When I Asked Jesus Why Christmas Felt Different, He Gave This Word... Adele Grobler

Dreams of Awakening by Gina Gholston

 Gina says:

"I once had a dream where I saw an old quill pen being dipped into ink and writing on a piece of parchment. I remember seeing the long feather's movement as the hand holding the pen began to write these words: 'The Ekklesia army is being summoned to take its position, to legislate and enforce God's verdicts and carry out His assignments.' (Photo of Gina Gholston)

"The Church is called for more than just Sunday meetings and social gatherings. We are the Body of Christ. As each member does its part, we contribute to the overall function of the Body. As we yield ourselves to Christ, He works through us to fulfill His purposes. His intention was never that the Church operate in a lifeless 'form' of Christianity. We are His witnesses and, as such, called to make Him known. His desire is for us to know Christ and be like Him, clothed in His righteousness and functioning in His victorious power.

"In another dream, I was with many intercessors gathered in a field, all on horses. It was like a movie scene of a leader rallying his troops. Dutch Sheets was there praying over this team. Then my friend, Dr. Don Lynch (who is now in Heaven), rode out in front of us and began to declare the word 'Victory!' several times. He then began to weep and said, 'Our victory is secured!' Dr. Don held up a silver coin and said, 'We are not fighting FOR victory; we are fighting WITH victory!'  Read more >>>

Vision Conference | Friday Morning Session - Rick Joyner - MorningStar Ministries -

To View Entire Morning Session Please Click HERE


Here in Texas we are not normally equipped for winter weather. Just before I wrote this article, we were seeing 80-degree afternoons. A few days later, however, a very cold front brought in some very frigid temperatures — in the low 20s — and we even had to deal with blackouts. What a difference a day makes.

Accompanying that cold front were some very heavy winds, with distinct howling and whipping noises I could hear from indoors. Suddenly, I heard a very loud cracking sound.

I ventured outside to survey my property, and to my surprise I saw a tree toppled over in my yard. I was shocked to see how those powerful winds had snapped the tree at its base.

This particular tree had been dying: Half was vibrant, while the other half had branches that were bare and no longer producing. For months, I had hoped the tree would recover, but it never did.

Coincidentally, the entire tree didn’t come down, but only the dead half. If that part hadn’t come down that way, eventually the whole tree would have been a loss.

As I stared at that tree, I felt the Lord speaking prophetically to me.

I don’t know about you, but my 2022 was one for books, and not in the best of ways. This year I felt as if I were, like that old tree, completely stripped down. At times I have felt as if my prayers were fruitless. The degree of warfare I faced had left me discouraged, exhausted, speechless. At other times, my prayers felt liquid — no words, just tears. Praise God — He understands the language of tears and groanings.  Read more>>>

The White House Apostasy | Jonathan Cahn (12 minutes)

Word of the Lord (December 14-15, 2022):

Praise be to the Lord of hosts, Almighty God, the Alpha and Omega, the great I AM. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, and to His Kingdom there is no end! Praise Him for HE IS HOLY!

Gird Up Your Loins and Activate Your Faith!

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "Gird up your loins, My children. Gird up your loins! Ready yourselves and be vigilant and prepared for the things that are to occur in your nation and your lives. The enemy roams about like a lion seeking whom he may devour.

"My children, it takes deep faith to weather and bear and persevere through the trials of life. Activate your faith; praise ME that what you have asked for is done!" says the Lord of hosts. "Do NOT let the enemy discourage you in this hour. For there are those the enemy has utilized, whom the enemy has his strings on (even those in the Church), [and] that the enemy shall utilize to discourage and derail the plans that I the Lord have spoken forth and are already occurring in the natural."  Read more >>>

Prophetic Words for 2023, Pt. 4 of 4 - with Chris Reed, Charlie Shamp, and Michael Fickess

 "Decree: God's Angels Are Bringing Our Prayers to Pass!"  -  

We decree the angels of the Lord are bringing our prayers to pass!

Mobilizing Angels

In the book of Daniel, Daniel had been praying over the future of his nation and had asked for help and wisdom from God.

We are told that God heard Daniel's prayer the very first day that he started praying and had sent one of the most powerful angels, an archangel named Gabriel, with an answer. However, there was spiritual warfare that took place between Heaven and Earth in the astrological, or atmospheric, Heaven between Gabriel and a demon prince, the spirit prince of Persia.

This spirit prince of Persia was warring against Gabriel to stop him from getting through to Daniel with the answer to the prayer. The battle lasted for 21 days and was quite intense.  Read more >>>

The Eleventh Hour S19 #8 - Robin Bullock


The other morning, I woke up early with my soul beginning to strive for some personal things I've been carrying in prayer. I could immediately sense the striving in my heart posture, in my prayers and in my thoughts. This is an easy place to go when something is hanging in the balance between a request and an answer, or a promise and a fulfillment.

Then the Lord quieted my soul and said, "Just sit silently before Me in a posture of trust and take a deep breath."

I reminded my soul that He is never late, He does not forget and He is able to do what I am not able to do. I did not need to strive or force His hand, for He is willing and wise in all of His dealings with me.

"For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him." (Psalm 62:5)

Then I remembered the verse above, and a stillness and quiet trust came upon my heart and mind. He is my hope, and I can trust Him so completely that rest replaces worry and stillness replaces striving.

On a Silent Night

In this Christmas season, we remember how mankind waited for a Savior—the Messiah. Then, after a long time of waiting, the angel of the Lord appeared in a field where sheep and shepherds rested to announce that the waiting was over:


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 #Trump #JingleBells #PaulPelosi #CaptainDeplorable #MAGA #MerryChristmas


 "I Am Changing Your Story and Revealing My Glory" - Helen Calder, Melbourne, Australia

From a Story of Loss to a Testimony of Power!

This is the message of the prophet Isaiah—repeatedly: The presence of your Savior changes everything! (See Isaiah 32:15, 35:1-2; 40:3-5, 43:19, 51:3.)

Only Jesus can turn a past story of loss into a present testimony of power. So, receive His touch on every part of your life—even those past times that felt like "wilderness seasons." For right now, He is visiting you with headlines from Heaven.

I Am Changing the Story You Tell   read more >>>

Thomas Merton In His Own Voice

Word of the Lord received on November 23, 2022:

Praise be to the Lord of hosts, maker of Heaven and Earth, for the name of the Lord is good and His mercies endureth forever; who sits on the highest throne and rules with a rod of righteousness; who brings forth the rod of correction, and to His Kingdom there is no end!

I Am Triggering a Current

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "YOUR HOPE, My children – YOUR HOPE – is in ME," says the Lord of hosts. "Your hope is not in man-made systems that are fallible, that are faulty, that grossly miscalculate, for their makers are faulty," says the Lord.

"I AM triggering a current," says the Lord, "that will run across this nation – an electrical current as well. 'Supercharges' in the skies shall bring forth the unusual," says the Lord.

The Fixers Shall Be Exposed  

Prophets and Patriots - Episode 45 with Steve Shultz, Juan O'Savin, Loy Brunson and Johnny Enlow