FlashPoint: Absolute Truth, You NEED to Hear This! with Mike Lindell, Doug Wead, and Mario Murillo

Jonathan Cahn - Look to the Wind [From The Ezekiel 37 Keys of the Spirit (Message 2272)]

Were all the Prophets Wrong?

Were all the Prophets Wrong

Just before Christmas I woke and looked in the mirror to discover I had a black eye. Now if you get a black eye, you typically remember how you got it right?  Even more interesting was that no one else seemed to be able to see it until the next day, even though, in my opinion, it was quite noticeable.

When odd things like that happen, I’ve learned that often it is God pointing to something. I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit what it represented. “A black-eye is coming,” was all I heard, but I had no idea what it meant.

I do now.

The question many are asking is “Were all the prophets wrong?”



Intercessors for America - Week #27 - An Invitation to the Faith-Filled

Dear City Intercessor, 

     Time and again God used those who were able to trust and have faith beyond what they could see and in what seemed impossible. He chose those that were willing see with spiritual eyes and trust beyond what they saw in the natural. 

As a result they saw giants fall, walls tumble down, lion’s mouths shut and evil overthrown. We stand in such a place today. Let us be part of those who are the faith-filled, who will trust beyond trust and hope beyond hope to stand fast and say, “I will not be moved!”

Father we thank you that Your Word reminds us of Who You are and what You have decreed. You have said a throne of destruction which devises wickedness by decree or law cannot be allied with You for they band together against the life of the righteous and condemn the innocent to death. Lord bring their wickedness back upon them. 

 We pray for those currently in positions of leadership across our land. Lord You see their hearts and know their plans. We pray that you would take hearts of stone and turn them to hearts of flesh. That they would repent of their wicked ways and humble themselves before You. But if they are unwilling Lord expose them and remove them to be replaced by those who will honor You. 


Rick Joyner

Where Are We Going #RicksRant

An Angel Came to Me with a Word for This Hour

Operation Redeem All | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch