Lana Vawser: "Fire Is Coming on Your Eyes!" - Adelaide, South Australia - May 10, 2024

Recently I heard the Lord say, "Fire is coming on your eyes; I must purify how you see," and I began to see the fire of God flowing powerfully through the Body of Christ. As this holy fire began to flow, I could hear a deep groan in the atmosphere; it was the groan of the Lord's heart calling His people to come up higher and to see as He sees.  continue >>>

Rick Joyner I The Church's Mission #propheticrevelation

A Poignant History Lesson | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | May 6, 2024

Nate Johnston: "Return of the Hospital Church" May 9, 2024

We Are Crossing Over

Ever since we crossed over into 2024, I have noticed a massive shift in my dreams from the Lord. One of the common themes I keep dreaming about is healing and deliverance. In every dream, this is not just happening to individuals, but en masse. It's become quite common for me to dream of people encountering freedom and deliverance on such a scale and level of power and glory that I wake up and still feel it lingering. It's captured my heart—the longing and desire of Jesus to see His people truly free. I feel it in my bones: we are crossing over.

We have bound the Church for too long. The pews have been places where sickness has thrived, and we have normalized issues that Jesus healed people from in the Bible. We have celebrated dysfunctions, mental illness, and given the enemy 'high places,' instead of casting out the snake, defying Jezebel, and calling out strongmen for what they are. They have sat at our tables for too long, poisoning pulpits, compromising the Bride, killing marriages, and raising prodigals. We have 'band-aided' what has plagued us instead of driving it out with the power of the Spirit. We have been sick with nowhere to go, and no doctors, nurses, or healers to lead us to wholeness.

But, yes, those days are over... We are crossing over.

Turning off the Entertainment       continue >>>

Alane Haynes: "The Landscape of Your Life Is Changing" - San Diego, CA - May 7, 2024

Some weeks ago, I had a very strange dream. After seeking the Lord about what it meant and sharing it with a few close friends, I know that it is a word from the Lord.

Prophetic Dream

In the dream, I was inside a house looking out one of two very large windows which overlooked the yard. In the dream, I knew it was my house, but it was not the house I currently live in. In the yard were three workers, construction equipment, and storage units. Our shed and back fence were gone, as well as everything we had planted. The workers were tagging three willow trees that bordered a neighbor's property. I was upset and went outside, telling them they had no right to do this, that this was our property. The man in charge said, "The owner has rights." I was confused because I thought my husband and I were the owners.

My husband and I walked to the back edge of our property where the fence had been. We now saw that it was a very high place overlooking a vast expanse of ocean. There was a ledge about six feet below, and my husband jumped onto it. I was gripped by fear and yelled, "What are you doing?" He then lifted his hand and I pulled him up. Then I woke up.  continue >>>

Life in the New Covenant, Part 19 Rick Joyner May 7

Any time believers in our congregation display weakness, we should try to strengthen them in the faith and not reject them. We should keep trying to help them as long as they continue to try. However, when they quit, it is not possible to prop them up. As harsh as it may seem, we cannot expend that which has been given to us in service of those who do not have the will to receive it.

Nowhere do we see the Lord trying to compel or beg people to follow Him if they did not have it in themselves to do it. Such will only hold back the rest from becoming and doing what they are called to do or be.

However, we must not confuse the lack of commitment to a doctrine or project as a lack of commitment to the Lord. We should not confuse their lack of commitment to our congregation with a lack of commitment to the Lord. They may be called to another congregation, even another movement or expression of the body of Christ. If we think we have the best, or the only one worthy of commitment, we are deluded and conceited, and it is good that they leave us. If they have been called, their devotion will come alive if they are allowed to find their right place in Him. continue >>>

Hope in Prayer

Sometimes we think we need to have eloquent prayers to be heard by God. Not true. Our best prayers are often, “Help!” or “I’m confused,” or “I’m afraid.” The apostle Paul reminds us that prayer can even be without proper words. The Spirit of God within us intercedes for us with “wordless groans” (verse 26).

God sees us. He knows us. He discerns what we’re worried about. When life is overwhelming and we have no words to describe what we’re going through, or trauma steals our voice and we don’t even know what to ask for, we can still hope. Why? Because God already knows. He loves us enough to communicate for us when words fail. He loves with abandon.

No matter what circumstance is giving you anxiety today, Paul reminds us that during those groaning prayers, God is at work. He will take what we see as failure or duress or brokenness and, eventually, make something beautiful from each difficult situation. He does this for his glory and our good.

