In the month of February, God is showing up as the God of more than enough. He is releasing His abundance into areas of struggle and chaos and healing poverty mindsets in the process. He is bringing truth and hidden things into the light. He is releasing peace in the middle of chaos and restoring our hearts back to intimacy with Him. Be still and know that He is God and stand on the imminent breakthrough He's bringing to your situation.

In Contradiction to Abundance

"...I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)

A poverty mindset is a mindset that is in contradiction to abundance. It can be defined as a belief that there is not enough blessing to go around. This belief often causes us to 'make do' and sacrifice what's really best because we believe there is not enough or believe that something isn't available to us. If you've ever felt like there was not enough ________________ (money, time, blessings, etc.) for you, then this belief could be rooted in a poverty mindset.   Continue Reading >>>