On Tuesday, Edward Durr, a New Jersey truck driver unseated long-time Democrat State Senate President, Steve Sweeney. A Republican, Durr was fed up with the Democrat shenanigans and decided to run for office with no previous political experience and almost no budget—and he won!
Senate Majority Leader, Loretta Weinberg said in an interview, “It is stunning and shocking and I cannot figure it out,” Why didn’t they see it coming? Because pride deceives.
God hates pride. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
What the Lord showed me speaks of what is happening now and a prophetic word of the current administration. Try as they might, they will not be able to piece things back together as they continue to fall apart. The elections this past week are simply one more indication of a world slipping out of their control.
Father, we thank you for this past week’s victories especially in Virginia for governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general! We pray for this new leadership in Virginia and across our nation as incumbents were unseated by voters frustrated with corruption and actions that go against our Constitution and against godliness. We pray for those voted in, that they would remain free from the political spirit and do their jobs with integrity, honesty and biblical morality.
Lord we know that this nation is broken and that Humpty Dumpty is falling. We continue to cry out to you to forgive us, heal our land and bring revival fire to purify our hearts and purify our nation.
You said that You lead the humble in justice and teach the humble Your way. By that verse, it appears that without humility we cannot achieve justice or understand our way. So Lord we humble ourselves before You and we ask that our leaders, judges, pastors, teachers, law enforcement, etc. would humble themselves before You as well, so that we can see truth and that justice will be restored.
May injustice no longer rule our land and may corruption bow its knee.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, as we lift our hands toward heaven. Do not drag us away with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors, but harbor malice in their hearts. Repay them for their deeds and for their evil work; repay them for what their hands have done and bring back on them what they deserve.
Because they have no regard for Your deeds or what Your hands have done, You said You will tear them down (sounds like Humpty Dumpty) and never build them up again.
We praise You Lord, for You have heard our cry for mercy. You are our strength and our shield; our hearts trust in You, and You will help us.
 Jas 4:6, Ps 25:9, Ps 28:2-8
HEALING RESOURCE: To download a free scriptural prayer declarations
for healing, click here:
Standing together,
Karen Hardin
Don't forget Wednesday is our day to fast and pray corporately.
If you would like to donate to support this ministry, click here.
All gifts are tax-deductible. THANK YOU!
(City-by-City is a ministry of Destiny Builders, Inc.)
NOW AVAILABLE—Announcing the release of God’s Justice after Injustice.
This message is dear to my heart, because I have lived it. Any loss you have suffered, any injustice perpetrated against you, if you have been silenced, censored, or removed from a seat of authority, this book will reveal next steps and how to see His open door of blessing that awaits. For additional information go to: www.gumroad.com/karenhardin
TESTIMONIES: Find out what God is doing through this movement. Click here.
Governmental Insights & Words of Encouragement
1. Has Satan whispered to you that you're crazy? You're not. You're a warrior. Click here to read more.
2. Have we reached tipping point as we cry out for revival? Click here to read more.
To automatically receive prophetic and governmental insights from my blog you can sign up using the box on this page.
Karen Hardin
Light & Remnant is a part of Destiny Builders ministry. If this ministry has blessed you would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to assist us?
Thank you for helping us continue this work!
Don't forget to continue to pray for your city!
The city prayer declaration is available here.
Previous Week's Prayers Available
START HERE - Breakthrough Prayer for America and your City
click here to download the previous prayers.
(Year 1 prayer topics available on the website. Click the link above.)
Week 48 - God Desires Good Government
Week 49 - Happy Birthday America - May Freedom Reign
Week 50 - Lord Raise Up a President
Week 51 - Tell them to "Keep Your Gifts!"
Week 52 - Casting Down Lofty Places
Week 53 - Give us Godly Leaders
Week 54 - Stop the Supreme Court Coup
Week 55 - He is Your Protector
Week 56 - Proclaiming Goliath's Defeat
Week 57 - Eyes Wide Open
Week 58 - Rescue!
Week 59 - Supernatural Courage
Week 60 - Armor Up!
Week 61 - Separating the Sheep & the Goats
Week 62 - Standing Against Lawlessness
Week 63 - Targeting the True Terrorists
Week 64 - Reclaim October in Your City
Week 65 - Transform the Educational System
Week 66 - One Last Shaking
* * *
Do you know others who would be willing to join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation and stand for their city?
Please have them go to: http://city-by-city.org/ to register their cities. Help us raise up the remnant.
REMINDER- Each week we will focus on a strategic area in prayer together.
Watch your inbox at the beginning of each week for the
prayer decree and strategy for that week.
Infected - final front cover
What Others are Saying About "Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity."
This book needs to be in the hands of every pastor and every person. It is THAT important.
Pastor Ed Shirley, Mountain High Chapel –CO
“Infected” by Karen Hardin is a page turner. A book that reads with the intensity of a Clancy novel. 
It is eye-opening, compelling, and at times frightening.  Yet its essence is hopeful in the darkest days of our modern history. This is a Christian‘s guide to survival, rich with insight and tools for manifesting God’s will through our prayers and actions. 
This is a book you will want to share with those you love.
Spencer Houghton - Speaker and Author of “The 60 Second Salesman”
(Available in paperback & e-book: $14.99, 2 for $25 or 5 for $55)
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc.
She and her husband, Kevin, have ministered in many Asian countries for the last 30 years and Karen has been involved in prayer and action in governmental areas.
For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: www.karenhardin.com or you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org or www.destinybuilders.world


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