Looks like Russia has already beaten Biden’s Fifth Generation world war - Jeff Childers - Coffee and Covid

Speaking of things heating up, the BBC ran an article yesterday that surprised no one except the entire Biden Administration. It bore the unfortunate headline, “Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies, says IMF.” The sub-headline added, “An influential global body has forecast Russia's economy will grow faster this year than all of the world's advanced economies, including the US.”

image 7.png

The headline should have read, “Joe Biden loses World War III.”

That wasn’t all yesterday. Bloomberg ran a similar story, this one headlined, “Russian Crude Shipments Surge to the Highest in Almost a Year.” It is now undeniable that the Biden Administration’s highly-publicized sanctions war against Russia has catastrophically failed. The U.S.’s faltering economy was well described yesterday in a Barrons article headlined, “Inflation Could Stick Around Much Longer. What to Do About It.

Life in the New Covenant, Part 16

Rick Joyner

       Last week, we addressed the transforming effect of being in God’s manifest presence, His parousia. It was the apostles’ inquiry about His parousia that provoked Jesus’ discourse in Matthew 24. We may think that we should just wait for this to come and not worry about working so hard at evangelism, the unity of His people, or the basic Christian disciplines that help transform us, but this is not so. The Lord gave many exhortations, such as keeping our vessels filled with oil, staying awake, and waiting expectantly for His return. Above all things, as the time gets closer, we should be even more devoted to His work in us and through us.

Wanda Alger: "CODE RED! Prepare for a Corporate Baptism of Fire" - Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA Apr 11, 2024

Angels of Fire

Some weeks ago, someone sent me a dream that revealed angelic assistance in my life, specifically related to the colors red and yellow. I immediately knew it was of the seraphim order. They had been highlighted to me last year through some personal encounters during a time of intense spiritual warfare. Seraphim attend the fiery altar of the Lord (Ezekiel 1), and these heavenly messengers brought me into a baptism of fire which had a profound impact on my life at that time. I knew it was a foretaste of what was coming to the collective Body of Christ in the days ahead. Continue >>>

General Flynn Interview: Dark Forces Are Assaulting America - Trumpet Daily | Mar. 28, 2024

"The Oregon Trail: Gathering the Mavericks" - Clay Nash with Dutch Sheets - Apr 9, 2024

Gathering the Mavericks

I had this dream in March of 2022, and it began with my long-time friend, Dutch Sheets, creating a thread on social media titled "Gathering the Mavericks."

[A maverick is "an unbranded calf, cow, or steer"; "a lone dissenter, such as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from their peers"; "a person pursuing rebellious, even potentially disruptive, policies or ideas." -Dictionary.com]

In the thread, Dutch requested those on the thread meet him in Oregon City, Oregon (which happens to be the end of the Oregon Trail). Dutch requested we arrive on May 7th, precisely. Upon arrival, he informed us that we were there to help gather and drive maverick steers back to Independence, Missouri (which happens to be the beginning of the Oregon trail). He instructed that the mavericks must be brought to Independence, Missouri in order to achieve independence.  continue >>

Life in the New Covenant, Part 15 - By Rick Joyner

      When Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24 about the signs that would mark the end of this age, He spoke about His presence coming on the earth. That time is unfolding now, and is the most important event of the age yet: the Lord’s presence, which is to be distinguished from His second coming.
      The word Jesus used for “presence” is the Greek word parousia, which is sometimes inaccurately translated in English as “coming.” A different Greek word, erchómenon, is translated “coming,” and is used in Matthew 24 when speaking of the Lord’s physical second coming. There is an obvious difference between someone being present, and someone coming. Jesus is coming back physically to rule over the earth, but His “presence” and His “coming” are different events. This distinction is obvious in this text (and others) when translated properly. His presence, not His coming, is what the apostles asked Him about in Matthew 24. His coming will need no sign, since it will be seen by the whole world.
      What will His presence be like? The Lord is present with us now, but the presence spoken of here is something much more. ...  continue >>>

Apr 6, 2024 Insider Intel on the Globalists’ Plan - IFA Kubal - Gaffney

America is dangerously close to signing on to the World Health Organization's Pandemic Treaty. Join IFA President/CEO Dave Kubal and Frank Gaffney Jr., Executive Chairman and Founder of the Center for Security Policy, to learn all about this threat to America's sovereignty.

Prophetic Chronicles | Chris Reed & Terry Bennett - What we see coming...

Johnny Enlow: "Heaven Is SHOUTING about the Great American Eclipse!" - Johnny Enlow, Nashville, TN - Apr 3, 2024

[Editor's note: Below is a previous prophetic word from Johnny Enlow, posted on August 15, 2017. Johnny shared some of this again during his recent interview on ElijahStreams, and we wanted to repost it in light of the next eclipse that's happening on April 8, 2024, which Johnny also addresses below. Enjoy!]  continue >>>

"Champions of Righteousness Will Be Restored!" - Donna Rigney, Bunnell, Florida   Mar 30, 2024

[Editor's note: Below are the notes that Donna Rigney shared from during a recent interview on Elijah Streams. We encourage you to read through them and watch the episode right here.]

