We hope a few of these activations will be useful to you in your walk with the Lord:
1. Close your eyes and pray in tongues for a few minutes, then be still and see what you discern. You might see, hear, taste, smell, or feel something. Write it down. You can gradually increase the time you spend on this activation.
Christa Elisha: "Protecting the Gates of Our Eyes and Hearts"
Prophetic word released on July 9, 2024:
I heard the Lord say, over the next four weeks, "Watch what you watch." Meaning, we need to be careful about what we are watching and taking into the gates of our eyes.
The Assignment of the Enemy continue >>>
Life in the New Covenant, Part 28 - Rick Joyner
As we have already covered, God’s unity is a unity of diversity, not a unity by conformity. That is so important to understand. This is a reason why there is so much about the antichrist in the book of Revelation, which is stated in Revelation 1:1 to be “the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Discernment to distinguish between that which is of Christ and that which is from the antichrist is crucial. Distinguishing God’s unity from the devil’s is crucial to this.
For those who live in this world that is under the power of the evil one, we must comprehend the nature that is contrary to Christ which has dominated the earth since the fall. We’re called to be freedom fighters to help set this world free from this basic evil. Basic to the freedom we have in Christ is the freedom to be ourselves, who He created us to be. The devil’s attack on this freedom is the pressure to conform. continue >>>
Juan O Savin w/ David Nino - Hand of God Moment - More Drama to Come
Newt Gingrich: I was 'very emotional' over this
H/T Jeff C Coffee & Covid - Twitter: jchilders98 --- The first unanswered question, and the weirdest news so far coming out of the Trump Shooting, was this New York Times headline, which I screenshot so you wouldn’t think I was joking:
That’s right. The same Orwellian corporation that is trying to buy up everything in America that the government doesn’t already own —are you using that extra chair? We’ll take that, too. Well, that mega-corporation is bizarrely and unexpectedly linked to the same man who just tried to murder President Trump. The Times’ story explained that the shooter, while still an 18-year-old high school student, appeared briefly as an extra in a Blackrock commercial.
The Times reported that Blackrock pulled the ad, promised to cooperate with law enforcement, and said it will turn over any unpublished video that might still be available, just as you’d hope a responsible corporation would do. So that’s good, nothing to see here.
Now, I’m only asking. But what kind of connections does someone need to score a fun, easy, lucrative temporary job working as an extra in a Blackrock commercial? How did it all come together? How much did the shooter get paid? Was there a contract? Who signed it? The article didn’t say, and the New York Times doesn’t care.
It’s probably nothing. But it’s also sort of like finding out fifty years later that the JFK shooter was on the CIA’s payroll three weeks before the assassination. It’s one of those things that makes you go huh?
Francis Frangipane: "Unoffendable"
A New Heart
"...I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh." (Ezekiel 36:26)
God has a new heart for us that cannot be offended, an "unoffendable" heart. Beloved, possessing an unoffendable heart is not an option or a luxury; it's not a little thing. An offended heart is in danger of becoming a "heart of stone." continue >>>
Click on the picture (1min 30 secs)
Choosing Blessing or Cursing - Chris Reed
This week, I want to talk about the importance of what we say. During our MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries Retreat this June, I shared a sermon called “Tongue Tamers,” which I believe was a word from the Lord that is important for both those who are currently involved in ministry and those who want to be found worthy of that calling.
James 3:1 says, “My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.” He's saying that if you ask for a ministry gift, you sometimes don't know what you're asking. The higher level of responsibility or calling that you're given in the kingdom of God, the more accountability you're going to have to have in the day of judgment. continue >>>
This is a word for some of you who are weary of keeping up “the good fight.” You’ve been in a constant survival mode and feeling depleted of any spiritual grit or passion. You’re beginning to wonder what you’re doing wrong. Perhaps you’ve thought you need to pray more, fast more, or discover some new strategy for combatting the endless attacks against your health and well-being. You’ve probably entertained feelings of failure and even wondered if you’re disappointing God because of your seeming inability to overcome the distractions and setbacks. continue >>>
Beware of Relational Deception - Karen Hardin - July 10, 2024
Would any of us willingly enter deception? Of course not!
As Christians, we’re taught to “believe the best” in someone and not to “judge” others. But we also need to remember that Jesus told us to be “wise as serpents” and he even seemed to praise the dishonest manager for being more shrewd in relationships than his own followers.
