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H.R. 5 has passed in the United States House of Representatives. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made clear their intent to pass this bill. It is now pending in the United States Senate, where it must now be stopped. If passed, here is what it would do...

An Urgent Call to Action

 HR 5, was reintroduced in 2021 after failing to obtain Senate approval in 2019. It proposes profound and far-reaching changes to the Civil Rights Act that would directly threaten religious liberty, free speech, freedom of conscience, the sanctity of life, parental rights, and the privacy and safety of women and girls. The proposed changes to the Civil Rights law under HR 5 would erase biological reality and actually reduce, not expand, protections against discrimination, contrary to the original intent of Congress.

H.R. 5 has passed in the United States House of Representatives. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made clear their intent to pass this bill. It is now pending in the United States Senate, where it must now be stopped. If passed, here is what it would do:

• Redefine Gender (Male and Female) to Include "Sexual Orientation" and "Gender Identity"

HR 5 would add "sexual orientation and gender identity" to the term "sex" throughout the Civil Rights Act. Therefore, "sex" would no longer be defined as it has for millennia as the objective biological reality of being male or female. Instead, it would include the societally derived concepts of sexual orientation or gender identity as being equal to and interchangeable with the term "sex," thereby overriding the very nature of "sex" in the law.  READ MORE >>>


Below are some recent prophetic words from the Lord given to Amanda Grace in the month of March:

Prophetic word of the Lord received on March 9, 2021:

A New Discovery and Table of Elements

"I am going into the nucleus of the situation, the 'brains' of the operation. [There will be] a new discovery with protons and neutrons, and electrons. New ways of using electrical impulses shall be discovered," says the Lord, "even to strike down missiles and cause them to fall from the air. A new protein strand shall be discovered.

"The table of elements is changing," says the Lord. "I the Lord your God am changing the elements of the church; the inner council shall be shaken and scattered, for I the Lord see all things and there has been a secret inner council influencing the direction and preaching of the big chain churches. They are all connected by an unholy chain and an unholy secret code where unholy, radical ideas, perversions, and conversions ARE WRITTEN WITHIN THAT CODE," says the Lord.

They are all in it together," says the Lord, "a 'good ole boys club' flying under the radar...who, as well, offer to 'make problems go away' for other churches that are struggling. However," says the Lord, "they attach puppet strings behind the scenes and then for that 'help' begin to tug that church in the direction they say, thus creating an unholy string, attaching MANY churches all echoing the same thing...Operations Mocking Bird," says the Lord. "However, who they have so chosen to mock is ME, the Lord God, the Lord of Hosts! 

A Schism in Catholicism: "A schism in Catholicism shall be exposed (schism: 'a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief'). This schism shall split it right down the middle; and the threat of a complete 'fracturing off' and 'breaking away' – the threat of this shall become very real and imminent," says the Lord. 

God Will Keep His Covenant with the Nation of the Eagle

Prophetic word of the Lord received on March 10, 2021:  READ MORE AT ELIJAH LIST >>>

Prophetic WORD 03/30/21 God shakes Nashville/ Alabama/ The anointed President Donald Trump - Timothy Dixon

A few days ago, I was caught up by the Spirit of Revelation in one of the most powerful dream/vision encounters I have had this year 2021. I believe this dream comes at a critical time, both for the Ekklesia and for the nations of the earth—and especially the nation of America, which is being raised up at this time to take her place as a radiant light of the world, as a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.

Parts of this dream encounter will reveal clearly that God has not yet finished with His anointed vessel, President Donald John Trump.

The Dream

In this powerful dream, the first thing that appeared to me was what looked like a beautiful and majestic rainbow stairway; a glorious stairway that ascended to the heavens from the nations of the earth.

Now as I looked at this incredible stairway, suddenly I heard these words: "Let My will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." After this, I began to hear a sound rising up from the ground...the sound of many voices, all singing with one voice the Lord's Prayer; over and over again, I heard, "Let My will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!"

As the sound of those words filled the atmosphere in the dream, I turned and looked again at the sprawling steps of the radiant rainbow stairway, and I saw that each one of the steps was made up of millions upon millions of vibrant, multi-colored stones, and each stone looked different and unique both in shape and size, but every stone was perfectly grafted in like a massive jigsaw puzzle. Every stone had its place...all fitting together as one.

Looking intently at the stones, I saw that they looked alive and seemed to be moving, but without breaking formation. Then I heard the Spirit of Revelation speak to me saying, "Look! For these are living stones, filled with the power of the Seven Manifold Spirits of the Living God!"

The Spirit spoke again saying, "Watch!" Then I saw what looked like 5 letters, and then 5 words being written in gold upon the rainbow stairway of living stones. First I saw the letter T being written and then the word Truth appeared; then the letter R and the word Righteousness; then the letter U and the word Unity...the letter and the word Mercy, and then the letter P and the word Peace appeared before me.

As I looked and looked again, I saw the word TRUMP, which appeared to me in ascending order, starting from the bottom of the stairway—touching the nations—to the highest of heights in heavenly places. Below is what I saw as it appeared:



FlashPoint: It's Time, REOPEN! Charlie Kirk, Lance Wallnau, Mario Murillo and Hank Kunneman

Whirlwind #RicksRant​ - Joyner


03/18/21 Hand writes on the wall/Biden / the lord has numbered your day’s/Axe laid to the Roots - Timothy Dixon

FlashPoint: Don't Compromise! DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER, Robby Dawkins, Hank Kunneman, Tony Suarez


I was praying recently and felt compelled to open my eyes and look up. As I did, I was suddenly taken into a vision. In this vision, I saw an immense cloud and a mighty hand coming through the cloud. I instantly recognized that it was the hand of God. As I looked, He handed me a sword, a scepter, and a scroll. When I asked Him the significance of this, He said to me:

"Agnes, say to those who have been in a long and difficult battle for the fulfillment of promises that: this is the HOUR OF VICTORY!" He said, "Say to My people: You have found favor with Me! I am extending to you My Scepter of Favor. I am unlocking for you the Scroll of My Word; I am releasing to you My Sword for VictoryREAD MORE AT ELIJAH LIST >>>

God the Covenant Keeper (Joshua 24:1-7)

Most movie buffs will remember the scene of the exodus in the movie The Ten Commandments with actor Charlton Heston as Moses, lifting a shepherd’s crook as God parted the Red Sea while the Jews fled across the dry riverbed to safety. What an amazing cinematic moment!

God’s people had been in bondage under the Egyptians for more than 400 years when the Lord appeared to a sheep farmer named Moses in a bush that burned but was not consumed. God told Moses that He had seen the affliction of His children, heard their pleas, and knew their suffering. Because He is compassionate, loving, and faithful to His covenant promises, God pledged to Moses that He would deliver them. What a deliverance!

Among other things, God used several miraculous signs, a series of horrible plagues, and, finally, He split the Red Sea to set the people free and deliver them to a land so lush as to be described as “flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:8).

There is nothing the covenant-keeping Lord can’t do to keep His word and to bring His people home to Himself. God is so amazing!

Taken from NIV Storyline Bible

Priest slams 'cowardice' of bishops in viral homily

The Best is Yet to Come - Jim Caviezel

03/15/21 Actor for/ Biden/ I will spoil your Plans/ earth roars - TIM DIXON