Because of that, we have hope. God loves to take impossible situations and do something redemptive through them. Even when we can’t verbalize our need, he is already working.

Lord, thank you that even when I don’t know how to pray, or my words get caught in my throat, your Spirit is interceding for me. I trust that you will bring good from every mess in my life. Amen.

When has God answered an unspoken prayer of yours? What happened? What did you learn about God through that situation?

Taken from the NIV Radiant Virtues Bible.

Angie Stolba: "Warriors, Ready Your Armor!" -  Washington, IL - May 5, 2024

"Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." (Ephesians 6:13 NIV)

The Battle of the Mind

Recently, I had an unusual day of heavy warfare and hardness. The battle of the mind seemed to be almost overwhelming. Every negative thought and action was a battle that seemed ever so intense! Nothing seemed to work! Temptation was strong and unyielding!

Then it happened... a slip of the tongue, a negative thought spoken aloud, fueling strong and negative emotions. It was a spiral, one word cemented on top of another. I had allowed my thoughts and my words to go unguarded. Without even fully realizing it, I had come into agreement with some of the lies of the enemy and was not seeing myself in the true reality of God's Word. It was as if a demonic chain of events had been strategically set up against me, and I had not fully realized it until the end of the day.

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits." (Proverbs 18:21 ESV)  continue >>>

Chaplains to be allowed in schools. Satanic Temple wants their ministers allowed in too.

A new bill passed in Oklahoma to allow volunteer chaplains in public schools looks certain to pass. While it looks like a victory, in defiance and rage, the Satanic Temple has announced plans that they will use it to put satanic ministers in those spots. Please pray for wisdom for those crafting this new piece of legislation that it will provide godly ministers to work with students while protecting them from demonic influences.

Election integrity INSIDE the GOP?

Meetings/elections are happening across America over the next few weeks to elect national delegates to the Republican & Democrat National Conventions. Each state gets to elect delegates who are supposed to vote as the people of that state voted in the primary. In Oklahoma our laws provide that delegates must be “faithful” to vote the first round as the people of the state voted—which in our state means for Trump as the Republican candidate. But sadly our Republican leaders have put together a slate of delegates of which many despise Trump. They keep telling us, it’s not a problem. They will vote as they are supposed to. But we already know at least one on their slate made an attempt to break the rules in the past when she went as a delegate in 2016. These are serious times and we need prayer that FAITHFUL delegates will be elected in every state so that the stolen election issue of the past, will remain in the past.

Both Karen and I will be involved in several days of meetings this weekend including the Oklahoma GOP State Convention to elect our "faithful" Trump delegates per Oklahoma statute. We are continually amazed at the lies and cheating we continually contend with inside our own party through the leadership. We need a purge of those who want power and influence more than they want integrity and righteousness.

Yvon Attia: "A Promise for Iran and Promise for May" - Yvon Attia, Miami, Florida - May 4, 2024

[Editor's note: Below are the words that Yvon Attia shared during her recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage you to read through them and watch the episode right here.]

A Promise of Hope for Iran and a Heavenly Encounter!

On April 15, 2024, I went to the Word of God to learn if there was any prophecy about Iran, and I found one. The Bible called Iran "Elam."

"This is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies says: 'I will destroy the bows of Elam—the best of their forces. I will bring enemies from all directions, and I will scatter the people of Elam to the four winds. They will be exiled to countries around the world. I Myself will go with Elam's enemies to shatter it. In My fierce anger, I will bring great disaster upon the people of Elam,' says the LORD. 'Their enemies will chase them with the sword until I have destroyed them completely. I will set My throne in Elam,' says the LORD, 'and I will destroy its king and officials. But I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come. I, the LORD, have spoken!'" (Jeremiah 49:35–39 NLT)

After reading all these judgments there is a promise of hope.

On April 17, 2024, I entered the presence of God, and was thinking, "What would it be like to see God set His throne in Iran?" Then I was taken into the realm of the spirit, and I found myself walking in the earthly Jerusalem, the crowded streets, the markets...

Immediately, I was lifted up and I saw a glorious city covered in two different colors of gold—rose gold and white gold—and the buildings had domes with gemstones.

