What Happens If Our Gifts Are Not Recognized or Released?

It's highly frustrating when our gifts or callings—that which we believe is resident within us—are not recognized. Many have served faithfully in churches or in ministries where their gifts are used, but they are not promoted, recognized, or honored. This breeds frustration. When this happens, eventually people leave their current church, ministry, or business to go somewhere in which their gifts will be recognized, utilized, and applauded.

Frustration mounts when our gifts are not released. There is nothing wrong with moving on from an organization (as the Spirit leads) if your gifts are used but not recognized. BUT in that transition, it is imperative we do not pick up offense and wounds that then prohibit promotion or keep us from progressing.

Allow God to Establish You

What we establish in the flesh must be maintained in the flesh.

A few months ago, I met a woman who loved God. She was a fierce intercessor and had a desire to make an impact on her world. She was putting those skills to use but was frustrated and wounded because she was continually experiencing rejection. That probably describes many reading this.

As I got to know her, I understood why. After years of rejection, rather than letting God raise her up, she was working to kick down the door. She desperately wanted to have a voice and position of leadership. Since others weren't recognizing her gifts and had rejected her, she sought validation and position by action.

There Are No Shortcuts

The problem is, there are no shortcuts to leadership. Neither are there shortcuts to trust. When we try to promote ourselves and be seen, we will have to maintain it through works. It is through the journey that we build the spiritual muscles to maintain position and the Promised Land. God said He would order and direct our steps (Psalm 37:23–24). (Photo via Pixabay)

David had a call. He heard the prophecy by the prophet Samuel, when he was still a young man, that he would be king. His whole family heard it. But the very next day, he was back out tending his father's sheep! As frustrating as it may have been, he wisely didn't take that prophecy and try to fulfill it. He waited. That prophetic word was challenged, as he experienced numerous rejections during that wait.

It's important to understand that a release of a word over your life invites opposition. It is the process that prepares us to fulfill it, if we are willing to walk it out.

There were numerous divine appointments that occurred after that word that certainly appeared as if God was moving David into leadership to be king. Yet, instead of getting closer to the fulfillment, a fierce and jealous adversary (the enraged king Saul) rose up, determined to destroy him.

During those years, David had the opportunity to take Saul's life and make it (the prophecy) happen. It certainly appeared as if God had delivered Saul into his hands. For example, when Saul went into the cave to go to the bathroom, the cave where David and his men were hiding (1 Samuel 24:3), most of us would have seen that as a "God intervention." But David wouldn't let his men touch Saul. That wasn't the only such instance in which David could have taken power and brought about the fulfillment of that prophecy. Instead, he refused to exalt himself, waiting until God did.

After Saul died, once again, David could have stepped up and taken the throne. He was the obvious choice. Instead, he waited until the people chose him. Had he established himself without the heart of the people behind him, would he have been able to maintain the kingdom? He wisely chose to continue to wait on God's timing.

The kingdom was divided on who should be king. Judah made David king, while the rest of Israel acknowledged Saul's son, Ishbosheth, as king. Mephibosheth reigned for two years (2 Samuel 2:10). Was David tapping his fingers in frustration, thinking about Samuel's prophecy?

What we learn from Scripture is that David had to continually encourage himself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6). This is what you must do as you wait in the place of interim for God to move you into position. There will be positions along the way that seem to be the breakthrough but then become one step forward and two steps back. Do not let discouragement and impatience seize your heart. (Photo via Pexels)

Fulfilling Your Call Requires Faithfulness

To fulfill your call requires faithfulness. David wasn't just sitting on his hands as he waited. He was using his skill set and continuing to grow it. As he did, people gravitated to him. Even when he went and hid in a cave to escape Saul and encourage himself in the Lord, men found him—men who had also experienced rejection and were outcasts. Notice, even as David had to battle his way out of rejection, God was using him to teach those whom the Lord brought to him how to battle their way out of the same thing. What we experience and gain victory over, we are able to impart to others. Your battles are never just for you, but to learn, impart, and help others gain their victory.

The Spirit of Rejection

The spirit of rejection seeks to keep you silenced and frustrated. It will prompt you to either remain hidden and give up or compel you to exalt yourself. Neither of those are a godly responses. Like David, learn how to encourage yourself in the Lord, and then be willing to grow your gifts under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit. Work with others to grow the spiritual muscles needed for promotion. As you do, people will eventually gravitate to you!

Are You Willing?

Are you willing to simply be obedient to the Lord, even if you never receive the acknowledgment or position you feel you deserve? Are you willing to, like David, wait for God to move you into position even as you see the years ticking by?

Cast off the Cloak of Rejection

Declare this day that the spirit of rejection that has wrapped itself around you is gone. Cast it off, just as blind Bartimaeus cast off the cloak that designated he was blind. He cast it off as an act of faith to receive his sight.

God is saying to many right now, "Cast off the cloak of rejection, as it is not who you are. Be healed of the wounds of your soul. Stand up and rejoice! Take courage. Get back in the race and use your gifts which I have given you to be a blessing." And know, as you do, God will raise you up as you keep your heart and eyes on Him to fulfill your call. The Lord has not forgotten you.

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Karen Hardin
Destiny Builders Ministry | City-by-City Prayer Network

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Websites: www.karenhardin.com | city-by-city.org | destinybuilders.world

Karen Hardin is the co-founder of the City-by-City Prayer Network. She is a journalist, activist and revivalist, using her pen and prayer to seek change for our nation to turn back to God and truth. Her work has been published in USA Today, Western Journal, Intercessors for America, Charisma, the Elijah List, CBN.com, and more. She is the author of several books, including, "Prayers for America and Trump," "Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity" and "God's Justice After Injustice." For additional information, go to city-by-city.org or karenhardin.com.