Caleb Wampler: "The Golden Key - Unlocking a Mindset of Heavenly Abundance" Mar 3, 2024

Intro from Nathan French:

I endorse Caleb Wampler as a man after God.

He has spent many years following Jesus faithfully into the nations. He is a harvester and a lover of God and people, and I recommend him to the Elijah List.

Nathan Andrew French   Nathan French Ministries


"Vision of the Golden Key"
by Caleb Wampler

As I was praying the other morning, the Lord showed me something in a vision that I knew I had to share with you. Be encouraged today, for the Lord your God is with you!

The vision:

As I was waiting on the Lord, I saw an angel that had been sent from the throne room. He came bearing good news and holding a scroll in his hand. He opened the scroll, and instead of words written on the pages, there was a GOLDEN KEY inside.

The angel walked up to me as I was sitting in this room. I remained very still, awaiting the revelation that was coming. He then took the key, and instead of handing it to me or referencing a door that it would open, he did something completely different. The angel walked up to me, stood by my side, and then placed the key toward my head as if to unlock my mind. Instantly, it was as if chains fell off my mind. They were definitely chains, but wrapped around the chains were a number of slithering snakes that had interwoven themselves amongst the chain links.

As each chain and snake fell off, I saw my mind begin to glow with a gleaming and radiant shine. It was luminescent, and I knew, symbolically, that the glory of God was covering my mindset. Revelation began to flood my mind...

The angel then looked at me, smiled, shot up straight into the air, and departed out of view. I saw a newness of expectation and faith enter into my eyes. A confidence rose within my spirit, and suddenly it was as if everything fell into alignment as I looked ahead. (Photo via Pexels)

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