The Book of Revelation, Part 17 - Rick Joyner (Feb 11 - Week 6)
After the Lord explained to John that what he was about to see was a revelation of Jesus, He gave John a message for each of the seven churches in Asia Minor. Why those churches?
Together, the Lord’s messages to these churches were a message to the whole church, throughout the church age. These were messages given in advance for each period of church history. We will cover this in some detail. First, we need to look at how He delivered His message to these churches, as this is also a reflection of His nature.
Jesus spoke to each of the seven churches in what is called a “critique sandwich.” This may have been the first example of this type of communication in history. A “critique sandwich” is first saying something positive, then addressing any correction needed, and ending with a vision of hope for those who heed the message and overcome their shortcomings. In this way, anything that is challenging and hard is sandwiched between positives. Even though they have been corrected, it leaves them inspired instead of feeling like failures. continue >>>