Blessings for the Just and Judgment for the Corrupt

Recently, while watching the news, a shudder went through my being as I felt God's wrath toward Letitia James, the New York Attorney General who is fining Donald Trump $464 million for civil fraud. Boldly she declared that she would seize his property if he didn't pay it. As I watched, I felt very strongly that she needed to repent and stop this assault against Trump, or she would feel the wrath of God.  continue >>>

FlashPoint: God Is at Work! Victory Over Chaos (March 26th 2024)


Prophetic Warning: The Baltimore Bridge - David Kubal, IFA President/CEO | March 30, 2024


Crystal G.H. Lowery: "The Lord of Your Breakthrough" - Crystal G.H. Lowery, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina -Mar 23, 2024

A Heart after God

"So David went to Ba'al-P'ratzim and defeated them there. He said, 'ADONAI has broken through my enemies for me like a river breaking through its banks.' This is why he called the place Ba'al-P'ratzim [Lord of breaking through]." (2 Samuel 5:20 CJB)

This is just so good! I just love when I am reading and studying the Word and something hits me like a bolt of lightening and a jolt of thunder. David had become the king of Israel after Saul's unfortunate and early death. David had been through so much in his life, from single-handedly killing ferocious predators when he was a shepherd boy to fighting in battle after battle. He not only fought for Israel, but fought against Israel's king (not by choice, but out of self-defense), who was so mentally deranged that he tried to kill David numerous times. King Saul had his warriors pursue David to the point where David had to hide and live in caves.  Continue >>>

Exclusive Report: Shocking New Evidence Cracks The Code Behind Machines in 2020 | Lance Wallnau

Our Lady of Fatima - Ven Bishop Fulton J Sheen CLICK "WATCH ON YOUTUBE LINK BELOW"

Life in the New Covenant, Part 12  (Rick Joyner) - March 19, 2024

           We concluded last week’s Word for the Week asking why we might find ten people who will applaud the Ephesians 4 vision for the body of Christ for every one who will actually find their part in the body, get equipped for it, and then function in it. This may be the most important question we can ask today. The first answer is that the Lord’s exhortation to “seek first His kingdom” (see Matthew 6:33) will result in us seeking our place in His body, which is the first place His kingdom is manifested today. If we are in our right place in His body, the church, it is because we complied with this most important exhortation. 

         Unless we are new believers, it may be wrong to assume that we are called to certain places because they feel the most beneficial to us. Ultimately, our place in the body of Christ may not feel very good or comfortable. It may be a very hard place for us, but it will be the best place for us to find our calling and gifts, and to begin functioning in them to edify others more than ourselves.

         Western Christianity has become a very “me-centered” walk, which is in conflict with the walk to which Jesus called His disciples. Most of what is now preached and taught in the western church is about attaining the promises of God and living the abundant life. These things are good, and, if we stay on the path of life, we should get there. However, our perspective of these can be very different than God’s. 


(clip) How Demons Can Cause Negative Thinking - Derek Prince

Don't Give Up - Derek Prince - 9 mins

Urgent Prophetic Insight: The Nation, An Eclipse & the Sign of Jonah

"A New Seat at His Table: Prepare for the Nameless Revival!" -Yvon Attia, Miami, Florida - Mar 16, 2024

[Editor's note: Below are the notes that Yvon Attia shared from during her recent interview on Elijah Streams. We encourage you to read through them and watch the episode right here.]

A New Seat

On Monday (the 26th of February), I was in prayer when the Holy Spirit had me read the story of Samuel's mother Hannah, who was barren, yet God answered her prayer and gave her a son. Out of great joy, she started singing to the Lord, and this is part of what she said:

"He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor. For all the earth is the Lord's, and He has set the world in order." (1 Samuel 2:8 NLT)

As I read this, my spirit filled with joy, and in the spirit dimension, I started to see a banquet with many glorious seats. The seats looked so royal, and there was a red rose and a white plate with silver edges in front of each seat. God Himself was preparing the table and inviting specific people to sit with Him and to commune with Him.  continue >>>

Humble Yourselves

Having exhorted humility toward others, Peter now exhorts humility toward God, especially in relation to the unpleasant circumstances in which the believers find themselves. They are to regard these circumstances as God’s sovereign will for them.

As a result, in their distress they are not to shake their fist at the heavens but are to humbly accept their suffering as God’s will, at least for the time being. When Christ returns, God will lift them from this humbled state to a position of honored exaltation.

In the meantime, if their suffering should tempt them to question God’s attitude toward them, they should remember that God cares for them, which should lead them to share their anxiety with God in prayer. They need to keep their heads, being mindful that their difficulties open them up to the devil’s wiles. He is like a ravenous lion who will devour them if he can, which echoes the description of the enemies of the suffering psalmist in Psalm 22:13.

The devil is the greatest enemy the faithful have. Indeed, instead of abandoning the faith because of their difficulties, they must stand firm and remember that they are not in this fight alone. They are part of a far-reaching family that knows these same kinds of trials.

Furthermore, these trials are not the end of the story, for one day God will fulfill the plans to which he originally called them. Then they will live out their lives in the eternal glory God has prepared for them. Since God is all-powerful, they can be sure that he will bring this great hope of theirs to pass.

Taken from the NIV Grace and Truth Study Bible.