I Had A Vision of MASSIVE Revival!... Dutch Sheets on FlashPoint (1/24/23) - 14 Min


Recently, I was getting ready to leave in the morning when I suddenly had a vision. In this vision, I was taken into a room that appeared to be inside a funeral home. Everyone was dressed in black clothes and packed in this room, standing shoulder to shoulder and facing the same direction. As I peered around, I saw a casket lying dead center at the front of the room. On this casket were written the words "spirit of religion."   Read more >>>

'I Saw the Real Hell': Michigan Priest Says Unforgiveness Sent Him on a Supernatural Visit to Hell - 5 minutes


Article dated: Monday, January 23, 2023

Dear Celebrating Ones:

A filling! A pouring out! A time to receive the ROAR of the Lion of Judah! Shevat Firstfruits Celebration was just amazing! In this month to "Let the River Flow," choose to tell the Lord you are jumping in! The Spirit of God is doing something as we allow His river to fill us. Don't be disillusioned over what didn't germinate or mature in the last season. What did not produce can flourish in new ways as His river rises.   Read more >>>

Bongino reveals why Democrats are 'terrified' of Biden classified docs


Receive One Another as God Has Received Us

God's beautiful family is amazingly diverse. Many nations, tribes, languages, and cultures make up the wondrous Body of Christ. For this reason, the Church is an opportunity for each one of us to mature. We must embrace each other's uniqueness and diversity. This requires love and grace.   Read more >>>


The End of The Beginning - Mario Murillo PROPHETIC WORD - h/t Denise H.E.

 "The Heirs Will Begin to Breathe Fresh Air" - Dutch Sheets and Tim Sheets 

Word released on January 2, 2022: 

From Dutch Sheets: I hope you had a good Christmas, and hope that you had a happy and blessed New Year!

I always find the words sent by my brother, Tim, to be encouraging and instructive. This one, however, is exceptionally edifying. As the title suggests, it speaks of refreshing breath from Holy Spirit, and it also speaks of the Father's great plans for 2023. You'll be encouraged.

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Suffering and Ministry: A Quote by Charles Spurgeon (2 Minutes)


by  | Jan 17, 2023 | Mario Murillo Ministries | 100 comments



I have been missing from certain television shows. People are asking why. They deserve an answer but I was not ready to go public until now.

I still believe in these shows. And, I am deeply grateful for the strong support they have given to our tent crusades.

But I had to step away for two reasons.  You will notice that both reasons have only to do with soul winning.

1.  The harvest is so great that it is consuming all of my time. The despair in America runs so deep that 20% of our youth have frequent thoughts of suicide. Furthermore, 9% of them have actually attempted suicide. And fentanyl is killing our kids on a scale we have never known in America.

Lost souls are stampeding to the Tent to be saved. The harvest is so great that we have a critical shortage of workers to handle all of those who are coming to the Lord. This has placed severe demands on my schedule.   Read more >>>

It Will Cost You Everything - 11 Minutes


Wanda Alger

Jan 17

The Lord has called me to an extended fast this month and I have not been engaging on social media. It’s been a time of recalibration and preparation for what’s ahead. Just three days into my fast, I received two dreams that I believe is setting the spiritual bar for this coming year and reminding the Church of our commission.

In the first dream I was taken back to a very traditional church from my family’s past. The service had already started but there were only a few folding chairs set up in the middle of the sanctuary and a few folks standing around the sides. Though I heard a faint sound coming from the pulpit up front, I heard various people whispering in conversation and a few others just moving about. I was wondering if this was the actual church service, so I asked someone nearby. He said it was set up this way to provide for more social interaction. This way people could come and go as they liked and get to know each other. Though I was somewhat shocked by his answer, he was absolutely sincere - even though the church was practically empty.  Read more >>>


 "2023 Is Going to Reveal Hot Spots of My Glory" - Nate Johnston, Dallas, TX

Prophetic word released on December 16, 2022:

The Rise of a Holy Army

Last month, as I was driving, I went into a powerful vision. I was taken up in the spirit and I knew I was about to see the Lord revealing what was to come in the following year. This was the revelation I had been waiting for Him to drop into my spirit for months. I knew I didn't want to be focused on what the enemy was going to be doing, but I wanted enough intel and insight into his plans to be able to prepare to counteract them. My heart has been postured for months now, asking, "Lord, what are You up to? Where are You going? And how can I join You on the journey?"   Read more >>>

Oh, The Deep Love of Jesus - Epic Version!