a free copy of scriptural prayers to pray over you and your family, go to our website at: www.destinybuilders.world/download-prayer/ As we pray the Word, we come into alignment with His Word and He said He watches over His Word to perform it!
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