"The 4th Seal and Overcoming the Death Agenda" - Johnny Enlow and Steve Shultz on Elijah Streams

To Go Up, You First Must Go Low

The other night, the Lord visited me in a dream. In the dream, a long-haired Jewish man and I were in a mall/open air marketplace at night with our arms loaded with gifts and bags to give away. We needed to go to the upper level of this mall to get to the hotel rooms upstairs, but one elevator was out of service; it could only go up. The other elevator could only go down. 

There was a bell boy waiting to assist anyone using the elevators, and I asked him, "What do we do if we need to get to the upper rooms?" He answered, "Oh, it's a bit of a mystery... Here, I'll tell you the secret to going up – you just have to go low first! If you are willing to ride this elevator down first, once you reach the bottom, the doors will open, and then you can just stay on and it will automatically take you to the top floor."  Continue

 ☕️ BIO SHOCKS ☙ Monday, June 5, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS ?

A deep-dive into the developing plasmid problem.


 "God Is Releasing a Catch-up Wind!" - Veronika West, Ireland

Those that wait and tarry will be caught up and carried by the seven Spirit winds of restoration and acceleration in the days ahead. Only those that wait and tarry will carry a greater capacity!

The Foundation to Carrying Revelation-   Continue


"Things Are About to Become Brand New! It's a New Day!" - Lana Vawser, Adelaide, South Australia

Recently, I heard the Lord say, "Things are about to become BRAND NEW! It's a NEW DAY."

When He spoke this, immediately I saw the "death process" that MANY have been walking through over the last few years (John 12:24). I saw many walking paths where they were feeling like they were watching their vision die; they were watching their hopes die; they were watching things that they had believed for die. I saw them looking at themselves, feeling like so much of who they were had died. The days got darker, and for many, even their secret place with the Lord had gone from overflowing abundance, revelation and deep refreshment to silence.    Continue

You don’t have to know HOW | Pastor Steven Furtick - 5.55 minutes

 How Do We Impact Our Culture?

Insanity is all around us as threats and shaming have been used to silence us via the perverted media and culture. Because of this, many step back afraid to speak up. I want to encourage you to take courage. This is not the time for us to step back and be silent, but to courageously stand up for righteousness and Christ. 

 FlashPoint: America Is on the Verge! Judge Jeanine Pirro (May 30th 2023)


"Co-Laboring with God in This Building Season!" - Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas

I was recently in a time of corporate prayer at our Roar Kingdom center. About 40 minutes into the prayer meeting, I felt the power and presence of God begin to fill the room; then the Lord gave me a vision. In the vision, I saw building blocks. They were like the kind a child would play with, but then I saw the hand of God come and start arranging and shifting them around. I could tell the hand of God was using these blocks to build something. However, I couldn't tell what God was building. Continue >>>

I Saw News Headlines from THE FUTURE | Chris Reed







"How the Devil Hides in Thoughts - Bill Johnson Full Sermon | Bethel Church

 American Freedom Under Attack - Karen Hardin

"You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright, but we'll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you'll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won't have to fight you. We'll so weaken your economy until you'll fall like overripe fruit into our hands." ~ Nikita Khrushchev

Jonathan Cahn: A Mystery For Joe Biden