
The enemy is on a mission to lay waste the destinies of a future generation of deliverers. From biblical times, the strategy of the enemy has been to stop the rising of these deliverers, including Christ the Messiah. Moses and Jesus were examples of those whose destinies the enemy tried to stop from being fulfilled by trying to kill them from birth.

Never has there been such a time where the younger generation has been earmarked for destruction through gang warfare, drugs and certain satanic rituals. Some of these practices were more apparent before the current lockdown, when it seemed almost daily that we heard reports of kids been killed in gang warfare. Now that the pandemic lockdown is gradually being lifted in nations, we must pray against the resurgence of the onslaught of demonic attacks and murders against our younger generation.

An Urgent Prophetic Dream of Deliverance

I had a very vivid dream where I appeared in a big house. Inside this big house, evil men were being sent to carry out the genocide of children born into royalty, but before they had attained their full royal status. Read more...

Dream: The Door

On March 26, 2020, I had a dream with the name of Jesus being "The Door" – this was being highlighted to me on an exam for the purpose of promotion. On this exam, there were multiple-choice questions for choosing who Jesus was in this season: The Alpha and The Omega, The Great Shepherd, or The Door. I woke up out of this dream hearing myself repeat the correct answer for this exam by verbally declaring the name of Jesus as "The Door!"   Read more...