Prophetic Word: Hold the Line | Tim Sheets

It’s Time for Honesty Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch June 24


Will the American Church Wake Up? Special Guests & More! ​(June 22, 2021)

Open Your Eyes! Charlie Kirk, Dutch Sheets, Mario Murillo (June 17, 2021) ​


Lions, To Your Feet! | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | June 16

NEW DREAM Releasing the Roar | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch | June 15




As is my daily custom, I was sitting alone with the Holy Spirit and received revelations about what is coming to the world very soon:

Riding with Jesus: God Wants All the Glory!

Prophetic Encounter on June 3, 2021:

On June 3, 2021, I had a wonderful encounter with Jesus. As I sat waiting upon the Lord, Jesus came to me, in the spirit, dressed in His gleaming, soft, white garment and riding on His majestic, white horse. He invited me to come and ride with Him and asked me if I had enough faith for a special visit. Believing that I would see wonderful things, I climbed aboard and sat upon the unique saddle, which had a seat for a rider directly behind Jesus.

Holding myself close to Jesus, my face buried in His loving, soft, strong back, He began ascending into the heavens. I knew this saddle was not just used for me, but for all who would get apart with Him and believe!

Riding as one, so close together, without Him saying a word, I knew His thoughts: He wanted all the glory at our revival prayer meetings/services, by us leaving the platform for Him and Father, while Holy Spirit worshiped through the congregation. The people who gathered were the choir and the singers. There was to be no performance in this new move of God that would steal any attention or glory from Father and Jesus. As one, we would worship Them and keep our gaze fixed on Them and no one else.

While all this worship was going on, the Spirit of Jesus – Holy Spirit – overshadowed all with His glory, healing and delivering many as they just worshiped wholeheartedly.  READ MORE AT ELIJAH LIST >>>




Many have been in an intense season of spiritual warfare, but the Lord has heard the persistent prayers of His faithful ones; the battle is shifting and your day of deliverance and occupying new territory is at hand.

Rise up in faith for this is a demarcation time, a time where the Lord is shifting the battle and setting the boundary line of your territory – the line over which the enemy may not cross. The fruit of this demarcation time will continue to unfold and increase in the months to come.

A Season of Intensified Battle

I heard the Lord say, "Many of My front line warriors, intercessors, prophets, Kingdom builders and advancers have been under intensified attacks this year. The enemy has been relentless in his attempt to bring roadblocks, hindrances and weariness to these ones in their continued stand to see My plans and purposes come to pass. The flames of the battle have continued to intensify, but My faithful ones have continued to stand and push forward. They have spiritual eyes to see the battle and they know the territory and promise that awaits them, as they know I am faithful to bring to pass all I have spoken.

"These ones have become so weary from the battle but they continue to stand, knowing the victory will come, for they stand on the promise I have spoken. The enemy has targeted them for he knows the strategic keys they hold to unlock territory for the Kingdom and see My plans come to pass."

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23 ESV)  READ MORE AT ELIJAH LIST >>

"God Says: 'Game Over!' He's Unmasking the Truth!"

Hank Kunneman, Omaha, NE


Prophetic words released from Prophet Hank Kunneman on June 6, 2021:

Canada, Israel, Florida, Texas - Watch What God Does!

The Lord Says: "Canada, they seek to lock you down, to restrict you and to infiltrate you with fear. Listen, Canada, your leader and your leaders have shaken hands and have been part of this that I speak of, that even took place in the nation of the United States. They don't fear the virus, they know what its intent was. They fear the unmasking of the truth that shall lead to them and what they have done. The people thought that they were being led and protected, but they will see how corrupt they [the leaders] are, and have been.

"Therefore, as I've declared," says the Spirit of God, "I'm fighting these battles. This is My fight. Watch what I do to reset the earth My way. Watch what I do even to challenge what they are doing in the leadership of Israel. Watch what I do over the nations, for I am the God that sets up kings and takes them down, and I shall. 




Word released on June 3, 2021:

"'How do You know me?' Nathanael asked. Jesus replied, 'Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree.'" (John 1:48)

Near the end of our recent 40-day Yeshua Fast, Chris Berglund had a significant dream in which he was with Lou Engle, Mike Bickle, and a few other spiritual fathers and patriarchs from the cloud of witnesses. They were sitting together beneath a fig tree. A voice spoke in the dream, saying, "I see you under the fig tree. The firstfruits of the fig tree have blossomed during Passover."

The Firstfruits

In this dream, we understand the fig tree to represent Israel. In reality, the Feast of Firstfruits occurs each year during the week of Passover. This year over Passover, Mike Bickle was leading the International House of Prayer community in the 40-day Yeshua Fast. Shortly afterwards, Lou Engle led The Briefing community and many others in the same fast from April 14 - May 23. (Photo of Lou Engle and Mike Bickle)  READ MORE T ELIJAH LIST >>>

Kent Christmas's (June 1, 2021) POWERFUL Prophecy Concerning TRUMP: My Army Will Not Be Silenced

Migrant boy shown abandoned at border, crying for help - Jun. 02, 2021 - 4:06 - The child begs man and woman not to leave him alone... "No te vayas!... No te vayas! ... LORD HAVE MERCY...

Favor and Breakthrough Await You Here
Dr. Sandie Freed, Bedford, TX

The Threshing Floor Is Your Breakthrough Place

For the last few months, I have been teaching on the book of Ruth. While recently in prayer, I clearly heard the Lord speak to each of us, as His Bride, concerning the season we are presently in. The Lord said:

"I am now drawing you near to Me and I am calling you to the threshing floor. I have been preparing for you to meet Me at this place. Do not resist it, but rather embrace this place. I am the God who redeems His people and I am redeeming you from your past. Where there has been loss, I promise to restore. Where there has been lack, I will begin to pour out a blessing that you will not be able to contain.  READ MORE AT ELIJAH LIST >>>