MorningStar Fellowship Service-Rick Joyner-Get Ready

Abounding in Love

David recounts many positive qualities of God in this psalm. He is forgiving, good, and abounding in love. He listens. He answers. He is unique. He is worthy of our worship. He is powerful. David’s plea to this abounding-in-love God? David longs for “an undivided heart,” one that turns only toward God. A divided heart has divided loyalties and interests. It does not truly absorb the love God freely gives—instead, a divided heart looks for love in other places. Because you have received God’s focused love, your response can be similar to David’s. First, you can rest in knowing that God deeply, truly loves you. Then, you can ask him to give you an undivided heart. After that, like David, you can choose to praise God with everything within you. That’s a normative response to being loved well. We see this kind of abounding-in-love character when a devoted parent tosses a giggling child into the air, then catches her every time. The child responds to the parent with affection and joy. You can respond that way to God too, particularly since God’s love for you has no measure. It’s as high as the heavens and wider than the earth. Lord, thank you that you abound in love for me. It’s hard for me to grasp. But as I do, I pray you would grant me an undivided heart that worships only you—with joy and abandon. Amen. Taken from NIV Radiant Virtues Bible


FlashPoint: Here’s How We Get Active… (December 6th 2022)

MorningStar Fellowship Service | 9:00am Chris Reed Dec 4 2022

This article by Jill Austin was originally posted on the Elijah List on January 4, 2007:

A Gambling Casino

I had an open vision and saw a gambling casino covering the earth. There were global players who were playing for the world's resources (like gold, silver, oil, and water). There were nations that had no problem committing genocide on a whole nation for their gold mines.

They were playing with cards – gambling and playing for high stakes. These players' faces were like dogs. They had thick collars on, with spikes, and they were smoking expensive cigars. They were laughing crudely, and they were drunk and drinking whiskey. The scene looked like one of the paintings by Coolidge, which show dogs gambling like men.

But then I saw Kingdom players of the Lord – a holy mafia that came and sat at the table to play for world resources. They were undetected; they were the Lord's "007 agents" playing a very deadly and dangerous game.

Old Worldly Money Is Exposed   Read more >>>

Prophets and Patriots - Episode 44 with Juan O Savin and Steve Shultz - Brunson - Supreme Court

Tidbits- Obama appointee and Perkins Coie alumnus US District Judge John Tuchi granted the motion for sanctions filed by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors against Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake utilizing all of the key leftist word salad we have come to love in the past 2 years...  “It is to make clear that the Court will not condone litigants ignoring the steps that Arizona has already taken toward [elections] and furthering false narratives that baselessly undermine public trust at a time of increasing disinformation about, and distrust in, the democratic process,” ....
Speaking of Perkins Coie alumnus Judge Tuchi - Perkins Coie represents the DNC, the Democratic Leadership Council, The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Of further note, Perkins Coie top attorney (there's 1200 or so of them all over the world) Hillary Clinton Campaign attorney, Michael Sussman, was indicted by Special Counsel John Durham for lying to the FBI and was subsequently found not guilty by a left leaning DC court and, coincidentally, another Barack Obama appointed judge.
Trust me. There's nothing to see here folks. It's all a distortion by right-wing, extremist, QAnon conspiracy theorists. Yep and like Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Hussein Obama) once said, ya'all just bitter, gun clingers and religion clingers with antipathy to people who aren't like you." Wow Barry, you really nailed it. Trying to remember if you said that using your selective southern plantation drawl.

Juan O Savin SCOTUS Treason Charges for Congress

On November 1st, at 3:55 AM, the Lord awoke me with a thundering voice and said:

"I need you to rise up! Rise up! Rise up! Can't you see? He [the enemy] has made you believe that this is it—that you are done! He's making you forfeit what you have fought so hard for! You have been chosen for such a time as this! Have you forgotten what you have been through to be here? Have you forgotten all the victories you celebrated with Me? All the giants you have slayed with Me by your side?

"Open your mouth and speak! I can't do this for you. You have to rise up! I am your 'Mordecai' telling you to rise up, to put on your most beautiful regalia and present yourself to the King. You don't have to fear, My scepter is ALWAYS extended toward you. You don't need an invitation. My Son tore the curtain. He made it possible for you to enter My courts at any time! Are you going to let Haman's evil plans to destroy you come to pass, or are you going to rise up and use the authority I have placed in you to stop him? I am with you ALWAYS.

Flipping the Script    Read more >>>

☑Amanda Grace Talks (11/29/2022) ?️ SHOCKING DREAM | A BIG SURPRISE IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!

I heard the Lord say, "My trailblazing daughters are arising!"

TRAILBLAZER definitions: "a person who blazes a trail for others to follow through unsettled country or wilderness," a "pioneer" and an "innovator."

Synonyms: "ground breaker," "trendsetter," "spearhead" and "explorer."

An Invitation at the Crossroad

Suddenly, I saw daughters of God all over the world standing at a crossroad that was labeled "NEW BEGINNINGS."

This was a defining moment. The choice was to follow Jesus and where He is going, or to follow the pathways that were "known" and comfortable.

Read more >>>

Dutch Sheets says:

Jane, thank you for joining us today. What are you hearing Holy Spirit saying to us?

Jane Hamon begins to share:

Thanks, Dutch, it's always a pleasure and an honor to be with you. I love the Give Him 15s. I think they're absolutely revolutionizing the Church world today and discipling nations by the messages that you're bringing on a consistent basis. I'm really excited to be here with you because I have a message that I think the Lord has put on my heart for this season.

Time for the Hanging of Haman's Ten Sons   Read more >>>


The Oil of Joy | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | November 29, 2022