April 26, 2023
Who Is Our Greatest Enemy?
 America’s greatest enemy is China not Russia. (Although Russia is not far behind.) Biden and his team have intentionally worked to destroy the tentative peace that had been developed under Trump. He has even provoked war with Russia and you have to wonder why…but back to China.

While the Biden administration ignores the China threat, China has stated they are at war with us by stating they cannot co-exist with America. Translation, they have gone to war against us, while Biden turns a blind eye.

Since Biden and his family members have all been on China’s payroll for the last several years, it comes as no surprise that this threat is ignored. China holds him in the palm of their hand. If he goes against them, then China will expose the payments---something coming to light anyway. Did you know it has taken the IRS FIVE years to investigate Hunter Biden’s involvements with Ukraine and China and all the money that has rolled into his bank account? When does it EVER take them that long to audit? When will they investigate Joe? Our own government ignores the bank statements and facts that have been uncovered.

Two areas that we will look at this week:

China & Russia working to undermine the U.S. Dollar
China, in a close alliance with Russia, is reportedly working on developing a new form of currency. Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa have joined in this alliance called BRICS which is an acronym for five leading economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Once it is rolled out the value of the American dollar will roll down to almost nothing--taking what’s left of our economy with it.

Click here to read more. https://bit.ly/bricsnewcurrency
New York Allows China to Establish a Police Department in NYC
It was revealed last week that 2 Chinese Communist Party members---who are also American citizens---established a police department in the heart of New York City. The two men have had their picture taken with the NYC (Eric Adams) mayor and U.S. Senator for New York, Chuck Schumer. Schumer and  Adams knew exactly who they were and what was going on. They have allowed the infiltration of China to extend as far as a police presence in the city to intimidate Chinese who dare speak out against China or the Party line. It’s what communists do and it is welcomed by people like Schumer and Adams in our country.

Make no mistake that our current government is in bed with China and has allowed our economy and sovereignty to be at stake with this secretive alliance.

Please pray for Rep Jim Jordan, who now chairs the House Judiciary Committee, and who continues to work to bring these issues to light. Also pray for justices who will be unafraid to take action. What the Biden White House and government officials have done in this regard is treasonous and should be dealt with as such.
(News story link: https://bit.ly/ChinesePoliceNYC

Pray that China’s war to destroy our nation will be stopped.

If you are in the Tulsa area, please join us for revival/governmental prayer  every 2nd and 4th Monday at 7 p.m. at Kingdom Rain Church at 5124 S 95th East Ave – Tulsa, OK.
In Christ,
Kevin & Karen

P.S. In one month, we launch a Gospel Hope food relief outreach in Cambodia. The projected budget to help feed 150 is $5,850. See this month’s Giving Opportunity for more details.

Also, please pray for our Rural Pastors Monthly Training Seminar happening today through Saturday. Pray for the trainers and each of the attendees to grow in Spirit and the Word. 
   For an interesting read, check out the article on My Partiot Supply home page callled: BRICS: Resetting the New World Order and the Global Financial System. You can easily see the stage is being set for the One World government even now.

     My Patriot Supply is one of our affiliate sponsors. They will donate 10% of your purchase to Destiny Builders when you shop their site by clicking the long-term food picture here. 


With uncertain economic times ahead, one way to prepare is to learn how to grow your own food. NOW is the time to start planting this year's garden! 

SeedsNow! will provide a commission to Destiny Builders Ministries at no price increase to you on every sale through the link below. 

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GOSPEL HOPE Relief Outreach
Cambodia Food & Gospel Outreach

Around the end of May, our Cambodian ministry team will provide basic food items and the Gospel message to poor village families.

Your gift of $39 will provide rice, noodles, sardines, & fish sauce for one family. Help us bless at least 150 families with basic food items and a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus to these primarily Buddhist families. Our team typically has a 45-50% acceptance rate to the Gospel and then pastors will be ready to follow up. We are targeting to bless 150 families for a total project expense of $5,850.
Your giving and prayers are vital to this opportunity. Let's do this Destiny Builders Family!

     Click below to give ONLINE or checks can be sent to: 
Destiny Builders, PO Box 700515, Tulsa OK 74170.

Kevin & Karen, I Will Partner With You!

Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception & Insanity
Why are things happening as they are?
Why are people seemingly so blind to what appears so obvious?
And more importantly, how can it be stopped?

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1 for $14.99, 2 for $25, or 5 for $55 (plus shipping.)

Order online at:  https://gumroad.com/karenhardin

     Or send your check and order to:
Destiny Builders, PO Box 700515, Tulsa OK 74170
     Don't forget to include your shipping address.


     If you would like a free copy of scriptural prayers to pray over you and your family, go to our website at: www.destinybuilders.world/download-prayer/

     As we pray the Word, we come into alignment with His Word and He said He watches over His Word to perform it!

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