Life in the New Covenant, Part 27 - Rick Joyner
The first requirement that leads to koinonia is to be Christ-centered not man centered. We may think that koinonia is what we have with other believers, which is true. However, it is not really possible if the Lord Himself is not in the middle of our relationships with others, and the main purpose for them.
One factor that leads to koinonia, the ultimate form of fellowship with others, and with God is when our hearts begin to burn like King David’s for the Lord to have a place to dwell. That’s the heart that will likely bring forth what He truly wants to dwell in, not just bless or occasionally visit. God is looking for fellowship, and so is man, and the ultimate fellowship that we can have is with Him. This fellowship is the ultimate quest of man. continue >>>
Daniel Pontious: "Heirs of Abraham Are Rising!
Heirs of Abraham Coming into Their Inheritance
When I was spending time with the Holy Spirit, He quickened a passage of Scripture to me out of Galatians 3: continue >>>
Kim Potter: "The Hosts of Heaven Are Working for You RIGHT NOW!"
I Have Come Because of Your Words
Last month, I shared with you something God had spoken to me about angels. I was excited about what God had shown me, and I fully expected to see quick results from employing the angels of God.. continue >>>
Steve Porter: "The Unfading Beauty of a Gentle and Quiet Spirit"
Let the Beauty of Our Lord Be upon Us
"Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." (1 Peter 3:3–4) continue >>>
July 2024 - Rick Joyner President, The Oak Initiative
Dear Oak Initiative Members,
I delayed writing this letter because of the importance of what happened this week. These two events—the Trump-Biden debate, and the just-released Supreme Court rulings, have the potential to spark radical change to America. These can be good changes, and can turn us back from the looming meltdown and destruction we have been headed for. However, we must understand how these can work to restore and strengthen our Republic, and do what we can to help this. The Republic is in bad need of restoring, and maybe even a new birth.
Read more: July 2024 - Rick Joyner President, The Oak Initiative
1 in 3 College Students Say Violence in a Campus Protest Can Be Acceptable, Survey Finds
Geller Report Sep 9, 2024 | 15:45 pmWe are raising tyrants.
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Your Official Donald Trump Vs. Kamala Harris Debate 'Tale of the Tape'
PJ Media Sep 9, 2024 | 15:36 pm -
Poll Shows Most Americans Think Democrat Veep Candidate’s Policies Are Pretty Weird
The Federalist Sep 9, 2024 | 15:31 pmThe public thinks Walz’s policies are way weirder than normal, survey shows
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Elon Musk Set a Timeline for Landing on Mars, and I'm Slack-Jawed
PJ Media Sep 9, 2024 | 15:30 pm -
Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson discuss spiritual battle playing out in politics: 'That's Satan's plan'
Blaze Media Sep 9, 2024 | 15:30 pmGlenn Beck joined Tucker Carlson in Salt Lake City on Saturday as part of the fourth stop in Carlson's live tour across the United States. They discussed the current state of politics, the "end times," and the spiritual battle between[…]
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WATCH: Hamas Fraternity Recruits College Students Happy to Sign Up to Harass Jews, Protest Synagogues, Burn American Flags
Geller Report Sep 9, 2024 | 13:26 pmBiden/Harris America. Irretrievably broken. Media comic Zach Sage Fox posed as a frat boy recruiting for a Hamas fraternity whose activities include harassing Jews, chanting outside synagogues, and burning American flags. Students were all too happy to sign up.I've seen[…]
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Wisconsin Election ‘Loophole’ Could Allow 142,000 To Vote This Fall Without An ID
The Federalist Sep 9, 2024 | 12:00 pmThat's six times the election margin between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in 2020.
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Appeals Court Sides with Elon Musk’s X in Appeal Against California Law on Social Media Content Moderation
Turning Point USA Sep 8, 2024 | 17:00 pm -
Jenna Ortega Criticizes Gender-Swapped Roles in Hollywood, Calls for Original Female-Led Franchises
Turning Point USA Sep 7, 2024 | 17:00 pm -
Ann Coulter Aug 28, 2024 | 20:30 pmThe biggest problem Democrats have this year is the mess they’ve made of the border. No matter how many cartwheels the media do for Kamala Harris, immigration remains a top issue for voters — and they blame the Democrats. (I[…]
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Biden’s Speech: Told by an Idiot, Full of Sound and Fury
Ann Coulter Aug 21, 2024 | 19:30 pmPresident Joe Biden’s speech in Chicago on Monday night reveals the true nature of today’s Democratic Party. As the world now knows, he obviously had no concept of anything being done in his name over the past four years. Instead,[…]