Concerning the upcoming U.S. election, God gave me four words: coalitionconflictcrisis, and changeEach one of these words is a major intercessory banner. Our prayers can make a huge difference in the events that are about to unfold, events that will undoubtedly have an impact worldwide. This election season could be significantly longer than expected.

A Coalition of the Righteous

Further to the word "coalition," God gave me the phrase "a coalition of the righteous." This coalition is already forming. Rather than the Christian concept of righteousness, I understood the word "righteous" to refer to the right people. A coalition is formed when people who have differences come together for a common cause. The coming together makes the team stronger than its individual parts.

It is God's intention for this team to not only be diverse but also flexible and strong. Great clarity is needed about the past foundations, present realities, and future destiny of the nation. It is this past, present, and future orientation that will enable wise decisions to be made, even in the midst of crisis.

Concerning who will and who won't be part of this coalition, expect both the unexpected and the surprising. It is strategically important for the right people to be part of this team.

Of course, "a coalition of the righteous" also refers to the coalition of God's intercessors from the nations of the earth. In a sense, this is an international election that will have international consequences. (Photo via Pexels)

Conflict and Crisis

Great conflict surrounded the 2020 election. This conflict has hung in the air over the last four years. My sense is that the 2024 election will bring even greater conflict and that this conflict will eventually lead to crisis.

Conflict and crisis call for real leadership. This is why a coalition of the righteous is so important. Some leaders are appointed for times of prosperity and other leaders are appointed for times of crisis. Leaders that are appointed for times of crisis often lay the foundations for the prosperity of future generations. They are forced to make difficult but necessary decisions. Conflict is not bad if it leads to positive outcomes.

Pray that conflict leads to clarity and that crisis leads to positive change. The authority of righteousness is always greater than the dark forces that want to destabilize and destroy.

The Exponential Age

Change is not always easy, but it is necessary. We are entering an exponential age when the combination of artificial intelligence, robotics, and new financial systems will revolutionize the way we live. Present systems can no longer cope. The exponential age will bring dramatic new possibilities, along with conundrums and difficulties.

Exponential means the impact of small things can be multiplied dramatically. If right foundations are laid, the exponential age can bring great blessings to humanity. If, on the other hand, wrong foundations are laid, the consequences will be dire. It is easy to feel powerless and insignificant in the midst of such massive changes; however, we must not be intimidated. As God's people, we are called to be His change agents despite intense conflict and overwhelming crisis. It is righteousness that has the power to exalt a nation (Proverbs 14:34).

How Should We Respond?

Elections often force pressing issues. How should we respond to the 2024 election?

Here are five suggestions:

1. Pray for a resolution of the conflicts that go back to the 2020 election. Many of these issues are simmering under the surface, unresolved.

2. Call forth a coalition of the righteous who can stand strong in the midst of conflict and crisis. (Photo via Pexels)

3. Pray that ongoing conflict and crisis will lead to positive change.

4. Choose not to be intimidated by conflict and crisis. Instead, ask God how He wants you to become His change agent in the midst of the situation.

5. Pray that good foundations will be laid that will impact future generations.

A Turning of the Generations

The end of the old and the beginning of the new is always marked by a turning of the generations toward one another, as Malachi prophesied in the last verses of the Old Testament: "Look! I am going to send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of Yahweh! And he will bring back the hearts of the fathers to the sons, and the hearts of the sons to their fathers, so that I will not come and strike the land with a ban [curse].">

Nathan Shaw
Heart of David Ministries
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Nathan Shaw helps bring individuals and churches into dynamic encounters with God's indescribable love. Over the last twenty years he has been instrumental in ushering in significant moves of the Spirit in over ten different nations. Many have experienced life-changing prophetic encounters and dramatic visitations from God. Nathan is the author of two books: Passion and Fire and Unto the Least of These. Nathan is senior pastor at Fire and Destiny Centre, Dunedin and Celebration Church, Mosgiel.