I knew the Lord was showing me around, but I noticed that there were no places of worship, no churches, no temples, etc. It felt like walking in a Kingdom where I knew the One King ruled. His throne reached the heavens. You could smell Him, You could feel Him...  continue >>>

Praying for God’s Intervention in China - Chris Reed

      Since I first spoke about the 40 Prophecies, we have seen global events further align with what the Lord shared with me. I want to revisit a couple prophecies about China, as current events indicate we are getting closer to them being fulfilled.

      I previously shared this prophetic word: “China will continue down the road of internal revolution which I first prophesied on October 1, 2022. It will lead to the end of Xi Jinping’s rule. Then, I saw perhaps in five to ten years, China will devolve into region states or sections, and democracy and a whole new way of life will come to China. When Xi Jinping’s power comes to an end, know that judgment has come to the Chinese Communist Party and its power hold on China will finally be broken.” . continue >>>

 Hillsdale College

 Thank you for requesting Hillsdale College’s video series, “The Great Reset?”

Filmed on the Hillsdale campus, the series considers the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.

Below are links to each of the six videos in the series: 

  1. “What is the Great Reset?” by Michael Rectenwald
  2. “Woke Capitalism vs. Profit” by Vivek Ramaswamy
  3. “Cashless Society” by James Rickards
  4. “Is ‘Environmental Justice’ Good for the Environment?” by Mark P. Mills
  5. “The Great Reset from China’s Perspective” by David P. Goldman
  6. “The Alternative to the Great Reset” by Brian Wesbury

Life in the New Covenant, Part 18 - Rick Joyner

       The church is the Lord’s house, not ours. Therefore, a main goal of anyone seeking to build His house should be to get the design from Him. What would the church look like if it was built with the sole purpose of being the place the Lord wanted to dwell, instead of building what would attract people? If He is among us, it would likely attract many more people than we do now.

      We may protest that our church enjoys many of the Lord’s blessings, but as we have covered, the Lord will bless many things He will not inhabit. Only the immature will be satisfied with just the blessings. It is a far higher purpose to seek His dwelling place. 

      When the Lord called someone to follow Him, the commitment was total. He said those who sought to save their life would lose it (see Matthew 16:25). Isn’t that what happened to Ananias and Sapphira, who wanted to be numbered with those who were giving all but “held back part of the price” (see Acts 5)? How many Christians today give their life to Him but hold back part?

      We can hardly blame most people for their shallow commitment because they are merely responding to the weak gospel message they were given. A study from many years ago concluded that the way a person was born would have an impact on their whole life. The results of this study were astonishing.  continue >>>

Francis Frangipane: "The Son's Answered Prayer" - Cedar Rapids, IA - Apr 29, 2024

Jesus never experienced an unanswered prayer. Indeed, the very things Jesus prayed were those things He knew to be precisely the Father's will. The Son could heal or raise the dead or supernaturally feed multitudes, because in prayer He understood what the Father intended. Jesus knew, absolutely, that nothing was impossible for God. Thus, on the night before He died, the most somber night in Jesus' life, the Lord brought His most lofty request to God: He prayed for oneness in His Church.

Christ's prayer was both visionary and practical, considering that on this same evening an argument arose among His disciples as to which of them was the greatest (Lk. 22:24). In spite of their immaturity, selfish ambitions, and envy, Jesus harbored no second thoughts or unbelief when He prayed that they may all be one.  continue >>>

Rick Joyner | Abiding in the Lord in times of Turmoil

The Left’s Next Step in Its Anti-Christian Smear Campaign - Tucker Carlson

Julie Kelly on Jan 6 and the footage Tucker Carlson aired

Tucker Carlson Today | Insurrection Lies: Julie Kelly

"The Father Says, 'Well Done!'" - Nate Johnston, Colorado Springs, CO

I had an audible dream where Father God spoke to me in a heart-to-heart way. I woke up and wrote down what I remembered. I knew this was a letter to all of us, an encouragement for making it through a long season, and a "refocus" for the months to come. I pray this speaks directly to your heart and draws you into even deeper dialogue with Him this season.

Well Done for Enduring the Process

Firstly, I heard Him say, "Well done. Well done for enduring the process I have taken you through, even though, at times, it has felt [like] more than you could handle. Well done for allowing My purifying fire to come into every facet of your life. It was never meant to expose you but to remove every contaminate that would trip you up down the road. Well done; I am so proud of you! I have been on a mission to bring you out of the dark ages of your faith, where constant trials were sent to overwhelm you and steal your heart from Me, but they didn't succeed.  continue >>>