In the democratic republic form of government that we were blessed with in America, it is the responsibility of "We the People" to appoint righteous leaders to help us govern this nation AND to keep them accountable. Our leaders govern by the consent of the people. "We the People" are the authority over our leaders! But when "We the Church" don't get involved to vote AND MONITOR our elected leaders or run for office ourselves or prayerfully and financially support those who do, then we are the ones who have allowed the wicked to take control. For way too long, the Church has been silent. "We the Church" have not "maintained justice and done what is right" as the LORD commanded us. "We the Church" have allowed abortion in our land. "We the Church" allowed God, prayer, and everything sacred to be removed from the public places; i.e. government, sports, school, etc. 'We the Church' have allowed humanism and atheism to control our children's education. "We the Church" must be present at every city council meeting. Every school board meeting. Every county government meeting. At our state capitals, in contact with our legislators and governors. When "We the Church" are absent, the wicked are free to pass wicked agendas and legislation. I know that most of you that pray and support this ministry are awake and involved or are becoming more aware of our responsibility. But how many pastors and congregations are still asleep and unaware of this urgent and critical need? Pray with us over those who are still unaware or refuse to stand in their God-given authority to bring heaven to earth, as we were instructed to pray "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Faith (prayer) without works (action) is dead. We cannot just pray and wish for His kingdom to come, we must also take action and be heard, so that we can "maintain justice and do what is right." This is not just a spiritual principle, but a governmental authority over the land that we are to operate in. Thank you for linking arms with us! Kevin & Karen P.S. We are very busy trying to inform, inspire, and take action for the sake of our nation, our families, and our freedom, not to mention our international discipleship, pastor training, disaster relief, and serving the poor outreaches. Help us make a greater impact through your financial support and prayer. Every gift is appreciated and tax-deductible. If you are able, become a monthly IMPACT DONOR to help us stay strong and to continue to bless more and more. Thank you.
New Law: What Is Secret in China? It's a Secret |
3/6/24; If you divulge a state secret in China you will remain in jail for several years and may risk even the death penalty. So, you want to know what exactly a state secret is. The problem is—this information is secret. READ MORE! |
Chinese Government Bans Prayer App |
2/27/24; The Chinese government banned the app from being downloaded in the country, removing it from the Apple App Store. READ MORE! |
Photo by Aaron Burden from Unsplash
Help Needed! We have several outreaches in Cambodia that we can still use your help with.
The following is still needed: 1. Special pastor conferences to build up local pastors around the country. Cost: $5,500 for 5 conferences in 2024. IMMEDIATE NEED: $1,100 2. University tuition sponsorship for 5 low income students. Cost: $2,750. IMMEDIATE NEED: $2,750 3. Rural Pastor Bible Training. This includes 10 seminars for 2-3 days each, one per month, with a final graduation ceremony in December. Cost: $12,100. IMMEDIATE NEED: $1,100
Click below to give ONLINE or checks can be sent to: Destiny Builders, PO Box 700515, Tulsa OK 74170.
The most important thing we can do is pray. Fervently. What we do now determines America's future, which means our children's future. It is urgent we pray the Word and refuse to give up. "Prayers for America and Donald Trump" highlights 25 different areas in which we desperately need to pray and see breakthroughs.
I felt compelled to write this book, because we MUST pray to stop the onslaught.
These prayers are scriptures, put into prayer form, because we know when we pray the Word of God, He watches over His Word to perform it.
Some of the prayers include:
- Election integrity
- Righteous judges
- Reducing the national debt
- Protection for Donald Trump & his family
- Deliverance from unjust accusations & unjust indictments
- Restoration of our legal system
- Restoration of law and order
- Truth & justice regarding the 2020 election
- Courage to stand
- America to be restored, and more.
This is a spiritual battle and we need to address it there first. Please join me in praying for Donald Trump and America to see restoration, reformation and revival. |
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- 5 - $37.50
- 10 - $70.00
- 100 - $650
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Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception & Insanity “Infected” shares the connection between pride/jealousy and offense which are key components that always open the door to deception. The “infected” are all around us—and it is highly contagious. How can you know if you’ve been infected and how can we stay free? In the back of the book is a short test to help you know. We believe this is one of the most important books for the days we are now in to keep us firmly grounded and protected. God’s Justice after Injustice. If you have been unjustly removed, censored, stolen from or silenced, find out how to receive vindication AND restoration. Get Your Copy Today!
1 for $14.99, 2 for $25, or 5 for $55 (plus shipping.)
Order online at:
Or send your check and order to: Destiny Builders, PO Box 700515, Tulsa OK 74170 Don't forget to include your shipping address.
FREE SCRIPTURE PRAYERS If you would like a free copy of scriptural prayers to pray over you and your family, go to our website at: As we pray the Word, we come into alignment with His Word and He said He watches over His Word to perform it!
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